Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1992: A good thing (on)

More than ten days later, Li Xiu, Shen Qing, Jiang Panmeng, Kong Xian, and others converged on Sui Xin Island.

Chu Yan asked Lin Miaoran to help everyone, but did not specify what he was going to do, but said there was a good thing to share with everyone.

Everyone speculated that the good things Chu Yan said should be a certain practice.

But this is a kind of exercise, and everyone can't figure it out.

At this stage, apart from Chu Yan, only Lin Miaoran has reached the state of mind.

The second is Shen Qing, which has achieved the three major achievements in the local environment.

Others are still far away from the state of mind.

So they couldn't figure out what kind of exercises can make Chu Yan gather all of them.

But one thing, everyone is very determined.

That's the kind of practice, which will surely improve everyone.

After all, everyone still trusts Chu Yan's vision.

However, it was a little unexpected that when everyone came to the Xuanxin Island, they didn't immediately see Chu Yan, but waited for more than ten days.

During this period, everyone was informed by Chu Yan that he still needed a little decoration, so everyone waited patiently.

When the time entered June, everyone was meditating or doing other things on this day. Suddenly, they felt a strong breath and instantly enveloped the entire Xingxin Island.

Furui and Su Xinyu, the lowest state, couldn't even control their bodies and shivered.

But soon, the people reacted and rushed back to the palace in the middle of the island to see Chu Yan who had long been gone.

When I saw Chu Yan, everyone suddenly felt that compared with the past, he seemed to have made some changes.

In the past, Chu Yan would give people a sense of selflessness and self-esteem. With the improvement of the realm, a kind of kingly and overbearing atmosphere will also be raised in the middle of the hand, which will bring people to the oppression, as if it is raising hands In the meantime, the sky will be torn apart, and the momentum will not be hidden.

But today I saw that the momentum of the world is still there, but it gives people a natural taste.

As if it was a fusion with the world and the truth, his existence is justified.


what happened? "

Seeing that everyone's expressions have changed, Chu Yan asked curiously.

"You ..." Lin Miaoran stepped forward, stretched out her slim jade fingers, and poked on Chu Yan's cheek.

Together with Zeng Bi and Zhuang Die, she was among the people who finally saw Chu Yan.

Zeng Bi and Zhuang Die were not in the palace at the moment, so she should have rightly become the last person to meet Chu Yan.

Calculated before and after, less than a month.

But Lin Miaoran can also feel the change in Chu Yan.

"You are promoted again."

After a while, Lin Miaoran grunted and looked at each other with some envy.

Anyway, it is certainly not wrong to say that the other party is promoted again.

At this time, Chu Yan had run the wisdom, and he already understood what this was all about.

Realm promotion is one aspect, and more importantly, he has realized two more avenues.

There are three avenues to understand who is at hand, and now it is naturally closer to the world, making people feel harmonious with all things, which is very common.

However, it is not appropriate to tell everyone about the fact that they have realized the Three Avenues.

It's not that Chu Yan doesn't trust the partners in front of him, but it's the matter of Dadao, which is by no means ordinary skills and supernatural powers.

At this stage, if you tell everyone, if you do it properly, it will cause a trembling of the people in the scene, and it may affect their practice.

Without telling them, their own Dao Yun will also have some positive effects on the practice of everyone.

So this matter will be put aside for the time being.

"Well, what good is it to bring us back this time?"

Uslanma looked at Chu Yan and asked, holding her arms.

Everyone suddenly stopped paying attention to Chu Yan's promotion.

After all, to Chu Yan's horrifying speed of improvement, in fact, to some extent, they are already used to it.

What I was curious about this time was that Chu Yan had something to show them.

"follow me."

Chu Yan led the crowd to the training chamber below the palace.

This secret room was naturally not the one Chu Yan used normally, but another one that had just been opened not long ago.

With those puppets without feelings, Chu Yan did save a lot of spirit and world.

In the secret room, there was only one luminous transmission array at this time.

The light from the formation forms thin white lines, which are intertwined into a complex mysterious texture above the formation.

The glowing lines slowly turned, Su Yuqing's sight was suddenly attracted.

But soon she discovered that although she could recognize this as a teleportation array, she could not speculate on the scope of the teleportation.

Obviously, Chu Yan's teleportation team has surpassed her current mastery.

But Su Yu was not jealous in his heart, not even the lost emotion.

On the contrary, she was filled with pride.

It's like a sister watching her brother he cares about the most, and that's a real relief and pride.

Looking up at Chu Yan, Su Yuqing's eyes are shining, as if there are stars in it.

In her heart, not only whispered at this moment: "From Changqing Town to Tianyazong, Chu Yan you finally grew up."

Su Yuqing thought while walking with the crowd to the side of the teleportation array.

"Where are we going?"

Uslanma blinked curiously.

Anything good before Chu Yan will immediately tell them.

This time it seemed a little too mysterious.

"You will soon know."

Chu Yan smiled at her, and then looked at Shen Qing: "A Qing, you are advanced."

Shen Qing obeyed Chu Yan's words.

Carrying the huge sword box almost like a human, she stepped out without any hesitation, stepped into the teleportation array, and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone was wondering, and in the teleportation array, Shen Qing's low cry was suddenly heard.

Shen Qing's words and expressions are few, and everyone already knows.

If this kind of exclaimed emotion is exchanged with other people, I am afraid that it will directly jump on the roof and dance to the extent.

What can surprise Shen Qing so much?

Suddenly, everyone's curiosity was suspended.

There was no need for Chu Yan to say it again, the crowd stepped forward and entered the teleportation array.

This teleportation array is obviously not a simple channel connecting the two regions, it is more like a door, so the sound on the other side can be heard clearly.

Suddenly, the sound of one after another inhalation sounded.

Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran were still in the secret room at this time.

Lin Miaoran also showed a curious look in her eyes, but she was not in a hurry, but walked to Chu Yan's side, took each other's hands gently, and then walked in together.

Suddenly, a world shrouded in crystal appeared in front of Lin Miaoran.

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