Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2033: It turned out to be the calculation of the suzerain

Sigh! Two sword lights slashed out of the sea of ​​fire.

The two sharp and broad sword lights are like the condensed idea of ​​the **** of flames. Between the waves, even the stars and the stars are lit and burning.

boom! The first sword light shattered the long sword in the opponent's hand, exploded into countless streamers, plunged into the sea of ​​fire, and burned into fly ash.

The second sword light, cut on the opponent.

A weak chicken suddenly flew away as if it were an attack with a full feather burning.

The robe on his body was ripped apart and burned into flying flames.

After hitting the ground heavily, it was like a human-shaped coke, and had fainted.

This battle is undoubtedly Shen Qing won.

And as Chu Yan said before, the two moves won.

One move exploded the turnable Xuantie Shield, and one move exploded the opponent.

Very easy.

Even when the weak chicken fell to the ground, before the monks on Xiandao hadn't had time to stop the discussion, then the fighting ended.

Suddenly, Xiandao fell into a strange quiet again.

Many people were dumbfounded.

However, Shen Qing seemed to have done a normal thing. With a bang, she put the Great Sword of Lieyang into the sheath, carrying it behind her back, and flew back to the jade platform silently.

At this time, the monks who had come back to God successively, and then looked at her, it was completely different from before.

Everyone on the scene clearly understood that just this round of fighting, Shen Qing did not exert her full strength at all.

It is just two swords, and then defeated the opponent.

The companions around Chu Yan are all so easy to go over like eating and drinking?

Some monks looked in the direction of the crowd of Ziweimen.

The faces of Ziweimen's disciples were almost the same, shocked and angry.

There are also some disciples who haven’t come to battle yet. At this moment, they look at the other people around Chu Yan, and even have a look of fear in their eyes.

At this time, they were already afraid of themselves, they would meet Lin Miaoran and others.

After Shen Qing came back, Chu Yan nodded at her and motioned her to sit down beside her.

Then Chu Yan gave her some guidance on the small problems that just appeared in Shen Qing's fighting methods.

Shen Qing listened silently and remembered it in her heart.

The subsequent fighting continued.

Because of Shen Qing's performance just now, the mentality of the monks on the scene changed again.

They all wanted to see if the heavenly moods beside Chu Yan who hadn't played yet would be as strong as Shen Qing.

Or is it that Shen Qing is just a coincidence except Chu Yan.

When the sixty-second game was over, Chu Yan stood up beside him.

This time it was Yun Nishang's turn.

Although Yun Nishang is a partner of Chu Yan, she is different from other disciples of Tianya Sect.

From the beginning, she worshipped Tianya Sect because she was born with a dragon sound and was chosen as a disciple by an elder of Tianya Sect.

And throughout the practice, she has been staying by her teacher and guided by her teacher.

Only these circumstances, most of the disciples of Tianya Sect did not know, let alone the monks who came to observe the ceremony.

So no surprise, when the golden dragon shadow behind Yun Nisang appeared, and roared, directly blasting Ziweimen's opponent into the ground, the whole Xiandao suddenly boiled again! It's another stepped crush! The opponents are also Ziweimen disciples.

Since the establishment of Ziweimen, it has created a famous name in Baoxiang Shangguo.

But today, Ziweimen's face was rubbed repeatedly under the foot.

And these people who stepped on Ziwei's face are still a group.

All of a sudden, the lower-level disciples of Ziweimen looked like congested pig livers, and even turned into bluish purple.

The warrior and the king of Ziweimen are hidden in the void at this moment, making people unable to see their expressions and status.

But the bursts of horror and coercion all around showed their mood at this time.

"Alas..." Xiao Qin suddenly sighed above Yutai.

Seeing Cao Jing's doubtful eyes, Xiao Qin shook his head gently and said: "Who can think of the Ziweimen that everyone has no choice but to face today?"

You know, this is a group fair. "

Cao Jing nodded and said with the same voice: "Yes, Brother Chu is really amazing. All of our disciples in Tianya Sect can only survive under the pressure of Ziweimen, but Brother Chu is really nothing but amazing.

Before, it was just a conflict with Ziweimen disciples.

This time, the whole face of Ziweimen was swelling in public.

But..." Cao Jing didn't speak anymore, but there was a deep worry on his face.

Chu Yan and his partners have no way out now.

"Taiqing Emperor..." After a long time, Cao Jing said four words, but Xiao Qin stopped it immediately.

Xiao Qin's eyes fell on her, and he said, "Everything is hard to say for the time being, maybe Chu Yan got the signal from the suzerain.

In fact, I have been skeptical before, some people behind Chu Yan are supporting him.

Otherwise, how could he be promoted so fast.

I can't help but doubt now that Chu Yan is a chess piece that the suzerain has prepared for a long time. "

Cao Jing immediately understood the meaning of Xiao Qin's words.

If you follow Xiao Qin's line of thought to analyze, many things that were previously unclear can be immediately cleared up.

For example, when Chu Yan seriously injured Ziweimen disciples in front of Tianya Haige, why did an elder come out to help him out.

For example, why Chu Yan’s practice is so fast, it’s incredible.

Why repeatedly clash with Ziweimen, but later Ziweimen did not trouble him again.

If he is the person that the suzerain has arranged for a long time, then all these truths make sense! Cao Jing tried hard to hold back his urge to exclaim, and took a few deep breaths before saying: "Brother, it turns out that this is the case. Brother Chu has been hiding so hard for us."

Xiao Qin is understandable, and said indifferently: "This task is of great importance. It should also be true that Brother Chu did not tell us. Now we should be happy, because we had a good relationship with Brother Chu earlier. That’s the idiot Jiuli."

Thinking of the previous experience of the Jiuli Party, Cao Jing couldn't help but burst out laughing.

At this time, because of the misunderstanding of the relationship between Chu Yan and the suzerain, Xiao Qin and Cao Jing's mood suddenly became a lot easier, not as uneasy as before.

The Qunxian Conference is also continuing.

The monk's surprise and doubts on the scene continued to calm down after a while, and began to analyze the various doubts.

Soon after, there were quite a few people, and they all thought of one place with Xiao Qin.

"No wonder so fearless."

"No wonder they choose to defeat the disciples of Ziweimen today."

"This is the calculation of Tianyazong's senior management!"

All of a sudden, many disciples at the scene gestured to each other and looked at Chu Yan's eyes, which became unfathomable.

This made Chu Yan meditating quietly, feeling a trace of doubt.

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