Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1967: Just waiting for you

Outside of a **** barrier, the eyes of the Zijin Thunder Ape, from the anxiety at the beginning to the shock later, to the unbelievable, and then to the numbness at the moment.

The whole process did not take too long.

At first, it was anxious that it was worried that Chu Yan could not stop the influence of these eight beasts on his temperament, thus implicating himself.

The next shock was that Chu Yan actually actually fought against these eight-headed beasts, and beheaded each other repeatedly.

Unbelievable is the next step. It found Chu Yan's breath and began to improve steadily. This is obviously not only killing the beasts, but also turning them into stepping stones on their way to promotion! "Not only did he feel, but he did it! This guy is still a human being!"

Zijin Storm Thunder ape roared crazy.

But when he thought of the terror that he felt at that time, he couldn't help but tremble.

His own soul and essence and blood are now pinched in the other hand.

So some intense emotions can be felt by the other party.

In this way, if the other party knows what he thinks at this time and is punished at that time, it will be worthless.

With such a thought, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape tried to calm himself down, and at the same time seized the opportunity to absorb the blood from the surroundings and speed up the recovery of his injury.

In this way, it has also benefited a lot.

At this time, in the square, Chu Yan raised his hand and hit a thousand stars.

The starlight seemed like countless spears, shooting straight from the air, making a sound like a gust of wind and rain.

A fierce beast with a lion head, but a centipede body, was beaten into a sieve. When it fell from the sky, it turned into a Taotao blood river, and was immediately absorbed by Chu Yan.

This is the sixth monster that Chu Yan beheaded.

The feeling of promotion, from the beginning to the misty misty, has become extremely intense at this time.

But as described in some words, rubbing outside does not go in.

It felt like it was so close.

Chu Yan was not in a hurry.

His eyes moved slightly, and his consciousness spread violently around him.

Three thousand miles away, all under control.

At the same time, about the 10,000 **** bloods that were shot before and used to disturb the Purple Mansion, he is also experiencing the spirits in them at the moment.

At that time, in order to be able to influence the judgment of the Purple Mansion as much as possible, Chu Yan was also in that **** arrow, penetrating into his own soul, in order to be more realistic.

Chu Yan did not do this out of imagination.

Although several purple palaces like the Tiangang Gate were not beheaded by him, his ontological consciousness was also being observed during that process.

Afterwards, he also asked the man behind the gate of **** to understand the strength of some purple palaces.

In addition, when talking with the handsome dad before, he also raised some confusions in his mind about some doubts in the Purple Mansion, and then got answers from the dad.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so decisive before, with his own blood, to interfere with the judgment of the real man of the Purple House, and he came here with a very quick way of folding the void.

At this moment, Chu Yan cut another fierce beast according to his own plan, transforming his blood energy into aura and introducing it into his body.

At the same time, he also felt that the wave of spirit blood he had radiated out was not much left at this time. It was only a matter of time before the other party found where he was at the moment.

For this situation, Chu Yan did not feel too many surprises.

After all, from the beginning, his purpose did not expect to get rid of the other party completely, but to delay the time.

Now, the purpose of delaying time has been achieved.

Chu Yan looked at the last fierce beast in front of him, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and raised his hand, the knife light pulled out a long arc, with a mighty breath, and suddenly broke the **** barrier.

In an instant, the mountain shook.

A beam of light pointed directly at the sky dome, penetrated the clouds, and disappeared into Jiuxiao.

At the same time, the real man in Zifu, who was still looking for Chu Yan, felt something, opened his eyes instantly, and saw the aftertaste of this beam of light.

His eyes were sharp and sharp, and he reached forward and grabbed it, and countless fires condensed, and the infinite information was imprinted in his heart.

"Got you!"

Real man Zifu shouted loudly, waving his arm.

The void in front of him suddenly seemed to be divided like a wave of water.

A constantly wriggling channel appeared in front of him.

"It consumes my own energy and soul, and interferes with my judgment. I have to say that your approach really delayed the time.

But the fake ones are fake after all, and they will never be true.

Now, you are still found by me! Those who kill me in the old building must fill their lives! "

The real man of the Purple House stepped into this torn crack of the void.

At the next moment, the sky over the Beyond Garden where Chu Yan was located was violently turbulent.

With a snort, the tearing of the cloth came.

Above the sky, a crack of a hundred miles suddenly appeared.

The scorching waves, like the sky fire coming, appeared inside.

The real man of the Purple House, as if he was on the spot, took a step from it.

All of a sudden, thousands of miles, it seemed to have fallen into flames.

The mountain peaks that had been soaked in blood before, burned directly, turning into a huge torch standing between heaven and earth.

At the moment when the real man of Zifu appeared, Zijin Thunder Ape awoke from the state of cultivation.

When he looked up, he suddenly felt that his heart seemed to be slammed. His eyes were black for a while, and his soul was still shaking. For a moment, he even had no courage to look directly at the other party.

The real man's gaze of the purple house swept toward the purple gold thunder ape.

With just one glance, Zijin Thunder Ape spouted a blood arrow with his mouth open, flew out of the body for dozens of miles, and smashed into a mountain.

The burning mountain suddenly collapsed.

Boulders like red charcoal hit the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape.

At this moment, the injury to Zijin Thunder Ape is much more serious than after being detained and tortured by the destructive earthquake, and even after a battle of burning his own blood.

Fortunately, Chu Yan had given it a panacea before, and he used the blood gas diffused here to heal some injuries.

Otherwise, the new injury plus the old injury, at this time by the real eyes of this purple house, it is very likely that it will die directly! But even if he is not dead now, it is extremely difficult to stand up in a short time.

At this moment, I can pull off the rock pressed on my body, and I have tried my best.

After striking the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape at once, the eyes of the real man of Zifu looked at the blood-colored barrier in front of him.

"Oh, I haven't left, you dare to practice.

It seems that you not only didn't put Huanggulou in your eyes, but also did not see me, the real man in Zifu! "

In a word, Wan Lei burst out of shock.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! A **** barrier exploded in the explosion sound that was enough to break the stars and destroy the sun and the moon.

The vast lake water boiled and evaporated in a flash.

All he could see was scorched earth.

And the moment the blood-colored barrier exploded, the real man of the Purple House also saw Chu Yan who was waving his sword.

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