Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2037: Magic Star

The Taoist rhythm of Taiqing Emperor came and went quickly.

After shooting into the Xianbang with a golden light, it disappeared.

But this incident has also given enough reminders to everyone on Xiandao.

It is rumored that the Taiqing emperor, who disappeared for a long time for the retreat, has returned to this group of immortals meeting.

Although it is not clear why he disappeared after showing Dao Yun.

But at least one problem can be explained at this time.

Emperor Taiqing can already pay attention to this place.

And the divine thought he just shot into the fairy list may be a message to Tianya Sect.

The specific content of this message is naturally unknown to everyone on Xiandao.

However, this message will inevitably have a crucial impact on the second round of the Qunxian Conference.

Aware of this, many monks on Xiandao raised a tense emotion in their hearts.

"Chu Yan, who was the Emperor Taiqing just now?"

Lin Miaoran leaned over to Chu Yan and asked softly.

When the golden light appeared just now, because Chu Yan reminded him in time, all the people around him did not look up to the sky, so they avoided the pain of the stinging eyes.

But the tremor of the soul caused by that coercion still made people feel a sense of palpitations.

At that moment, everyone felt that it was not like they were facing the Dao Yun of a powerful monk, but like they were alone, facing the gods and demons.

If that kind of powerlessness and fear is not eliminated from Dao heart, it will inevitably leave hidden dangers on the fairy road.

But because of Chu Yan's just-in-time shot, everyone around him did not encounter such a problem.

At this time, Lin Miaoran asked, Chu Yan nodded: "It should be right."

"Then why didn't he come?"

Lin Miaoran asked again.

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, saying: "I think there is only one possibility, that is, he thinks that the time has not come yet."

Lin Miaoran looked at Chu Yan puzzledly.

Chu Yan thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know the exact reason, but I feel that Emperor Taiqing seems to be plotting something.

He should have been promoted, and now he just needs to come back at the most appropriate time.

This opportunity allows him to achieve his ultimate goal smoothly and perfectly. "

Looking at Lin Miaoran, Chu Yan smiled slightly: "But his ultimate goal, I am not very clear."

Chu Yan knew that Tang Lianxing might know the real purpose of Emperor Taiqing.

But Tang Lianxing has not appeared for a long time.

Chu Yan didn't worry about what happened to Tang Lianxing.

I want to come. At this moment, even if she is on this fairy island, she can't come to see Chu Yan.

Patting Lin Miaoran on the back of her hand, after comforting her with a few words, Chu Yan looked up and looked in the direction of Mo Moyu, and said in her heart: "Is the Emperor Taiqing waiting for Mo Moyu to become the first time for this group of fairy conferences ?

But Mo Buyu won the first name, is it really so important for him?

Mo Buyu won the first name, at most it was announced that he became the new northern king of Ziweimen.

Could it be said that there is a deeper meaning? "

In Chu Yan's mind, problems emerged one by one.

At this moment, just everyone was worried, and no one could look at him with supernatural knowledge.

So Chu Yan simply turned the avenue of wisdom and began to think carefully in his mind.

After about two hours, like the roar of Mugu Chenzhong, it came from Xianbang again.

Everyone was refreshed.

At the next moment, a wisp with a majestic voice, clear, came from Xianbang.

After listening to what the voice said, the breath of the monks on Xiandao was stagnant.

The rules of Qunxian Conference suddenly changed! The second round of fighting was completely different from their imagination.

The original rule was 1,200 people fighting, the remaining 600 were fighting in the second round, and then 300 were fighting in the third round... and so on.

But now, Tianyazong announced that the second round of fighting will take place on the flesh and blood star.

The participating disciples will be teleported to the flesh and blood demon star, beheading various demon on it.

At that time, according to the number and realm of the beheaded demon, the top ten will be displayed on the fairy list.

And the top ten will be the final top ten of the group fairy conference.

As soon as the news was announced, the scene was full of uproar.

"Bloody Star?

Where is that? "

"Why is it not a fight, but to kill a demon?"

"Is the top ten selected directly?"

"Why is it so abrupt?"

"Beheading the demon, there will inevitably be damage. What if a disciple falls unexpectedly!"

Knowing that the temporary change of the second round of rules must be related to the divine thought transmitted by the Taiqing emperor, so at this moment, all the talents hope to find out what is going on.

"There are many disciples of Ziweimen. After entering this flesh and blood demon star, they will surely be able to converge quickly.

"It's not just beheading demons, but by the time they kill the opponent they want to kill, I'm afraid it will be easy!"

As soon as this remark came out, a word of Taoism swept toward Chu Yan and others.

Among them there are sympathizers and those who are gloating.

The flesh-and-blood devil is naturally in the open void.

Once there, Ziweimen is not doing what he wants.

Even if Chu Yan has the power to kill a Ziwei goalkeeper, what about two, three, four or more?

He has such strength, but his companions are gone! At this time, it is inevitable that people will doubt that this suddenly changed rule is to target Chu Yan and to help Ziweimen Gazette private enmity.

But Chu Yan was calm at this time.

Knowing this second round of rules, he already thought of two ways to deal with it.

The first method is to believe in Tianya Sect.

Going to the flesh and blood star, this must be the meaning of the Taiqing emperor.

Tianyazong changed the land of fighting for him, then Tianyazong could not be completely left alone.

The previous suzerain's performance has proved this point.

The second method, a helpless move, is that you can only enter yourself, and others give up this opportunity.

After all, the flesh and blood magic star is not on Xiandao, and by then there will be any accidents, and Chu Yan cannot take care of everyone.

But Tianyazong did not disappoint Chu Yan.

Soon, more detailed rules were announced.

Every disciple who enters must put his own soul and essence into the fairy list in advance.

Among the Xianbang, there are the large formations and prohibitions under the cloth of Tianya Zong.

As a result, when these disciples slash demon on the flesh and blood demon star, the ranking will be instantly displayed on the fairy list.

In addition, the disciple's breath is linked to Xianbang, and the large formations and prohibitions in Xianbang will also protect the disciple from dying and send him back to Xiandao when his disciples are in danger of life.

But once the disciple is sent back to Xiandao, then it means being eliminated.

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