Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2008: Xiaoxia sister of Luoxia Valley arrives

"Brother shows magical powers!"

"Huh, what is Chu's words, where is it comparable to one of Brother's fingers!"

"The purple palace realm of the wise king's palace, I think the realm is just a pile of immortality medicine, and it is very empty!"

"I'll just say, how could the Purple Mansion be directly beheaded by the Heaven's Mind, the original state wasn't cultivated by itself."

"No wonder it's just the Ziweimen, which makes Baoxiang's royal family so nervous, it turns out that their monks are so unbearable."

For a moment, the atmosphere of the Jiuli Party was hot, just like Chu Yan and Ziweimen, who had been trampled under their feet.

The complimented leader of the Nine Lebanese Party also showed a little smile at this moment.

His hands were pressured, and suddenly everyone in the formation calmed down.

He dissipated a little of his own coercion, so that everyone's eyes could steadily fall on him, and then said: "Even if the foundation of Zifu Realm is worse, the realm is there after all. Defeat, let alone beheaded. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around was trembling, and they hurriedly lowered their heads.

After waiting for a while, this disciple continued: "But I also felt it just now, although Chu Yan's strength is much stronger than his realm.

But he has a fatal flaw.

It's that he doesn't understand hiding.

Perhaps this is also the reason why he got a big chance, after his strength became stronger, his mental state was impetuous.

Just in front of so many people, he showed his full strength and beheaded a purple house.

I am afraid that after a few hours, Tianya Sect will know this matter up and down.

When the group fairy meeting begins, all disciples who encounter Chu Yan will be careful about twelve points.

In this way, how many chances do you think he will have at the Fairy Fair? "

The leaders of the Nine Lebanese Party talked eloquently, as if everything was under control.

"To cultivate this path, we must first cultivate our mind.

His mentality likes to show off, it is impossible to go far on the fairy road.

This time the group fairy conference is estimated to be the pinnacle of his fairy road.

However, at the meeting, if you meet him, you still have to be more careful.

Since he can cut Zifu, his immortal nature cannot be underestimated.

I guess we are the only ones who can beat him when we are present. "

While the disciple was talking, he did not forget to raise his identity.

Everyone around me suddenly said yes.

Although some people were dissatisfied with Chu Yan's strength before, but since his own leaders have said so now, they need to bear in mind.

This leader of the Jiuli Party made two judgments about Chu Yan.

One is that he does not have a palace, his mentality is exaggerated, and Xian Lu does not go far.

This judgment can only be read later, right.

But if Chu Yan knows, it is definitely whether I am far away or not, but your fairy road is definitely up to today.

Another judgment is that in a short period of time, the news of Chu Yan's chopping of the Purple Mansion with Tian Xin will spread throughout the Tianya Sect.

He was right in this matter.

It doesn't even take a few hours.

After all, such a thing as Tianxin beating the Purple Mansion, in the eyes of almost all monks, is simply unrealistic.

But Chu Yan not only did it, but under the watchful eye of many people, he cleanly cut the purple house.

So this matter was posted on Xiandao in a very short time.

In the bursts of green air over Xiandao, no one knows what they currently think about this matter.

But on Xiandao, it's already like a frying pan.

In contrast, the prince of the king is much more pitiful.

In the case of the Purple House Realm being cut, no one even mentioned it.

Obviously it was a fight by three people, but he could not have a name.

Just about two hours after this incident happened, a flying magic weapon that was not so conspicuous, docked on the edge of the Jade Order.

This magic weapon of flying is like an auspicious cloud, and the surrounding is glorious and graceful, giving people a beautiful feeling like a fantasy.

"It's Luoxia Valley."

A monk recognized the origin of this flying magic weapon and said to the people around him.

Although Baoxiang Shangguo is full of immortals, it is the unique situation of Tianya Sect.

The other Zongmen, even if there are strong people sitting in town, but still like a vassal.

Therefore, although Luoxia Valley is also a long-standing sect, in the eyes of Tianya Sect disciples, it is just a younger brother.

Luoxia Valley came, just like other sects, came to observe the ceremony.

Therefore, the disciples of Tianya Sect, who were close to this side, just glanced a little, and then stopped paying more attention.

Even most of the disciples actually did not take a closer look at the people coming from Luoxia Valley.

The number of disciples sent by Luoxia Valley this time is not too large, but there are close to forty.

It is naturally impossible for all the people who come to take a flying magic weapon.

The patriarch of Luoxia Valley and several elders have been led to the top of Xiandao.

That's where they fit their identity.

At this time, all the disciples came next to the Jade Order, and there were about thirty people.

The disciples who had been to Tianyazong several years ago were also among them at the moment.

The first to come out is still Sister Li, who led all the sisters to Tianya Sect last time.

Although I came here again, Sister Li was still in a state of mind.

Compared with the last time, the state has not changed much.

But this time, her momentum has become more profound than it was a few years ago. Obviously, she has obviously improved her strength.

As soon as she stepped out of the magic weapon, she immediately looked behind her.

After a while, when Sister Xiao Pei came out, Sister Li found out that it was what she expected.

The disciples who came to Tianyazong for the first time this time saw this magical scene of Xiandao, either sighed, surprised, or distracted.

Even the last few disciples who came here last time, can't help but reveal their splendor again.

Only Sister Xiao Pei, her eyes have been calm and peaceful as she said in her heart.

The surrounding environment can no longer impact her mind.

Sister Li couldn't help but sigh secretly, Sister Xiao was worthy of being asked and optimistic by many deacons, elders, and even the suzerain.

Not only because of her Muhua body, but also her state of mind that far exceeds that of the same class.

This state of mind is enough for her to occupy the top position among her peers.

The patriarchs and elders of Luoxia Valley have now gone to the viewing platform above Xiandao.

The dozens of disciples here below are led by Sister Li.

Soon, the deacon of Tianyazong came, and after politely seeing the ceremony, he led everyone in Luoxia Valley towards the area that had been divided for them in advance.

Along the way, Luo Xiagu's disciples looked around curiously, lamenting that Tianyazong was worthy of being the biggest immortal gate of Baoxiang Shangguo, and also admiring the magical means of this fairy island to open up void.

The chirping voice of everyone came into the ear. Xiao Pei listened to these words and smiled and put the long hair down behind his ear.

Just at this time, a voice was heard not far away.

"I feel that Chu Yan is bound to be short-lived and will not have any proud performance in this group of fairy conferences!"

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