Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1984: Innate magic weapon

"It seems lucky today."

Encountered only two purple palace realm, indeed saved a lot of effort.

But this idea just flashed in Chu Yan's mind, and then he didn't think about it anymore.

For such a matter of luck, he has never believed, nor will he pin his hopes on such illusory things that he cannot control.

Since he had the courage to come today, he was naturally prepared for more than two heavens.

Whether it is three or four, or more than five, he is confident to kill them all.

As for there are only two, it just means less effort.

After beheading two monks from the Purple Palace, Chu Yan no longer had any obstacles.

He came directly to the crystal skull.

This time, instead of watching from a distance as before, I went directly into the skull.

Inside the skull, it was like an empty room.

This room is like crystal casting, crystal clear everywhere.

But it is worthy of being a congenital treasure. Although the whole looks transparent, when it is outside the skull, neither the sight nor the consciousness can see the inside.

After entering the inside of the skull, Chu Yan immediately felt a very peaceful mood.

Even the battle that had just ended brought him an uneasy spirit, and after entering the inside of the skull, they all disappeared.

Throughout the breath, there is a rhythm peculiar to cultivation.

Among the skulls, in addition to being surrounded by crystals, there is one thing that is very strange.

It is on this ground that there are gaps.

These gaps, with a trace of arc, each of which is about three feet long, is at a distance from each other.

This is a congenital treasure, and everything in it cannot be created by man.

In other words, since these gaps appear here, they must have their effect.

Chu Yan looked at it curiously for a moment, and after not discovering anything special, he took a step forward.

This step brought him close to one of the gaps.

Almost at the same moment, Chu Yan felt the aura in his body, suddenly flowed, and seemed to resonate with this crystal skull.

This resonance is very miraculous. While he feels extremely calm at the same time, he also has a feeling of constantly moving forward and climbing the state rapidly.

"This is ..." Just when Chu Yan felt surprised, the gap in front of him suddenly opened and suddenly became an eye! But these eyes are not scary at all, nor will they make people feel at odds.

When Chu Yan looked down, he looked right at this eye.

In an instant, Chu Yan felt that his heart was empty and silent, and the flow of spiritual energy in his body was completely integrated with the world.

"So it turns out!"

Suddenly, Chu Yan understood.

This innate treasure, as expected, could allow the monk to enter a state of concentration on cultivation, and also improve the state of cultivation.

"No wonder Ghost Killing Pavilion is going to send two Purple Houses to protect it."

After confirming that there was no problem at all, Chu Yan stepped away from the inside of the crystal skull, reached out and grabbed it, and included it in the small universe.

After he planned to go back to Xuanxin Island, he hid this congenital treasure deep underground in Xingxin Island, and then let his companions come in to practice.

With everyone's talents, and then cooperate with this magic weapon to practice, a thousand miles a day is definitely not the slightest problem.

And this is also the purpose of his special trip here.

Everything went smoothly and satisfactorily, and Chu Yan was in a good mood.

After four scans of Divine Consciousness, confirming that there is no information about him left, he returned to the same way and soon returned to the Silver Butterfly Canyon.

But when he went out, he was no longer in the position where he had come in before, but came to the place of Silver Butterfly Canyon near the edge of butterfly wings.

The location here is very inconspicuous, and it was obviously deliberately chosen by the Guishou Pavilion.

Diving around for a look, Chu Yan immediately turned the Stack Wave Void Bracelet, and soon appeared in the meeting and place set before with the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape.

Because Chu Yan's treasure collection process is relatively smooth, it is still too early to anticipate the meeting time.

However, Chu Yan didn't wait much. He spread a ray of consciousness directly, and immediately found the ape demon who appeared to wander in Nafang Town according to his instructions and turned into a humanoid.

The ape demon was watching a bunch of magic weapons like a banana at the moment.

Suddenly, there was a consciousness in my heart.

Just when he wondered if he was suddenly blessed by the string of magical powers and felt something, a message suddenly appeared in his heart.

That was Chu Yan's message.

The ape demon suddenly shivered, knowing that the owner was alive, and suddenly dared not have any delay, immediately turned around, without looking at the string of magic weapons, and rushed towards the appointed place.

Shortly after he left, a figure appeared at the position where it was just now, looking at the banana-like magic weapon.

"How many spirit stones is this magic weapon?"

Asked the shadow.

"Eight Thousand Grade Spirits ..." The monk on sale was lazily speaking, and suddenly felt the terrifying coercion on the other side, and suddenly a trembling, bitter face changed his mouth and said: "Guru needs, two hundred grade spirit stones Just do it. "

"Two hundred spirit stones are a little lost, three hundred spirit stones are here, you take them."

The figure threw out a storage bag, reached over the string of magic weapons, and then disappeared in place.

The monk sold for a while before recovering.

When the wind blew, he only felt his back cold.

Only then did he realize that just a moment ago, his back was soaked with cold sweat.

The trembling hand picked up the storage bag, which was filled with three hundred top-grade spirit stones.

The price of this storage bag is not low.

At this moment, he was relieved a little, thinking that the guru was not bad.

He was frightened and said a price that was too low, but the other party had eyesight to see whether it was good or bad, which was also rare.

Soon after, Zijin Thunder Ape arrived at the place agreed with Chu Yan.

According to Chu Yan's instructions, he still maintained his human form at the moment.

Seeing Chu Yan's figure in the woods, the ape demon shuddered slightly, instinctively feeling a trace of fear.

It didn't know why, he would suddenly have such emotions to Chu Yan.

The reason is very simple.

Chu Yan just recently killed two real people in Zifu.

When the strong man falls, the sudden disappearance of the blood will produce a very compelling sense of death.

The monster is more sensitive to this feeling than the human race.

Therefore, in the secular world, there is a saying that killing chickens to show monkeys, the reason is that the true Yang blood in the chicken body is the richest. Once killed, other creatures feel the sudden disappearance of this blood gas, and they will instinctively feel fear.

At this moment, the mind trembled, but the next moment, the ape demon's gaze was attracted by the bunch of banana-shaped magic weapons beside Chu Yan.

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