Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2054: Beheading the demon (Part 2)

"It's you alone?"

Chu Yan snorted, [Biquge www.biqugexx.biz] faced with the sky gun shadow, his body shape changed one after another.

At a glance, it looks like a big tree, constantly shaking in the wind.

Suddenly, the gunshot like a torrent was avoided by him, pierced into the void behind him, and completely exploded the void, even revealing the depth of the void, the prohibition set by Tianya Sect.

Chu Yan snorted again. The starlight that had just dimmed in his pupils was burning violently again. In the blink of an eye, it was like two rounds of blazing sunrise rising from the ground.

He stretched out his hand, and the Death Sword was clenched in his hand.

"Three Dead Swords!"

Sword Qi wave after wave, the power continued to increase, violent shock, in an instant, just to the demon, like a big ball, wrapped in it all at once, and then blinked kung fu, it rotated a thousand times under.

This violent rotation is enough to reverse the yin and yang and disturb the universe.

Suddenly, the sound of continuous breaking and breaking came from the big ball.

The next moment, the big ball burst and burst.

A fierce sword gas, like a punch from the giant volley, knocked out the **** demon.

This demon is not Chu Yan's opponent at all.

Its body, like a falling meteorite, hit the ground hard.

Suddenly, the ground around four or five thousand miles collapsed.

The demon, originally three heads, now blasted one, leaving only a bare neck, and bleeding water was still pouring at the moment.

The other two heads are also full of holes and crisscross wounds.

Of the eight arms, four were broken, and the remaining four were also badly hit. The bones were exposed one by one, and the more serious, only a trace of flesh remained.

And its body is like pork chopped with thousands of knives.

The thick blood gurgled out, and in a moment, a big river formed on the spot.

However, with the **** mark in the center of his head, the light appeared again, and the wound on the demon's body suddenly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that although it has recovered, the breath of the demon is obviously much weaker than before.

Obviously Chu Yan's shot, just a moment, caused it a very serious injury.

His eyes were fixed on Chu Yan, the demon covered in blood, which turned into mist at this time.

In the mist, the demon's body continued to shrink and shrink.

In the end, it became a normal person's figure.

However, because of its concentration, its magic energy has become a hundred times and a thousand times stronger than before.

It took a step at the moment, and every footprint seemed to have a new demon being bred.

The **** mark on the eyebrow flashed, the demon looked up, looked at Chu Yan, and there was a sound of curses in his mouth.

At this time, Chu Yan had already seen it. The source of the demon's power came from the mark of his eyebrows.

That imprint, the devil qi is not so pure, it is obviously the result of condensing the faith of those demons.

As long as there is this mark, this demon can quickly recover from injury, even faster than other demons, dozens of times faster.

"It's there."

Chu Yan's eyes condensed.

At this moment, he no longer gave the demon a chance to resist and swooped.

Behind the **** wings, there was a sudden thunder.

Breath of the whole body, cold as the moon, the power of infinite stars, covering the whole body.

"Don't think about it!"

At this moment, the demon also saw the purpose of Chu Yan.

It roared again and again, took a step forward, shocked in the void, and punched.

Suddenly, a black hole was hit by him, and countless demonic rushes out.

"Taiyi Lihuodao!"

Chu Yan's body stretched out, and every pore was filled with blood and flames, showing a terrible outbreak.

The light blade snorted and made a neon. In a flash, it split the magic energy and burned it.

Chu Yan raised his hand again.

Buzz-boom! The **** spear rolled up a vortex, slammed down, and shot the black hole at once, twisting it violently, with the blood and magic energy around it, exploding together.

The strong eruption and explosion suddenly engulfed the demon.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! A series of explosions, mixed with the screams of the demon tearing their hearts, all resounded through the sky.

Chu Yan's body is constantly oppressed.

The explosion exploded in no way to hurt him.

In an instant, Chu Yan rushed to the center of the explosion.

The demon's body was almost exploded and collapsed at this moment, and he tried his best to stand on the spot, but still gave people a feeling that the building would fall and crumple.

His eyes were covered in blood and water, but at this moment, he still felt the appearance of Chu Yan.

If it has a heart, it will definitely be scared to stop beating.

Chu Yan raised his hand and pierced the demon's eyebrows with one finger, piercing the **** mark.

The Scarlet Mark belonged to the demon, and at this moment, he immediately felt and sent out a force, trying to push Chu Yan back.

But this force, almost instantaneously, was defeated by Chu Yan.

And his finger was directly inserted deep into the demon's forehead, digging and digging.

A stream of light was suddenly absorbed into his palm.

The demon body stepped back and forth, and howled ten times more violently than before.

It opened its teeth and danced its claws, pulling back dozens of feet, wanting to regroup its body.

But the source of the body's strength, at this time in Chu Yan's hands, was absorbed by him at once.

Moreover, he was seriously injured by Chu Yan.

At this moment, the more the demon struggles, the worse his body collapses.

In an instant, the flesh and blood on the body seemed to be mud, and it fell to the ground.

The thick blood gas kept breaking apart.

Chu Yan took another step at this time, came to the top of the other party's head, and slapped it off.

boom! It seemed to be a thunder on the flat ground.

The demon's body was instantly exploded and turned into a mass of flesh and blood.

But before the mud flew to the surroundings, Chu Yan was caught and sucked, and the whole body was absorbed into the body.

Although the source of this demon's power is the **** mark of the eyebrow, but it is also a demon comparable to the strength of the Purple Palace Realm.

This time, Chu Yan said that he got two forces at the same time.

One is the blood of this demon, and the other is the power of faith that blends with the demon spirit.

After inhaling all these two forces into the body at the moment, Chu Yan immediately felt that his body's breath, like a high tide, surged wildly.

The tremendous power, as if the dragon ascended to heaven, directly struck the shackles of the heavenly state of mind.

If there is an entity in the shackles, then the shackles and barriers are like walls that were bombarded by thousands of cannons in a flash.

But Chu Yan's breath around him couldn't be restrained, and he walked away for thousands of miles.

At this moment, the door to the great state of mind was broken by him.

And Chu Yan intends to take advantage of the chase and step directly into this door!

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