Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1964: Killed in Bieyuan

boom! boom! Thunderlight suddenly exploded, condensed into a giant war spear in front of Zijin Storm Thunder Ape, and slammed downward.

Layers of voids suddenly burst.

The palm formed by the lake water was suddenly pierced.

The war spear is twisted again! Boom! The palm of the hand suddenly exploded into a huge wave, and the surrounding lake surface was even more turbulent. The sound waves spread out, causing the surrounding green hills to shake constantly, bursting out loud noises.

At the moment when the palm exploded, a layer of light blue light film rose from below the lake.

"Defensive formation."

Chu Yan's eyes were faint.

His consciousness pressed down violently, and in an instant, he discovered that there was no cave under the lake.

Tall buildings, lined up one after another, layer upon layer, like a city hidden under a lake.

"It seems that the ape monster's understanding of Bie Yuan is still a bit wrong."

Chu Yan said.

The scale of this underwater building is much larger than Bieyuan.

But in this way, Chu Yan is more satisfied.

Because this means that the treasures of heaven and earth collected in it are much larger than a single palace.

And at this moment, even if blocked by the defensive array, Chu Yan could feel a strong blood, which penetrated and shocked from the buildings of the lake bottom city and seemed extremely exuberant.

Just as Chu Yan's consciousness swept across the lake bottom city, a ray of light flew out of the buildings around the city.

In the light, there are men and women.

But most of them are still the magic weapon of flying.

Soon, hundreds of people gathered.

These hundreds of people wore robes of similar styles and colors.

Among them, there are only three people in the state of mind, and there are only twenty people in the state of earth.

The rest is the condensed veins, obviously the lowest-ranking servant in this garden.

At this time, the group of people all had a look of exasperation on their faces, and when they saw the purple gold thunder ape hovering in mid-air, the body shone with thunder and light, and suddenly burst into exclaimation.

"It's the ape demon!"

"Isn't he taken away by the owner, how did he run back?"


"Ape demon, if you dare to come back, you are not afraid that the master will kill you!"

"Bold! This is what you can set foot on!"

Listening to the voices of questioning, surprise, or anger, Zijin Storm Thunder ape sneered, showing his sharp fangs in his mouth.

"Your master has been devastated, and if he is sensible, he kneels obediently and waits for the master of my house to die!"

"the host?"

Suddenly, a mood of heaven stood out in the crowd.

He glanced at the words of Chu hovering above the Zijin Thunder Ape, sneering again and again: "On the basis of the two of you, do you want to make rumors?

Zhen Shaoru's mental state is triple today, and the blood demon tears the celestial body. With the two of you, the team will not be his opponent. I think it is you who kneels down and waits for it to be sent. "

In the air, Chu Yan frowned.

Although it turned out thousands of blood arrows, it interfered with the other party's exploration.

But that is after all the power of the Purple House, and its strength is beyond heaven, and it is by no means comparable to the state of mind.

So Chu Yan must grab time now, where is the time and such a little chatter.

The words fell and he stomped.

Bang! In the midair, it seemed that a giant's foot appeared straight down, and the void seemed to be crushed.

With a loud noise, the light of the defensive array shook violently up and down.

At that moment, the monks below felt their throats were choked and their breathing stopped.

At the next moment, the light of the defensive array exploded at once, and even the lake water with the entire lake was like boiling water, which directly exploded into the air.

"I ..." "How is this possible!"

"Who is this person!"

"Quickly tell the owner!"


Suddenly for a moment, the group of monks suddenly exclaimed again and again, their faces pale, and even crawling and crawling, they ran towards the city.

There are also defensive formations and even teleportation formations in the city.

That was their only hope of escape.

Buzz-bang! But a huge figure descended from the sky, as if it were a wall, stopped in front of them.

This wall, the whole body is gleaming with electric light, as if it were a series of electric pythons, and the body is unparalleled in breath.

"None of you, don't want to go!"

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape was ordered by Chu Yan, and at this time he stopped the group of monks and roared.

But at the moment, these hundreds of monks were almost frightened, who would listen to it.

And in the eyes of these monks, they had hundreds of people on this side, some flying, some using flying magic weapons, all of a sudden, and rushed towards the city.

Even if the ape demon has three heads and six arms, it is absolutely impossible to stop them all.

Maybe I'm the fish that missed the net! With such an idea, these monks, like crazy, run the aura in their bodies, increase the speed to the fastest, and rush towards the city.

Zijin Storm Thunder ape roared loudly, the whole body's breath soared, and in a flash, it caused Tianlei.

Click, click, click! Thunderstorms thicker than buckets, descended from the sky at the moment, gathered in the palm of the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape, and then swept toward the monks who rushed in front.

Crackling! Suddenly, as long as it was touched by this dense lightning flash, whether it was a monk or a flying magic weapon, it immediately exploded like a firecracker.

The flying magic weapon was torn apart, and the debris scattered around.

The monk exploded into a mass of plasma, leaving only a few residual limbs, and flew into the distance.

Among them, the three heavenly states of mind are dead and wounded in an instant.

Of the two dead, only half of the face was intact, and the other parts were all engulfed by lightning, not only fried into flesh and blood, but also evaporated by lightning in the next moment, leaving no residue left.

The injured one lost one arm and one thigh, and the rest of the body was broken and scorched black. He flew out and smashed the ground with despair and panic in his eyes.

However, as expected by these monks, they are large in number and fast. After all, there are a few lucky people among the hundreds who have not been swept by the thunder light and rushed behind the purple gold thunder ape.

The city is close at hand! The teleportation array that escaped from birth is in it! But at this moment, a red light suddenly appeared on top of their heads.

Accompanying it is the terrible heat that burns the skin.

Before they could react, the blood-red light crashed to the ground and slammed the tall building in front of them into nothing.

Rolling flames spread out all around in a twinkling of an instant, raging flames and raging smoke.

These monks were dragged down by tens of thousands of feet, and fell one by one.

When they looked up at the city engulfed in flames again, they could hardly believe their eyes.

"Well, how is this possible ..." "Less, it saves us!"

"I said, that guy is dead."

The voice of Zijin Storm Thunder Ape sounded behind several of them.

Soon, these monks were completely engulfed by the huge shadow.

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