Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2019: Supernatural

Looking at the back of Xiao Qin's departure, Chu Yan sighed silently.

Looking up at Xianbang, the wanton name like a flashing river also made him slightly fascinated at the moment.

The two inferences given to Xiao Qin just now, Chu Yan has absolute confidence to ensure that he has not made any mistakes.

To greet the return of the Taiqing emperor.

In order to win the treasures of the Fairy Conference.

"What would that treasure be?"

Chu Yan couldn't help thinking silently.

But at this time, even if he had mastered the avenue of wisdom, he could not speculate anyway.

Because of speculation, we must first grasp the minimum information.

Now, Chu Yan has no information at all.

The only thing that can be known is this kind of thing, which is worth the whole army of Ziweimen.

Seven of the eight fighting generals are alive.

Looking away, Chu Yan said lightly: "However, these seven generals are estimated to be more secure. After all, according to Ziweimen's plan, the final winner must be Mobi.

Mo Buyu, but to take this opportunity to take the throne of the Northern King. "

It is a pity that since the last time I met Tang Lianxing, Chu Yan has never heard of her again.

I don't know where she is now.

Above Xianbang, there is no her name.

That means that she, who has also stepped into the state of mind, did not participate in this group of fairy conferences.

"There may be other things."

Chu Yan shook his head, stopped thinking about these issues, and turned his attention back to the simple jade symbol.

Because Xiao Qin came and delayed for a period of time, the first round of fighting in the Qunxian Conference will soon begin.

If you change to other monks, you will definitely pay attention to the group of immortals at this time, and will no longer consider the content recorded in the enlightenment jade.

After all, no one knows when it will be their turn for this group of fairy fairs.

It is very embarrassing if you realize that you are at a critical juncture and suddenly it is your turn.

But this is not a problem for Chu Yan.

He who masters the avenue can stop feeling at any time without being affected by the slightest.

At this time, he re-arranged the formation, and after telling Lin Miaoran and others, he began to appreciate the content recorded in the jade run while paying attention to the following convention fight.

Speaking of sentiment is actually to let the person behind the gate of **** directly explain to him.

After all, the writer is here. If not, it would be too wasteful.

Based on the knowledge and experience of the Sect Master of the End of the World, he can only understand the content of a little. At this time, it has been translated into the most obvious truth and understood by Chu Yan.

The only thing that makes people feel a little unnatural is that the narrator is a stutterer, and the tone is also impatient.

But after all, the insight behind the gate of hell, who still recorded himself in this jade charm, was all explained to Chu Yanting.

According to the saying behind the gate of hell, this jade symbol records a trail.

To put it simply, it was an inspiration that he created when he was idle and bored.

It was only later that I felt that the power of this magical power was really "trivial", so I was too lazy to think too much down.

But this magical power made Chu Yan look serious.

Because the so-called "trivial" is only for this man behind the gate of hell.

But for Chu Yan today, the power of this magical power is definitely not under Taiyi Lihuodao and the three dead corpses.

Another point is that this magical power is inspired by blood.

He is full of blood and is suitable for this magical power.

What's more important is that, whenever he uses his magical powers, he can store the Destruction Avenue in it, and his power is better than ever.

So Chu Yan did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to understand.

And it didn't take long before he mastered this magical power.

In addition to the previous two points, Chu Yan actually has a third point in mind.

That is, since this magical power was rewarded to yourself by the suzerain, it shows that with the power of the suzerain, he already knows the card of his cultivation of blood.

In this case, if you can display this magical power at the conference of the immortals, you will surely let the suzerain know your talents and comprehension.

Judging from the performance of the suzerain, although he cannot be inferred against Ziweimen, he is at least not biased towards Ziweimen.

Otherwise, the Sect Master could not give himself a reward in Zizimen's eyes.

Now that you want to fight against Ziweimen and Taiqing Emperor, you can let the Sect Master value yourself, and naturally you can increase your weight.

After thinking about it in this way, Chu Yan continued to meditate and continue to understand and understand the blood and magical power of this door, which has no name yet.

"This door ... supernatural ... after ... can ... perfect ..." At this time, Chu Yan's mind also received a reminder from the gate behind Hell.

Since this magical power was created by him, no one knows more about the advantages and disadvantages and the perfection.

And more importantly, the realm behind the gate of **** is definitely not something that the lineage sect master can count on.

The phrase "True Fairyland can barely see a door" at that time made Chu Yan's memory fresh.

When Chu Yan realized this magical power, the fighting method of the group of immortals also officially began.

In fact, to some extent, Chu Yan is already very familiar with this kind of competition.

But today's fighting methods, no matter the scale or the monk's realm, are much taller than when he first set foot on the fairy road.

But in essence, it's not much different.

"One thousand two hundred people, six hundred games."

Chu Yan ’s eyes looked toward the area in the middle of Xiandao, and he thought, "Although the disciples of Ziweimen occupy a full 60% of the number, this way, they are also more likely to encounter themselves Yourself.

If this is the case, then look at how to deal with it. "

Soon, reality gave Chu Yan the answer.

As he guessed, the disciples of Ziweimen occupied most of them, and they were more likely to meet each other.

For example, in the first match of the first round, two disciples of Ziweimen met.

And their realm is similar. One is the great achievement of the heavenly mind, and the other is the great achievement of the heavenly mind.

The result is that the one with the lowest level has no fighting method and directly admits defeat.

Although Chu Yan had expected this scene, he still frowned when it actually appeared.

His consciousness quietly spread out, paying attention to the reactions of everyone on the scene.

Some are shocked, some are doubtful, some are indifferent, some are puzzled ... Some people even questioned.

But the Ziweimen side was extremely quiet.

Obviously this was negotiated by them long ago.

But Chu Yan's focus is not on Ziweimen, but in two other places.

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