Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2068: Fighter (Part 1)

This punch is upright, as if it were a godly world, noble, holy, and the sun shining through everything.

With one punch, the six battles will all change color, and within a hundred miles of Chu Yan, all other Ziweimen disciples are engulfed in white light.

Immediately, another two or thirty people were shocked by the aftermath of the punch and returned to Xiandao.

"Fighting at once!"

The Six Wars will roar in unison at this time.

In everyone's body, the aura was surging, the whole body was shining, connected to each other, as if it were a fairy vine, connected at this moment.

Rumble rumbling! In an instant, the momentum of the six people rose a hundredfold.

This is far from the breath of breath that six people add up in a flash, as if there are hundreds of warriors.

"Ziweitian penalty punch!"

The six people roared in unison.

The breath connected to each other suddenly cracked a gap of hundreds of miles.

At this moment in the sky, it is like an egg, which collapses along this gap.

An indescribable fist, completely shrouded in light, seemed to be a kingdom of divine light, sticking out from the collapsed sky.

The speed seems extremely slow, but every time you move forward, it is actually a thousand miles away.

In the blink of an eye, this fist swept toward Chu Yan with the force of enveloping the sun, moon and stars, and crushing the river and river.

Chu Yan's fist, compared with this fist burst out of the light, is simply mung beans against watermelon.

boom! Two fists collided violently in the air, as if entering eternity.

After a while, boom! Thousands of miles of sky burst into pieces at once.

A whole flesh and blood star is shaking, as if it will fall at any time.

While shaking, the flesh and blood star began to disintegrate.

From the beginning of a ball, a shallow gap appeared.

Then the gap is just like the sun when Tengu eats the sun.

At last, nearly 20% of the flesh and blood stars disappeared.

The round flesh-and-blood magic star turned into a broken ball.

Countless demons are terrified at this moment, and the tide generally runs away into the distance.

From afar, it seemed as though the fiery star was rough.

A feeling of fear has spread and spread.

A chaotic void exploded, and suddenly a bright sun shined.

With a cry, all the chaos was dispelled.

A bunch of white lights appeared one after another.

Many disciples of Ziweimen in the white light still have a stunned look on their faces.

They didn't respond to what happened, and they were blown out one after another by the aftermath of supernatural powers.

After a short period of time, except for the six warlords and a very few disciples of Ziweimen, all other monks were sent back to Xiandao at this time.

The name on the fairy list suddenly dropped by a large amount.

It is no exaggeration to say that the long list of names on the fairy list has now been reduced by more than a quarter! The sounds of breathing in cold air rang continuously on Fairy Island and the Flesh Demon Star.

But at this time, both parties on the flesh and blood star did not care.

Chu Yan did not pay attention to it at all.

The decrease in the name on the fairy list is what he expected.

The six wars will not pay attention, it is because-horror! At the moment the six of them flew nearly a hundred miles away.

The shocking fist that had been formed before was directly exploded by Chu Yan.

The collapsed aura almost twisted the void into pieces.

The looting spirit tide, as if the golden snake dances wildly, beats them like a wild whip, the wind and the rain, and almost instantaneously, they exploded the body protection around them.

At this time, the six people were beaten apart, and for a moment, they could no longer connect their auras.

"The six of us joined forces and none of them were his opponents!"

Although they are very far apart, at this time, the six wars will still be able to see the shock and horror in each other's eyes.

"You don't want to escape any of you today!"

At this time, Chu Yan's voice, deafening and provocative, passed into their ears and directly shaken their hearts.

His figure suddenly appeared in the void.

At this time, the surrounding space was opened by him.

Countless arcs are crackling, as if catastrophe is coming.

"Chu Yan, you are less proud of yourself!"

A warrior roared again and again, his body slammed.

Suddenly, the ray of light, like a straight sword, stretched out behind him.

Under the impulse of the aura, every swordman's sword revealed the invincible murderous intention of the world, pulled out a dazzling rush, and shot straight towards Chu Yan.

The distance in space seems to be non-existent in front of the sword.

Just stabbed, it went directly to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan laughed loudly, reaching for a grasp and pinching.

Crackling! The sword in front of him was all broken.

At the next moment, he raised his hand with five fingers and sang out a sea of ​​blood.

The blood was surging and mighty, and in spite of the tremendous shock, a spear was slammed out.

The surface of this spear is surrounded by countless inscriptions, revealing an ancient, wild atmosphere, and instantly crushed on the spot.

Sigh! Immediately, the endless void was penetrated.

The long river of time has also been affected.

The warrior who shot, only felt that his eyes were covered with a sea of ​​blood.

The whole world is bright red, and the breath is full of **** smell.

Then the next moment, the whole body was in pain.

This pain is like crumbling the flesh and bones.


He couldn't help uttering a wailing, while a white light appeared all over his body.

The Tianya Sect prohibition was inspired.

"I will not die, as long as there is Tianya Sect banned, Chu Yan cannot kill me!"

There was a slight fluke in this warlord's heart.

He even wanted to raise his head and squeeze a provocative smile towards Chu Yan.

Will you still kill me?

But he just came up with the idea, and suddenly his head hurt.

It was like a red-hot steel needle. With a clatter, it plunged into his brain, and then was poured with burning oil.


This time the cry was terribly more severe than before, even tearing the warrior's throat directly, and his body disappeared with the white light when the turbulent blood was sprayed.

But that cry made the remaining five generals look ugly to the extreme.

Chu Yan snorted, looking at the five remaining generals.

The one that was sent back, even if it was alive.

At the last moment, when he suffered a violent mental attack, even if he went back, it would become an idiot and waste.

"Ziweimen eight generals, now there are only five left."

Chu Yan said the words of the five before.

Suddenly, their faces became darker, and their teeth were about to bite.

Then Chu Yan reached out and pointed at them. The smile on the corner of his mouth revealed an incomparable Sen Han: "But soon, there will be no more."

The words fell, and his figure disappeared.

Countless stars, at this moment, turned into an intertwined galaxy, suddenly appeared in the sky above these five generals.

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