Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2052: Blast the temple and shock the demon

The monsters on the flesh and blood stars are all bred on this planet. Naturally, it is impossible for them to learn various magical powers like a monk, and then communicate with each other and blend together.

So this method of deriving faith comes from the inheritance of their blood.

The flesh and blood demon star is just a piece of meat, because it contains a drop of ancestral essence blood, and then can breed a demon.

Therefore, this demon inherited the skill of absorbing the belief and cultivation of all beings, that is, it was obtained from the ancestor.

"No wonder the guy is called the evil spirit. It turns out that this exercise method is a magic skill."

Chu Yan snorted coldly, "I just learn from it, never give feedback, what is the difference from Moxiu."

Chu Yan's voice just fell, and suddenly, he felt a sense of consciousness.

It was like two ripples, touching in the air.

Immediately, the dark and tall monster in the temple opened his eyes with a bang.

Its eyes are dark and sensuous, as if it were two black suns, revealing an infinitely deep, desperate, gloomy taste.

The eyes seemed to penetrate through the ages, and fell directly on Chu Yan, and Chu Yan looked away.

At this moment, the demon discovered Chu Yan! But Chu Yan did not fear, but hovered halfway in the air, proudly facing the demon.

One person, one demon, at this time it seems to ignore the distance of the space, and the eyes collide violently.

A burst of electric current seemed to explode in the void.

The purple and black enchantment and demon qi that enveloped the Eight Wastelands were immediately affected, like the ripped fabric, broken and broken, and became extremely chaotic.

The demon who had been kneeling on the ground and bowing down with all their heart, stood up at this time, with strange and strange faces showing shock and panic.

"Kill him—" There was a deep voice in the temple.

This voice, with a bewitching smell, spread directly to the hearts of the demons present.

Buzz buzz! Suddenly, the demon here, black pressure, like the tide, gathered in the air.

Although because of the relationship drawn, the blood, demon and demon qi in these demon bodies have already been lost.

But at this moment, so many monsters gathered together, and an amazing momentum broke out! As if it were a demon army fighting for millions of blood, this moment roared and roared in the sky, stomped into the sky, and shattered the earth.

The violent noise seemed to condense the **** "kill" characters one by one.

Every word reveals a strong killing intent, and it is necessary to crush Chu Yan's corpses and crush his bones.

Roar! With an amazing roar, the whole sky shattered like glass.

These demon, turned into Dao **** streamer, torrents, rushing towards Chu Yan.

After killing the area covered by the purple and black magic gas, the ground suddenly shattered repeatedly.

The space around it was continuously dented and broken, making a loud noise of steel being pryed.

"Just you?"

Chu Yan sneered.

He said this to these demons, but also to the demon in the temple.

At the next moment, Chu Yan greeted this sky-demon demon and killed the past.

Raising his arm, immediately, explosive blood rushed out of his arm.

A **** spear, as if to pierce the sky of the sun and the moon, shatter thousands of stars, destroy the ancient ancient wasteland, shot from his palm.

Crackling! Suddenly, the monsters exploded like firecrackers.

They rupture on touch with the **** spear and die on touch.

Each one exploded into bright fireworks in mid-air.

The **** spear swept everything.

And this time, the Scarlet Spear is not just killing these demons in an instant.

While continuing to kill, the **** spear appeared around him, and a thin black line appeared.

Ruin Avenue! These thin black lines gradually condensed into a circle of runes as the demons killed by the **** spear continued to increase.

The more solid and dense the runes are, the **** spears will become thicker and larger, and their power will become stronger and stronger! After a moment, the **** spear was like a mountain, stab forward.

boom! A whole piece of void suddenly shattered and collapsed.

Hundreds and thousands of demons in the void turned into powder at the same time.

In front of Chu Yan, a vacuum was swept out directly.

And that **** spear, without castration, rushed forward again, stabbing at the temple.

The demon in the temple is still sitting cross-legged.

The black sun in its eyes shook slightly.

Suddenly, Mo Nian rose.

A black barrier rose from the ground and stood in front of the temple.

The Scarlet Spear pierced the barrier straight.

Buzz! At this moment, the long river of time seems to stop flowing.

Around the light and dark, suddenly, complete an alternation.

boom! boom! The black barrier exploded.

The black gas turned into countless airflows covered with fierce faces, blazing away from all directions, and at the same time shattered the purple and black magic energy that shrouded the four sides.


Chu Yan drank sharply.

The **** spear spun violently, twisting into the air.

Suddenly, the blood river was like a raging dragon, with the power of blasting the universe, smashing the horror power of the world, and breaking the temple apart.

The destruction of Daoyun swept over at the same time, annihilating the fragments of the temple into the sky.

The demon sitting in the temple can't sit still at this moment.

It got up immediately, with four arms behind it, and grabbed it fiercely in the air.

Four black long swords were shot simultaneously in the sky and the earth.

Each long sword is extremely sharp, and one cut in mid-air, leaving a narrow and sharp track in the void.

In this trajectory, the magical aspect is vertical and horizontal, and the spirit of killing is as if to cross the gate of time and space and descend from ancient times.

"You, die for me!"

Thousands of monsters, wielding four long swords, cut off the tsunami-like sword.

A strange black light flickered, the magical energy inside continually swallowed out, and the surrounding airflow continued to break.

Every time Jianguang walked a place, a dark cave was produced.

Suddenly, the sharp blood of the **** spear was suppressed.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and he shouted.

Suddenly, the blood mansions flourished.

Destroy the runes condensed by Dao Yun, as if boiling, rotating and elongated at a high speed, directly attached to the **** spear, and drawn fiercely, just like the ancient **** of creation, breaking the sky and dividing the yin and yang.

Immediately, all sword lights were shattered.

The storm-like sword shadow suddenly resembled a large piece of glazed mirror, which was severely smashed, crackling and screaming, and together with the thousands of miles of void in the square, they all shattered together.

The demon's body fell like a heavy blow, and flew away towards the distance.

Thousand feet of body, as if it were a steel mountain, hit the ground hard, and then stood up quickly.

Originally, a pair of eyes like a black sun showed a shocked look that could not be concealed.

"Your body, why is the blood so strong, even more than me!"

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