Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2031: Two tricks to solve him

Although Chu Yan entered Tianya Sect shortly after, it attracted many disciples' attention.

And from the information obtained by Sister Li, these things are almost all related to the conflict of Ziweimen.

"Being able to walk out of the Lingling Road shows that there is indeed a chance, talent, and luck.

But as soon as he came out of the road, he had a dispute with Ziweimen's disciples. "

After thinking for a long time, Sister Li frowned and gave a judgement: "Unsteady state of mind, quick success and immediate benefits. This kind of psychology is easy to form a demon. To practice on the Xian Road is bound to be difficult."

But as soon as she finished talking, she wanted to slap herself.

Because not long ago, she believed that the practice of Xianlu was struggling, and the public killed the Yindou Warrior and Du Yishen, who were more than a big realm.

And the situation is almost crushed, and the opponent has no chance to fight back.

The following information made Sister Li's cheeks hot for her hasty judgment, and the whole body felt unnatural.

"When Chu Yan entered Tianya Sect, it was the realm of earth.

But only a few years have passed so far, and it is already the duality of the heavenly mind-" When she finished this sentence, she quickly added a sentence in her heart: "The threefold killing of the heavenly mind is like killing an ant's sky The mood is double. "

"The rate of promotion is really...too fast! Is he still human?

And what's the matter, he turned out that he had a conflict with Ziweimen's Yunxiao battle more than two years ago, and he also went to the Blood Sendai? "

When she saw the words "Blood Fairy Terrace", Sister Li couldn't help but take a breath.

Each sect has such a place for disciples to resolve their grievances.

Among them, Tianyazong's blood fairy tower is the most famous.

Not only did Chu Yan go to the Blood Fairy Terrace, but he also played against Yun Xiao on the Blood Fairy Terrace at that time, and did not fall down.

"Two or three years ago, you can fight with the Ziwei goalkeeper, and retire from the blood fairy platform..." Sister Li felt that her brain seemed to be not enough.

But this information helped her figure it out.

"You can play against the generals two or three years ago. No wonder they can now kill the generals instantly. No, it's not right. This only shows that he has made an amazing improvement in those two or three years!"

Sister Li's eyes suddenly became very complicated.

In her mind, she did possess the image of Chu Yan.

But this image is too unbelievable.

If the information was not collected by her personally on the spot, but listened to by others, then she would not believe her if she was killed.

In a few years, it has risen from the primordial state of the earth to the duality of the state of mind.

When Heaven's state of mind is heavy, it devastates Ziweimen's disciples of the same rank, and resists the generals of Yunxiao.

After that, Heaven’s state of mind is twofold, and it immediately cut the Yindou warlord instantly.

After connecting these things in time according to the timeline, Sister Li felt her head dizzy.

A voice was telling her that this was impossible.

Another voice told her that the facts were in sight.

If at this time, Sister Li knew that Chu Yan’s real state was not the double of the heavenly state of mind, but the triple of the state of mind, I am afraid that she would faint immediately.

After knowing these things, she felt a little annoyed in her heart for a moment. Before going to Xiao Jie to talk about Chu Yan, it was a bit premature.

Just when Sister Li paid attention to Chu Yan's deeds, the contest of the Qunxian Conference had already reached the thirty-first game.

Because the second game was very tortuous and bizarre, Chu Yan’s powerful beheading of the silver battle was too shocking, so after a long time, even the disciples of the next battle, various magical arrays, played back and forth, but Everyone on Xiandao still seemed absent, and the atmosphere was very dull.

But by the thirty-second game, the situation suddenly changed.

As the two names on Xianbang lighted up, a figure stood up next to Chu Yan. Immediately, the spirit of everyone on Xiandao was shocked, as if infused with vitality.

At this time, the person standing up next to Chu Yan was Shen Qing.

Ethereal and beautiful to the suffocating beauty and temperament, seemingly thin body, but carrying a giant sword taller than human.

Shen Qing stood up at this moment, suddenly letting not know how many male practitioners' eyes lit up, and female practitioners were afraid to compare.

Previously, because of the radical intensification of the contradiction between Chu Yan and Ziweimen, many monks on Xiandao were concerned about these issues. At this time, these monks who still choose Chu Yan will choose what they will do.

Ziweimen wants to get his face back, it must be in the fight of the conference.

When they meet Chu Yan's partner, they will be merciless.

So when these monks put themselves into Chu Yan's side, the first and most reliable method they thought of was to directly admit defeat on the field.

There are also a small number of monks who feel that they may take a little shot. Once they find that the signs are wrong, they immediately admit defeat.

Anyway, whether you admit defeat directly, or admit defeat in the middle, you will get a reward of a magic weapon level magic weapon.

In this way, you can get the magic weapon and protect yourself, so in the eyes of these monks, these two methods are naturally the best choice.

So at the moment, they all took it for granted that Shen Qing was carrying the Great Sword of Lieyang, that is, going to the center of Xiandao to walk through the scenes, and it will take the initiative to admit defeat in a short time.

As for those who think that Shen Qing will win, there are few.

Because the realm revealed by Shen Qing at this time is a tremendous achievement in the state of mind.

And her opponent is not only higher than her realm, it is a major achievement in the heavenly mood, but also a disciple of Ziweimen! That means that this Ziweimen disciple, who is higher than Shen Qing, will inevitably be merciless when fighting for a while.

Many people have seen this, and they have begun to sigh in silence, even more direct, shaking their heads on the spot.

Such a good looking female nun who can’t see her bravery in her fighting style is really regrettable.

However, when Shen Qing stood up, there was a completely different reaction from Chu Yan's pessimism.

Su Jianyuan was pleased with his expression: "Shen Qing, you are so lucky, you are a weak chicken!"

In the distance, a weak chicken's face stiffened, indicating that it was offended.

Everyone around him heard his words, and his face changed, and he felt incredible.

Then they heard Jiang Panmeng said: "I feel there is no challenge to A Qing, so I don't need to waste too much energy."

Li Xiu touched his chin and said, "I think Ah Qing can end the fight with one stroke at most."

Lin Miaoran nodded his head in agreement: "The other party is too weak. If it can be a perfect one, or a two-fold success, it feels a little bit more challenging."

Everyone around: "..." Are you sure you are kidding.

Chu Yan cleared his throat at this time and stopped Shen Qing before she was about to fly to the center of Xiandao.

Looking at Shen Qing's calm but translucent eyes, Chu Yan said: "Not to be careless."

Shen Qing nodded.

This is the first battle of Shen Qing's promotion to the state of mind, and no matter what the opponent says, he is also a disciple of Ziweimen.

Everyone around them heard Chu Yan's words, and felt that this was the correct attitude. As a result, they heard Chu Yan then said: "At most two moves will solve him and wait for you to come back."

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