Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2074: Kill the Devil

Thunderlight swept thousands of miles in an instant.

Thunder Dragon roared, the light was dazzling, and the sea of ​​blood seemed to be boiled and exploded again and again.

With Chu Yan's palm turned and pressed.

Thunder Dragon slammed into the light above the city.

Zi Zi-bang! The light exploded in an instant, and even the surrounding sea of ​​blood was swept away, and it was surging towards the surroundings.

The light is constantly exploding and collapsing, like a broken glazed tile, and all of it is disintegrated in an instant.

The roar produced by the blasting instantly spread out thousands of miles and thousands of miles, constantly rubbing and shaking in the blood sea, and the momentum was getting bigger and bigger, giving people a feeling that thousands of demon kingdoms are boiling.

At this moment, before waiting for Chu Yan to rush into the city, the demon qi that he had sensed before rose to the sky at this moment.

boom! boom! boom! Straight upwards as if deserted.

Three unprecedented strong breath appeared in the air.

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt incredibly sharp coercion, and came toward him fiercely.

However, he did not shy away, looked up, and his momentum was against the target.

Immediately, Chu Yan saw three figures in those three storm-like demons.

Holding a spear and riding on a fierce and fierce monster.

A tall, burly hand-held sharp-sword giant sword, carrying heavy armor.

There is also a slender hand and foot shape, surrounded by a terrifying frozen breath.

The three strong demonic sensations that Chu Yan had swept through the city before came from these three demons.

These three demons, just one out, can instantly crush the one who was beheaded by Chu Yan in the temple.

It can be said that the three strongest demons on the flesh and blood star are not on the ground, but in the city inside the star.

At this moment, together appeared in front of Chu Yan.

These three demons are not only devilish, but Chu Yan can feel it at this time. The breath on them is inextricably linked to the blood of the ancestor in the city below.

I don't know if the three of them are made of ancestral essence and blood, or they absorb ancestral essence and blood for too long, so the breath is fully connected.

In any case, these three monsters are far more than any monster on the flesh and blood star.

In front of the three monsters, the strongest monsters on the surface of the demon are all ordinary people! And the three of them are the emperors who are high above! The three demons appeared at this moment, and suddenly, the devil qi intertwined, forming a small world.

This small world expanded rapidly with points and faces, and soon included Chu Yan and the entire city.

Chu Yan immediately felt that the oppression of the void around him was a hundred times stronger than before.

It was like a torrent of steel coming from all directions, squeezing his body into patties and pressing into blood plasma.

Chu Yan's muscles and flesh all over this time came the roar of twisted steel plates.

"I... come..." The voice of the man came from behind the gate of hell.

Chu Yan didn't say much at this time, sinking in consciousness and handing over his body to control.

Let him deal with these three demons, although not necessarily lost, but the price of winning must be very fierce.

It will be normal for half of the flesh and blood stars to be exploded by then.

And once that happens, the existence of the blood of the ancestral demon cannot be concealed.

Whether it is Tianyazong or Ziweimen, it is absolutely impossible to let go of this rare and precious treasure.

To put it bluntly, it is this opportunity that has nothing to do with Chu Yan.

So the most correct decision at this time is to let the shot behind the gate of hell.

In this way, more time can be saved to absorb and perceive the essence blood of the ancestral demon.

After a moment, Chu Yan opened his eyes again.

His eyes are gone, all of them are dark and dark like Gujing.

The temperament of the whole body has also become like a black hole, which can't see the bottom at a glance, and at the same time it has to devour all the surroundings.

Even the realm of demonic qi and demons around makes people feel insignificant.

The three monsters also felt Chu Yan's change at this time.

However, they did not make any sound, just moved in place, and in the next moment, they appeared in front of Chu Yan, showing him a peerless move! The spear, the monster, and the monster above didn't even cause the fluctuations of Qiankun, but appeared in front of Chu Yan.

This alone is enough to prove that the strength of this demon is far above the few heavenly kings in the Purple Manor of Tianyazong.

The monster roared, and the spear thrust forward.

This thorn did not make much noise.

But the void that the spear passes through is constantly condensing, just like the pulled silk and scroll.

Space, light, and vitality all shrink and die silently.

This is a veritable spear of death! And when this spear was about to stab Chu Yan's chest, Chu Yan raised his hand and grasped it.

Suddenly the spear could no longer move forward.

The monster with open mouth roaring still keeps the action of opening the mouth, but it no longer makes any sound.

Those huge eyes were full of shock, panic, doubt, and perplexity.

The demon on his back did not react at this time, but the stiff movement at this moment has already explained its inner shock.

Chu Yan's face was expressionless and his wrists pressed slightly.

Squeaky-The spear was immediately bent.

The condensed space on it slammed and exploded.

In an instant, countless rays of light shot randomly around.

Chu Yan reached out his hand, ripped the light, grabbed it forward, and pressed his five fingers on the face of the monster, squeezing it.

The monster's head was suddenly pinched.

The demon riding on its back seemed to react at this moment, let out a sharp whistling sound, released the spear, turned into a blood, and flew into the sky.

Chu Yan still raised his hand and grabbed it forward.

The blood of the monster in his hand was still ticking, but it did not affect his movements at all.

At this moment, the five fingers seemed to directly ignore the law of space, and when they caught forward, they appeared behind the demon who had flown out of hundreds of miles, grabbed its right leg, and dragged it downward.

Bang! The demon fell like a falling meteor, Chu Yan grabbed his right leg, and the heavy hammer hit the ground.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! In a flash, it smashed thousands of times.

The demon kingdom and demon realm condensed by this piece of demonic energy suddenly appeared large cracks and were crumbling.

When Chu Yan stopped, the demon in his hand had almost collapsed, just like the porcelain that fell on the ground, all cracks, blood and the source of the collapse.

But the demon's eyes were still crimson, staring at Chu Yan with resentment.

Chu Yan's **** pierced each other's eyes with a single swipe, vigorously urged.

Crackling! The demon, far beyond the strength of the Ziweimen Heavenly King, suddenly started from his head and exploded into a sticky plasma.

A dark red light, creeping out of the blood, flew away in the direction of the ancestral essence blood.

But before moving, the void where it was located was imprisoned by Chu Yan's palm.

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