Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1973: Devour the sky

"I actually ... really helped him to complete the promotion ..." Real Man Zifu was ashamed and angry.

He had previously noticed that he was being used by the other party.

But because of his own realm and control over the situation, he did not pay any attention to this matter.

As a result, the other party's chance of promotion was fulfilled.

"I was actually used by him!"

There was an anger that burned uncontrollably in the hearts of real people in Zifu.

His breath became heavy.

"I will never let you go! When the monk is promoted, the heart is wide open, the weakest! At this time, you should still be promoted in front of me, really looking for your own way! I want you to pay for what you just did Ten times, no, a hundred times the price! "

The real man of Zifu roared loudly, waving his arm.

Suddenly, eight light wheels, shining like a flame, appeared from above his head.

A breath that dominated the world, the flame **** came, spread.

The voids around them suddenly began to twist, stack, collide, and continuously roared.

"Die to me!"

In the eyes of the real man of the Purple House, the flames are flaming, and the aura is violently urged, just like a big river, injected into the magic weapon.

Suddenly, eight light wheels burst into a deafening roar. Not only did they spin at high speed, they also formed a circle, woo woo woo, in a blink of an eye, it became a burning circle.

And in the center of this great circle, this moment is deeply depressed, and a kingdom of flames appears.

Under the impulse of the real spirit of Zifu, this kingdom of flame swept directly towards Chu Yan.

Countless flame gods appear in the kingdom.

They are tall and majestic, pointing to the earth, majestic and mighty, displaying their peerless magical powers, and violently impacting on Chu Yan.

Pieces of mountains and rivers are empty, the sky and the sky are all broken.

But at this time, in the storm of Chu Yan's promotion, a black line suddenly appeared.

This black line looks thin and long.

But the moment of appearance gave Zifu real people a very dangerous feeling.

As if that were the most dangerous origin between heaven and earth.

Om-sho-the black line suddenly accelerated, swiping forward, and immediately, it touched the kingdom of flames.

Time seems to be still for a moment.

The light also seemed to complete a light and dark alternation.

The real breath of Zifu paused for a moment, and his heart suddenly appeared at this moment.

He hadn't waited for him to come back, and there was a clatter, the mighty, endless kingdom of flames, even collapsed before his eyes! The towering buildings and mountains formed by flames collapsed in an instant.

The running roar, showing the magical power of the peerless magic, a black cut appeared on his body, and the next moment, it turned into the sky of Mars, and was blown away by the wind, and completely disappeared.

"This ..." The real man of Zifu completely froze.

The moment the black thin line appeared, he noticed a distinctive taste.

That is not a magic weapon or magical power.

It's a resonance that echoes the heaven and earth avenues.

This resonance, he once felt a trace of the flame giant bird soul that he captured.

It's just that trace, too weak.

It was like a drop of wine falling into the lake, and it was only because he reached the Purple Mansion that he could feel it.

But the black thread just now is clearly like a century of pure brew! At this time, he finally understood why the flame giant bird had completely cut off his connection with himself.

"This is ... Avenue ..." Real breathing of the real man of Purple House has become extremely difficult.

This was even more resolved by Chu Yan than his previous supernatural powers. It was even more shocking and frightening than being trapped in this void at this time.

Avenue! Tiandi Avenue.

The other party just shot, it turned out to be the supreme avenue attack! what is this.

Why does a celestial state of mind not only comprehend the avenue, but also exert such power.

He is a real person in the purple palace realm. Until now, let ’s not say anything about Dadao. Even if you touch it, you are not qualified to do it! For a moment, the look of a real man in Zifu became extremely lonely and complicated.

It even gives people a feeling of utter despair.

At the same time, during the storm, the ground water, fire and wind, countless days of catastrophe and natural disasters, like a storm, poured down towards Chu Yan.

Rumble! Thunder turned into a waterfall, condensed into countless weapons, full of killing thoughts, and in a flash, Chu Yan engulfed.

You can resist the sky-tribulation and fight back.

Chu Yan said, naturally is-counterattack! No supernatural powers or exercises are needed, and by virtue of the physical body, it is counterattacked.

While defeating the Heavenly Tribulation, with the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, refine yourself and realize the truth.

With a roar, Chu Yan stepped forward, a lion-like majesty broke out, deterred thousands of creatures, and punched.

This punch seemed to directly penetrate into the depths of the void, plunged into the Thunder Falls, and then exploded violently.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! Countless lightning, completely exploded.

The weapons condensed by the thunderlight burst into pieces in an instant.

Thunder Falls is like being torn in half by a pair of invisible big hands.

Chu Yan feels not enough.

He fingered one finger and grabbed one.

The thunder in front of him suddenly concentrated sharply.

In an instant, the Thunder, thousands of miles away, all turned into a ball.

Inside this ball, there is enough power to destroy the mountains and rivers.

But Chu Yan didn't care, opened his mouth directly, and ate it.

Swallow the sky! If this scene is seen by a real person outside of the storm now, I am afraid that it will be directly scared to death! No one will do this in the future, and no one knows it yet.

But before Chu Yan, absolutely no one would do so.

Rolling sky and thunder, Chu Yan was suddenly swallowed into the belly.

That day, Lei just wanted to detonate and explode Chu Yan's heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys into plasma.

"I want to take all your strength for your own use!"

boom! With a loud explosion, Chu Yan's body swelled up like an inflatable ball.

Then, crackling! The sound of a violent explosion came from every muscle, all hair, and even every pore in his body.

But Chu Yan didn't feel the slightest pain, but felt that his body became lighter, his thoughts became sharper, and the strength in his body was even more crazy.

After a moment, the thunderous sound stopped.

Chu Yan's gaze looked at the highly toxic mist coming forward.

"It's your turn!"

Chu Yan took a deep breath.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Time of day—The turbulent dark green poisonous mist suddenly gathered into a large river and was swallowed by Chu Yan.

After the poisonous gas, it is a colorful flashing light.

Chu Yan reached out and grabbed.

Directly tearing the void where the light is, and condensing into a ball in the palm, swallowed into the belly.

Eight kinds of elements, eight kinds of Heaven Tribulation, without exception, all absorbed into his body!

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