Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1928: That person's identity

The furnishings in the house are still as simple as Chu Yan's last visit.

But the original owner of the house, at the moment, was a cold corpse, lying in the coffin of the distant inner hall.

Bai Ju asked Chu Yan to sit down.

It can be seen that during this time, he was also quite tired.

After all, he is the only male in the Bai family today.

Things big and small require him to show his head.

And his realm is still the realm of realm.

This state, in the same boat city, can only be regarded as the lower middle position.

It can be imagined how great his pressure is.

Coming to the secluded room of this small building at this moment, he seemed to find a chance to rest under the heavy pressure. After sitting down, he sighed for a long time.

"This is how the same thing?"

Chu Yan asked.

Mo Qiong stopped talking and looked at Bai Ju.

After a moment of pondering, Bai Ju looked at Chu Yan and arched his hand: "Master Chu, since it is Xiu Xiu's crushing jade rune, please come, then wait for her to come and tell you personally.

This time, alas— "Bai Ju sighed again, his eyes darkened a bit.

"This time, it was an accident.

It can only be said that my Bai family is destined to have this disaster.

Originally, I meant that I did not want Master Chu to visit you because of this.

But I didn't expect ... "Bai Ju smiled helplessly, and then continued:" Maybe Xiu Xiu and Lao Zu have very deep feelings on weekdays, so I can't swallow this breath.

This matter, no matter whether Master Chu is willing to take action at that time, I would like to thank you for being here today. "

Since Bai Ju said so, Chu Yan did not urge him.

Waiting quietly for a moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the building.

From the sound of footsteps, Chu Yan can be heard, the coming person must be very weak these days.

Mo Qiong also heard footsteps, so he opened the door.

Suddenly, Bai Xiuxiu, who was pale, stumbled in.

She was originally weaker than ordinary people because of fire and poison.

Over the past few days, due to excessive sadness and exhaustion of heart and mind, the whole person has revealed a light and thin feeling, as if a gust of wind can blow her away.

After entering the house, Bai Xiuxiu looked quickly.

She didn't see Chu Yan's familiar face, but when she saw a strange young monk sitting in the top position, she was stunned.

But immediately, she reacted, stepped forward, thumped, and knelt in front of Chu Yan.

But instead of speaking immediately, she lowered her head and gritted her teeth.

After a while, tears dripped down his cheeks and landed on the ground, soaking the slate.

At this moment, Bai Ju took a deep breath and said, "Xiu Xiu, this time Master Chu invited you to smash the jade rune, so it is up to you to tell Master Chu."

Bai Xiuxiu has not spoken yet, but Chu Yan first asked a question: "What about Huang Ze?"

Hearing the name, Bai Xiuxiu's shoulders shuddered.

Chu Yan's heart suddenly sank slightly.

The bad hunch before it became thicker.

At the next moment, Bai Xiuxiu bowed deeply toward Chu Yan and wept: "Xiu Xiu is courageous, please ask Master Chu to fight, kill my enemies for my Bai family ancestor, and Huang Ze protector, and revenge."

really! Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

When he appeared in the Bai family at that time, he felt something was wrong.

In addition to the family members of the Bai family, it seems that only Mo Qiong was taking care of the previous protection law.

Why other people are not there, Chu Yan is not clear.

But when Huang Ze was away, Chu Yan felt abnormal.

When dealing with the Bai family before, Chu Yan saw that although Huang Ze was a guru of Tianxin, he was absolutely loyal to the Bai family.

Treating Bai Xiuxiu is more like a nephew and caring.

But now the Bai family seems to be in great trouble. In this case, Huang Ze has only one reason, which may lead to his absence.

He was in an accident.

Now listening to Bai Xiuxiu's speech, Chu Yan's guess was immediately confirmed.

"Speak, what's going on."

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and spoke lightly.

Bai Xiuxiu got up slowly, with tears clearly visible on his face.

She originally wanted to say that if Chu Yan did not agree, she would not get up.

But she soon wanted to understand that it was impossible to do so.

So she stabilized her mind and told Chu Yan what happened in the past few days in detail.

The specific process is not responsible.

It was late one night that the Bai family was suddenly broken into.

The man went directly to the small building where the Bai family ancestors cultivated, which is where everyone is now.

No one knows exactly what was said.

Because when the Bai family heard the voice and hurried over, the ancestor had lost his breath.

And the man was extremely arrogant. Even if the Bai family arrived, and surrounded him, he still talked hard and asked the Bai family to hand over the treasure.

The man who broke into the Bai family and killed the ancestor did indeed have arrogant capital.

Because, he is the triple of the state of mind.

In this state, let alone crushing all the Bai family, no one dares to provoke even the entire Tongzhou city.

The Bai family now has no treasures.

The man's unbelief forced the Bai family to take out the treasure.

At this time Huang Ze rushed over.

His realm and strength are among the best in the Bai family's protection.

But helplessness, even with loyalty and atmosphere, there is no way to narrow the gap between the three monks of the heavenly state of mind.

As a result, Huang Ze was burned to ashes by the other party's supernatural powers, and even the bones could not be left.

Seeing this scene, the few guardians of the Bai family fled on the spot with only two left.

The two also left quietly that night.

After listening to Bai Xiuxiu's narration, Chu Yan didn't speak.

Because he heard it, Bai Xiuxiu did not finish it.

He quietly pondered for a moment, looking at the other party: "You know the identity of this person, right?"


Bai Xiuxiu nodded.


Bai Ju suddenly opened his mouth, interrupting Bai Xiuxiu, "This is the disaster of our Bai family, but it was just an accident. Do you really want to cause trouble to Master Chu?

That is the triple of the state of mind, not to mention the family behind him! "

Bai Xiuxiu's breath was stagnant.

She gritted her teeth, her unwillingness, hatred and sorrow in her eyes, repeated repeatedly, and finally turned into two tears, pouring out of her eyes.

Chu Yan was curious at this time.

He can see that Bai Xiuxiu and Bai Ju are not acting at this time, nor do they want to retreat and let him go.

Bai Xiuxiu really wanted to avenge his ancestors and Huang Ze.

Bai Ju really didn't want to cause trouble for Chu Yan.

And from their words, the situation is also obvious.

Ye Chuang Bai family, killing the ancestors and Huang Ze, they all know each other's identity.

Behind this person, there is a family.

This person did not hide his origins.

In this case, what do the Bais fear about each other?

They came to the door and did not dare to retaliate.

And what did that person think in his mind, a heaven with three mental states, bullying the small, directly killing the door, and taking the prestige of the Bai family, the city's main palace in the same boat, can they be ignored?

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