Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1997: Major news

Innate flame phoenix body.

Born idol to prison body.

At this moment, the phoenix and the giant elephant shake the void and shake the stars.

But this crystal skull is worthy of being an innate treasure.

At this time, although everyone was close to each other, when they were promoted, they did not affect each other.

Even at this time, the phantom of Fire Phoenix and Colossus appeared, separated from each other, but there was no intersection.

If you look closely, these two phantoms seem to appear in different voids.


Divine Sense explored this scene, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly flashed a fine mans.

He faintly felt that there was a power of space in it.

"The way of space ..." Chu Yan murmured.

But at this time, it is simply impossible to understand the way of space in one of the avenues from this innate treasure.

Because this is just the fur of space.

I really want to spy on the avenue from this aspect, that is when there is no such thing.

But at this time Chu Yan's body, flowing out of the wisp of wisdom of Tao.

Relying on this rhyme, coupled with its own understanding of space, we can learn some rules from it, and improve our current strength, there is not much problem.

So inside and outside the crystal skull, Chu Yan and his partner entered the state of enlightenment and cultivation.

Time passed day by day.

Chu Yan's circling body and rhythm, like looming training, seemed to be some kind of wonderful law, and wrapped him in it.

At this time, if other monks see it, they will definitely feel a kind of thick and mysterious power.

And within the crystal skull, since the beginning of the promotion of Kong Xian and Li Xiu that day, the continuous promotion of everyone has never stopped.

Most of the previous six months have been accumulated.

After half a year, with a lot of accumulation, everyone's promotion is like a ignited explosive, which can't be controlled at all.

From that day on, for several months in a row, everyone's promotion status has hardly stopped.

It was almost a promotion, and the breath was not completely stable, and the next one began to be promoted.

At most, there are a total of six people promoted together! If the unspoken person sees the situation of scrambling, I am afraid that the promotion of the monk to the state is as simple as eating and drinking.

The time flickered and another three months passed.

During these three months, even the slowest person has been promoted to two levels.

On this day in June, Lin Miaoran ’s state of mind, after a few months of breath, surging wildly! The aura turned into a beam of light, erupting straight, penetrating the crystal skull and refracting in all directions.

Because of the isolation of space in the innate treasure, the spiritual light of heaven's state of mind has not affected other people.

But when this light penetrates the crystal skull and shines, the entire void is like a blazing sun on the flat ground! The aura around him roared at this moment, as if it were a sea of ​​clouds.

In an instant, a magnificent scene of magnificent and splendid light emerged.

In the depths of the void, it seems that there are sounds of beautiful sounds, which are refreshing and pleasant.

The ray of light turned into a rainbow bridge, one by one, like a lotus flower, slowly blooming.

The light continued to spread and spread for hundreds of miles, until the Chu Yan outside the vortex of the spirit tide was swallowed into it.

Chu Yan opened his eyes, his eyes condensed, and directly saw the innate treasures, Lin Miaoran's realm rose steadily, reaching a major achievement in Tian Xin's mood.

And after this heavy realm promotion play, the violent breath continues to rise.

"This is the envious body of Qingyu."

Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Less than two days after Lin Miaoran's promotion, a beam of light shone inside the crystal skull.

Only when the monk ascends to the heaven state of mind will he arouse the spirit of heaven and earth to form a beam of light to wash the fairy body.

Lin Miaoran will naturally not be promoted continuously within two days. After all, the last accumulation was used when he was promoted to the state of mind.

This time he was promoted to Chu Yan's only disciple, Shen Qing.

When Shen Qing was last promoted to the three major achievements of Yuan Yuan, he was in the small universe.

With the help of Chu Yan, when she was promoted, she also made full preparations for the next promotion.

Coupled with the help of innate treasures, this time, after a few months, to complete a "small continuous promotion", naturally it is not something that is particularly surprising.

This beam of light, compared with the tranquility and elegance of Lin Miaoran when he was promoted, has a more tenacious and killing taste.

Each monk's promotion, although the scenes displayed are almost the same, but more or less of them, will also contain some of the monk's own morals.

For example, this momentum is the most intuitive embodiment.

"Finally lifted to the state of mind."

Seeing Shen Qing's promotion, Chu Yan felt a lot of relaxation.

Shen Qing's natural body of prison gods will become stronger and stronger with the improvement of the realm.

Therefore, when condensing the context and the primordial environment, this physique can bring her strength improvement, but it is actually limited.

Although in the eyes of others, it is already very good.

However, in Chu Yan's opinion, the godlike body of the prison at that time only made Shen Qing 30-40% stronger than the monks of the same rank.

Now, after crossing the first threshold of the monk's fairy road, Shen Qing is equivalent to saying that she has completed a transformation.

Chu Yan looked at the serious girl in the Lingguang, and she couldn't help but look forward to the moment when the other party was shining brightly in the future.

It's just a pity that the definition of the participation in this group of fairy fairs is at least two layers of state of mind.

Otherwise, by virtue of Shen Qing's strength, it can definitely surprise people.

And not only Shen Qing, Lin Miaoran will also be amazed.

On the afternoon of Shen Qing's promotion, Jiang Panmeng also completed a "small continuous promotion" within a short period of time.

After all, she also has an extraordinary natural constitution.

And Chu Yan also felt that Jiang Panmeng's potential has also been significantly improved compared to when he first met her.

When the people first met, Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan and Jiang Panmeng had similar levels and strengths.

But now, Jiang Panmeng has gradually exceeded.

Li Xiu obtained the early strength through the body pattern to repair the Dao Road, but as the realm continues to increase, unless the greater chance is obtained, otherwise the help brought by the Shura Dao is almost at the time of entering the state of mind. It will reach its peak and there will be no obvious help.

So by this time, Su Jianyuan had fallen behind among the three.

Although compared to ordinary monks, Su Jianyuan's talent is still genius level.

But among the crowd at this time, the most not lacking is genius.

And time is also in the promotion of people one after another, past six months again.

At this time, it was the end of December.

In two or three months, the group fairy conference will begin.

At this time, a heavy news, with the permission of the elders of Tianyazong, was released.

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