Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1956: Nowhere to escape

"The elders of the ghost killing pavilion ..." "The identity of the monk, the two elders of the ghost killing pavilion, in front of him, had no strength to fight back!"

"Just now I heard him talk about the terrier chicken and tile dog, and thought it was bragging, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

In the town of Shita, an exclamation came suddenly.

They can clearly feel the shock of the torrent.

It is precisely because of this that they can know more deeply that Chu Yan's strength is much, much better than that of the elders of this ghost killing pavilion.

And what makes them feel even more incredible is that the monks with double hearts in Heaven's state of mind were really like crushing ants, killing the elders with ghosts in the triple heart of Heaven's state of mind.

But at this time, a roar came from the pouring torrent.

"Golden Light God Armor!"

Uh! Immediately, a golden beam of light went straight into the sky, and in an instant, it even broke through the rolling Stygian River.

This golden beam of light seems to have a sacred taste, which contains a strong emperor's breath and has a natural restraint against demons.

At the next moment, by the way, this golden beam of light, like a peacock opening screen, like the light of the sun, scattered, stretched, and suddenly, in the Styx, cut a gap.

Chu Yan looked at the golden light, his eyes narrowed.

Although the power of the Sage Master is powerful, in the Styx, it can even continuously create ghosts and ghosts.

But at this moment, this golden light contained an extraordinarily strong king's breath.

This kind of breath can make Zhuxie avoid retreat.

This kind of breath is impossible to hide in any kind of treasure. Generally speaking, it is only the royal emperors of the world that have this kind of breath.

Obviously, if the elders of this ghost killing pavilion, if they don't practice, in the world, it must be the life of the emperor.

Just as Chu Yan looked at the golden light, he roared and made the golden light boil.

Bang! In the Styx, a golden vortex appeared.

The elder of the ghost killing pavilion looked awkward at this time, rising from the golden light, his eyes filled with consternation, and he looked at Chu Yan.

"Boy, I admit that I misread you!"

Between the words, he waved his hands repeatedly.

Dozens of jade seals flew out and surrounded him, like the stars arching the moon.

Dao Dao Jin Guang, gathered together, in an instant, made him seem to become a golden person, when speaking, they brought a kind of enlightened world, overlooking the taste of sentient beings.

But what was said was full of resentment and hatred.

"You just wait for the relentless revenge from our ghost killing club!"

Buzz buzz! His body was golden with a slight sway, and suddenly a rhythm resonated with the avenue.

One step was taken, as if it was a big river, drawing in the sky.

The elder of this ghost killing pavilion suddenly took a thousand miles away.

But after this step, Jin Guang was much dimmed.

Not only that, but his whole body was decayed by at least 20%.

Because Chu Yan just shot, let him deeply understand that although he has an absolute advantage in the realm, but in terms of strength, I am afraid that the other party's finger is not as good.

In this case, if you want to save your life, you have to pay a price.

Because of this, the elders of the Ghost Killing Pavilion are not hesitating to burn their luck and blood, just to be able to move thousands of miles in an instant and throw Chu Yan away.

But he had just moved a thousand miles away, and was about to take the second step. Suddenly, there was a sound of broken air around him.

"Why ..." I didn't realize what was going on. A chain of black chains suddenly shot out of the void.

Each of these chains is only about the thickness of an adult's finger, but it gives an indestructible feeling.

Crackling! In a moment, like a broken glaze, the chain penetrated the golden light and clasped the elders, legs, and waist of Elder Guishuige tightly.

The last chain, which appeared from behind him, was firmly wrapped around his neck.

At the next moment, these chains shook together.

boom! The elders of the ghost killing pavilion were all shattered and smashed into powder.

The emperor's luck, in an instant, dissipated invisible.

What made him even more furious was that not only was luck, but at this moment, his body's aura and blood were also blocked by these chains, his body could not move, all kinds of exercises, and he couldn't exercise, completely ruin For a piece of fish meat to be arbitrarily cut.

Chu Yan's figure immediately appeared in front of him.

This time, Chu Yan did not give him the opportunity to speak again.

"I don't need you to find me, I will send them down to accompany you later!"

Elder Guishuige breathed for a long time, and his pupils reflected the dazzling fire radiating from Chu Yan's palm.

This guy, it's not just them.

Listening to the tone, even the entire ghost killing pavilion should be destroyed together.

Ghost Killing Pavilion, but there is the existence of Purple House.

This kid, where is the courage! It was just that, with all kinds of shocks and doubts, he had no chance to feel it again.

"Taiyi Lihuodao!"

boom! The fire stretched and spewed.

Suddenly, the elder of the ghost killing pavilion was burned to ashes.

In that dark ash, Chu Yan reached out and grabbed the opponent's magic weapon in his hands.

Not counting for the time being, turning the stacking wave void bracelet, and heading directly towards the mountain where the earthquake and other people are located.

Thousands of miles away, fold the void, and you'll be here in no time.

At the next moment, coming to the mountain, Chu Yan's coercion spread directly.

Rumble! Within a hundred miles, the mountains were swaying and shaking.

A series of cracks appeared on the ground, mountains, and a few shorter peaks, directly collapsed, a large piece of smoke, washed up into the sky, and swarmed around.

Although the mountain rock where the earthquake and other people were hiding, although still not moving at this time, there were layers of light appearing on the surface.

This light is the defensive array and illusory array that envelope the mountain.

But at this moment, the light also shone, shook, and nearly collapsed.

Chu Yan looked away and snorted.

There was a nasal sound, and the sound condensed into a beam, piercing the void, and directly clicking on the defensive array.

boom! The light burst suddenly, and even with the mountain rock, it suddenly burst a gap.

This mountain rock, which had been hollowed out by the hands of the earthquake, looked like a mountain, but in fact it was similar to an inverted vase, only a thin layer on the outside.

At this time, the mountain exploded with a gap, and the light shone in. Suddenly, the flashing runes on the inner side of the mountain wall, and the roar of the demon ape, all came out.

At this time, the large defensive formation was broken, and the Aeolian and others knew that this place had already been discovered.

At the next moment, several figures appeared in the sky and confronted Chu Yan.

Appearing in front of Chu Yan were the earthquake, Ye Chen, and his several guardians of heavenly state of mind.

"I've seen you!"

Seeing Chu Yan, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly froze, "Among the teahouse, you are there!"

Upon hearing this remark, the staring of the earthquake struck, and it seemed that he had thought of something.

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