Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1937: Waiting for you

Chu Yan glanced at him sideways.

Bai Ju shuddered.

Although Chu Yan didn't say a word, at this moment, he understood Chu Yan's eyes.

The strong murderous intention at that moment made him feel like his soul was about to be torn apart.

"Gu's home ... to be finished ..." He murmured in a voice that only he heard.

Chu Yan is now back under the flagpole.

The onlookers in front of the flagpole knew that there was no danger, but no one dared to come closer.

Including the main city of the city, which had heard the news, also chose to pretend to know nothing.

The door is closed and the years are quiet.

Gu Weiting, who has three levels of heaven and heart, can let the main house of Tongzhou City be a tortoise.

And in an instant shot, the ruthless man who beheaded the triple mind of the heavens is here, and the city master's house can't wait to be a headless turtle.

Looking at the open space in front of him, Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Gu Weiting, who was shaking like a chaff on the flagpole.

At this moment, in addition to fear, Gu Weiting's eyes are more pleading and despair.

He seems to have guessed Chu Yan's thoughts.

Also today and today, once again confirmed the strength of Chu Yan.

It is not possible to crush a triple of the state of mind.

It is the triple mind state, he never put it in his eyes.

Gu Weiting regretted this moment.

If he could go back in time, he vowed he would never come to the same town.

No, to be precise, he will use the last time of his life to visit the mountains, rivers, and not to cause trouble to his family.

"Do you regret it?"

Chu Yan said lightly.

Gu Weiting flashed a ray of fine awn in his eyes and nodded quickly.


Chu Yan spit out two words and meditated again.

What happened tonight was as expected, so it did not disrupt his plan.

As for the corpses on the ground, the Bai family soon came to clean up.

The storage bags carried by these monks were arranged by the Bai family, respectfully, and presented to Chu Yan.

In fact, when Chu Yan does not care about these corpses, it means that these storage bags can be disposed of by the Bai family.

But the Bai family still chose to let him glance first, which seems very particular.

Chu Yan is also a particular person. Since his previous behavior has already been shown to the Bai family for disposal, he just nodded his head lightly at this time, so he didn't have much control.

After the Bai family left, Chu Yan's right hand was in his sleeve, slowly stroking the Yin Cao Ling Ling Ling, the consciousness entered, and found the monk with a double state of mind that day, tortured immediately.

Of the four monks, Chu Yan did not choose to ingest those two higher realms, and naturally there were his reasons.

Because Chu Yan has long noticed that there is a symbol belonging to the family on the robe of this double-hearted monk.

Therefore, Chu Yan speculated that Gu's attack on the Bai family would definitely not be completed by outsiders.

One of the four must be a monk of the Gu family, which is responsible for supervision.

And this monk, the state should not be too low, nor too prominent.

According to such a speculation, this sky has a double state of mind, and the size is suitable.

In Yin Cao Ling Ling Ling, Chu Yan's powerful consciousness directly crushed the past, and quickly scanned the other party's memory.

Sure enough, everything is similar to what Chu Yan predicted.

Precisely speaking, in this operation, a total of five monks.

The other one was Chu Yan who was struck to death by the Divine Mind.

It's just a small person who is insignificant and responsible for the recording process, so it doesn't need to be appreciated.

As for this monk with a double mind, it is actually not a Gu family member, but a guardian of the Gu family. This time it is exercised as a supervisor.

The other three monks were all favored by Gu's family, so this time they promised to help.

After all, what is to be done is "dirty work". On the bright side, it is still necessary to clear the relationship with the Gu family.

The plan was perfect, but unfortunately, they predicted the wrong strength of the opponent.

Because this monk was Gu Family's protector, he was regarded as the core level of the family, not the kind of peripherals of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, his understanding of Gu's family was relatively detailed. Invisible, it helped Chu Yan save a lot of trouble.

Through the memory of this monk, Chu Yan now knows Gu family a lot more than ordinary people.

But Chu Yan is also clear that Gu family must still have hidden power.

Those forces are only known to family members, seniors, and cores, and even the law protectors are impossible to understand.

But what about that?

From Gu Weiting's approach, we can see the pattern and vision of this family.

Even if there is hidden power, Chu Yan is confident and directly punches.

Next, wait for the Gu family to come home.

Chu Yan closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

Because of the fighting method and Chu Yan's decisive and fierce means in the evening, in the morning, although the monks who came to the onlookers finally gathered, they are much quieter and more orderly than the noisy before. .

Many people disdained Chu Yan yesterday, but today they dare not look at Chu Yan.

It wasn't until the punishment for Gu Weiting in the morning that the atmosphere gradually recovered.

As for the main house of Tongzhou City, a little later, they also sent people to the Bai family to give their greetings.

In fact, since the last time the limit gate happened, the city's attitude towards the Bai family has changed a lot.

Not to mention whether they are willing, at least on the surface, they still take care of the Bai family.

But this time, don't blame them.

After all, the reputation of Gu Weiting and Gu family is too bad, plus the behavior of monsters and beasts that are not external, so the city's main government chooses to protect itself, and it cannot be blamed.

It's just that they can't be blamed or unwilling to be blamed. These are two different things.

The Bai family was in the same boat city, so Bai Ju still met with people from the city's main palace, and they fought with each other for a while.

If you don't know the situation in advance, [pencil novel www.qbxs.vip] I am afraid that the two sides will be harmonious.

However, when the man from the city's main palace said that he could meet the mysterious young monk, Bai Ju sent someone to ask Chu Yan, and then Chu Yan rejected him.

See you, get out! Such a simple rejection refused to give face to the city's government.

But the people coming from the city's main palace not only did not get angry, but instead smiled and smiled. They repeatedly said that the guru was busy and disturbed Yunyun himself.

Because they can see clearly, Chu Yan does not see them at the moment, in fact, it means that they will not pursue their previous negligence.

Face is small, life is big.

Between face and life, the city's main palace is naturally willing to choose life.

The time flickered, and it was almost noon. It was the second round of whipping today, and the crowd around the open space suddenly separated like a tide.

Several monks wearing luxurious robes walked over.

The person headed was thin and straight, but he was tall and straight. In both eyes, purple qi lingered, and the whole body was surrounded by a mysterious Dao rhythm.

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