Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2029: Don't be afraid, just attack

Chu Yan said the danger is very realistic.

Ziweimen's work has always been arrogant and arrogant. Now that he can't deal with Chu Yan, then naturally he will vent his anger on Chu Yan's partners.

And Chu Yan is also very likely to meet the disciples of Ziweimen.

Chu Yan has confidence in his own strength.

Within the mood of heaven, he is not afraid of anyone.

But Lin Miaoran and them, after all, do not have the terrible leapfrog ability like him.

The next thing to say is that when Yin Dou Zhan was about to appear, Chu Yan was already thinking about it.

So he didn't need to think too much at this moment, he just told his thoughts to a few people.

In fact, responding to Ziweimen's revenge is also simple.

Because the Sect Master had just shot, Ziweimen naturally dared not start secretly with Chu Yan and the crowd.

At least until their leader, Taiqing Emperor, returned, they did not dare to act blatantly.

So the only place where they can deal with Chu Yan and others as quickly as possible and without too much burden is the competition of the group of immortals.

Chu Yan ’s first round is over, but Lin Miaoran and others will be there sooner or later.

There were 1,200 disciples of the Heavenly Mental State and 8 or 900 disciples of Ziweimen this time.

In most cases, the possibility of Lin Miaoran's opponent being a Ziweimen disciple naturally becomes very high.

At this time, you don't even need Chu Yan to think more, you can guess the current situation of Ziweimen.

They must have given death orders to everyone. As long as they met someone who had something to do with Chu Yan, they would give a heavy hand. If something went wrong, Ziweimen would bear it all.

The disciples of Ziweimen, who can seriously injure Chu Yan and his partner, will also receive a considerable reward.

These rewards can be heaven and earth treasures, or they can be in the position of Ziweimen.

In response to this method, Chu Yan's advice to Lin Miaoran and others was: If the other party is a disciple of Ziweimen, as long as the state is similar, then everyone will attack at the beginning.

"Ziweimen is now in a doldrums because of the suppression of the suzerain.

Under such circumstances, even if there is a reward, they will certainly be cautious at the beginning.

Because you haven't shown your strength after being promoted to heaven.

Therefore, these disciples at Ziweimen can't say to you at all.

Under such circumstances, you can attack from the beginning and you can definitely take advantage.

It is not impossible to directly suppress the opponent when the realm is not much different.

Even if there is a gap with the opponent's strength, your initial attack can disrupt the opponent's deployment, and at the same time roughly guess that the opponent's strength is above yourself.

If this is the case, you can directly admit defeat. "

Chu Yan spread his hands and continued: "There is no chance of letting the other party do this."

"Then if the other party sees the young girl, they admit defeat, then they have to shoot?"

Furui asked.

Chu Yan smiled and pointed to the fairy list.

Furui suddenly understood.

In the past, there was a lesson from the battle of Yindou and Nantianwang. Ziweimen's disciples naturally dared not do such a thing.

The status of warlords and kings in Ziweimen is much higher than that of other heavenly mind disciples.

They have all suffered a great loss. These ordinary disciples are naturally brave enough to be ten times more brave.

Otherwise, it is to deliberately provoke the Sect Master and Sect, the nature is completely different.

After listening to the advice given by Chu Yan, everyone thought about it carefully, and they all agreed.

Because Chu Yan did not let them admit defeat at the beginning, or simply withdrew from the group fair.

That way, you can ensure that there is no danger during the conference.

But it is also equivalent to killing everyone's enterprising spirit.

This is not a good thing for monks.

Especially everyone on the scene, except Lin Miaoran, was almost a guru who had just been promoted to the state of mind.

If the first fight after promotion is not even dare to play, more or less, it will leave a trace of regret or even a crack in Dao Xin, which will eventually cause some adverse effects on Xianlu in the future.

And Chu Yan ’s current proposal not only allows everyone to participate in the fight, but also gives them the opportunity to exert their strength.

Moreover, Chu Yan counted Ziweimen and the suzerain in it, as long as the disciples of Ziweimen did not go mad, everyone would have no major accidents.

However, in order to be safe, Chu Yan still took out several talismans and handed them over to several people.

These amulets were naturally not made by Chu Yan at the moment.

He has already made the amulet, and now he only needs to inject his aura into it to use it.

Everyone put it on their body, and at the critical moment, they can resist the full blow of the triple perfection of the state of mind.

This is just to prevent that in case.

Seeing Chu Yan prepared so well, everyone did not have any burden.

Not only that, they are more and more looking forward to their fight.

On the side of Ziweimen, although the current measures are the same as Chu Yan expected, all the disciples have to make orders. If anyone meets Chu Yan and several companions around him, he does not need to show mercy. The other party, or even the other party, can be rewarded to varying degrees.

But because of Chu Yan's strong beheading of the Yindou generals, and the fact that the Southern Heaven King was also punished by the suzerain, the momentum of the Ziweimen at this moment, even if there is a reward, does not seem so high.

Nan Tianwang looked at this situation, and could only hurry.

Because he understood that Chu Yan and the suzerain were only one factor in the current situation.

Another factor is that in the past year or more, Ziweimen has lowered the threshold for income disciples in order to expand rapidly.

Therefore, compared to the original Ziweimen, some disciples of Ziweimen today not only have different qualifications and strengths, but also the new disciples have not yet condensed into real combat strength.

So when faced with the current situation, it seemed hesitant and hesitant.

Nan Tianwang looked in his eyes, anxiously in his heart.

But he can only comfort himself secretly. The current situation is only caused by an accident, and will not have a big impact on Ziweimen's higher plan.

"As long as the emperor returns at that time, all problems are not a problem."

The Southern Heavenly King said silently: "But when the time comes, I will take the initiative to ask the emperor for sin."

While Chu Yan and others and Ziweimen secretly prepared for the next fight, many monks on Xiandao were also quietly paying attention to the development of the situation.

However, for most people, the situation is one-sided, that is, Ziweimen will inevitably overwhelm Chu Yan and others.

The second game before was just a small twist.

Next, Ziweimen will definitely make a counterattack.

However, monks with such thoughts did not realize at this time that in their minds, they had unknowingly compared Chu Yan and others with Ziweimen.

When they think of themselves, their subconscious mind will make themselves shorter than Ziweimen, or even more.

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