Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2081: Confronting the Southern King (Part 1)

"Chu Yan!"

Since his face had been torn off before, when the Southern King appeared, he was not at all polite.

"You--" But the moment before the opening, the Southern Heavenly King still found his consciousness and swept at least a bit towards Qingyun.

The previous blow from the patriarch still made him fresh in his memory.

At this time, after confirming that the patriarch did not pay attention to this, he suddenly had no worries, frowning, and a cold expression: "Chu Yan, what should you do to hurt my disciples of Ziweimen!"

At this moment, King Nan Nan blamed Chu Yan again, and no other people needed to remind him. Those disciples who had just returned from Chu Yan evaded.

Lin Miaoran and others wanted to step forward, but Chu Yan was told that he did not want to come.

Looking at the Southern King, who was glaring, Chu Yan seemed to smile instead of smile: "Are you teaching me?"

Hearing this answer, the Southern King couldn't help but stunned.

At this time, he can clearly feel from Chu Yan's eyes, Chu Yan's performance is that there is no fear! This made the Southern Heaven King's heart irritated.

The consciousness swept the Qingyun again.

The suzerain still didn't pay attention.

So this guy, where's the guts?

Although there are doubts in my heart, since I have come here at this moment, my attitude has already been put forward, and there is no reason to retreat.

The previous time was forced to retreat, because the suzerain intervened, it was justifiable.

But at this time he was facing a Chu Yan.

If he retreated again, his reputation as the Southern Heavenly King and the fame of Ziweimen would really not be needed anymore.

At the thought of this, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Southern King.

"Chu Yan, Tianyazong has rules, and if the disciples in the door have unresolvable things, they will postpone the signature painting and go to the Blood Sendai to make a life and death! !"

These six important monks naturally refer to six generals.

Although the fact is true, of course, the words cannot be so straightforward.

After all, it's still a face problem.

Nan Tianwang's tone became more and more strict at the moment.

"If you don't obey the patriarchal law, you will seriously hurt your fellow disciples. If you commit the following crimes, you will know the crime!"

With a stern drink, it seemed to explode like a thunderbolt.

Around the void, all ripples suddenly appeared.

But what surprised the Southern Heavenly King was that all the other disciples around him showed their magical powers either by leaving or busy avoiding.

Chu Yan was the closest to him, almost facing his scream, but he didn't feel anything at all, and there was even a little taunt on his face.

"Ziweimen, who is the most unruly, is now accusing me of being unruly?

Besides, which of the six important monks, you let them stand up, in front of so many people, pointing at me and telling everyone, I hurt them? "

At this point, Chu Yan paused.

In his eyes, ice and snow emerged faintly.

"If not, you are framing me in public."

Chu Yan's eyes, like two swords, stunned Nantian King's heart.

This reaction made him more uncertain.

After returning from the flesh and blood star, although it was only a short confrontation, at this moment, the Southern Heavenly King had clearly felt that Chu Yan had not seen him in his eyes.

This feeling suddenly made him shy and annoyed.

At this time, Chu Yan's words continued to sound.

And one sentence after another, it was too much for the Southern King to breathe.

"The flesh-and-blood star is the place where you choose Lagerstroemia.

The patriarch and elders even made concessions for you, and changed the rules of the second round.

Under such circumstances, you said that I did not keep the law.

If you don’t keep the law on the flesh and blood devil you choose, do you mean -" Chu Yan's eyes flashed a fine awn, and suddenly the heart of the Southern Heavenly King jumped.

"You are in front of so many sect gates and family monks, accusing the sect master and the elders of secretly helping me bully Ziweimen?"

As soon as these words came out, the Southern Heavenly King immediately stopped breathing, and secretly shouted to suffer.

Sure enough, as he thought.

Before Chu Yan's words fell, a sharp consciousness fell from Qingyun to him.

At this moment, King Nan felt his body seemed to be annihilated, and his soul had to be penetrated.

It was so stressful that he left his brain blank. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

On the surrounding fairy islands, there was silence at this time.

Chu Yan had just asked a few words and asked the Southern Heavenly King dumb. This was something that no one had expected before.

Some people originally thought that the Southern Heaven King would use the things of the six warlords to speak to Chu again.

But who knows that at this moment, he was actually caught by Chu Yan for a few consecutive words, caught off guard and unable to parry.

There is one thing about Chu Yan, and the catch is very clear, so that the Southern Heavenly King can’t resist at all: he let the six monks in the mouth of the Southern Heavenly King come to identify him.

And now, when the Six Wars will be sent back, it has become an idiot, and it is already an open secret.

Let six idiots come to identify, Ziweimen really can afford this person?

You know, at this time, the Southern Heavenly King was even embarrassed to say that the six monks were actually warriors.

Even the South Heavenly King and Ziweimen ripped off their faces, allowing the six wars to identify in the future.

Who would believe that idiot?

Nan Tianwang shivered with rage at this time, a breath of breath, violently rotating around the body, whining, faintly showing the trend of storm.

And after the storm, the gleam of thunder was looming, and it was even more terrifying.

"Once again, is he going to be humiliated by him again! This guy, **** it!"

Nan Tianwang gritted his teeth, staring at Chu Yan's eyes, hatred was constantly gathering, and he wished that Chu Yan would cramp his skin and shatter his body.

But above Qingyun, it is clear that the suzerain will protect Chu Yan.

If he shoots again at this time, the punishment will be heavier than last time.

Just as the Southern Heavenly King hesitated, the longer he looked at Chu Yan, and the more he felt that the anger could not be restrained, a sound suddenly came from his ear.

Immediately, he did not hesitate at all, burst into a scream, and reached for Chu Yan with a sharp grasp.

Wow! A piece of void was pulled off by him like a curtain.

After the void, a black storm swept through the world, and flashes of thunder seemed to be able to split the mountains and the sea, torn the night, and came a loud noise, and enveloped Chu Chu at once.

Destroying all the breath, rushing wildly, spurring storms and lightning, converging into a demon **** like an ancient one, it is necessary to suppress Chu Yan severely.


"He [Longteng Novel Network www.xiaodaba.com] actually shot!"

"Aren't you afraid of Sect Master Tianya!"

"Nantian King was completely irritated and shot with all his strength!"

"I'm afraid this blow is to bet on the reputation of his heavenly king and the majesty of Ziweimen!"

"Nan Tianwang is to represent Ziweimen, and completely break with Tianya Sect!"

Just as the crowd on the island of Xiandao exclaimed in a general shout of tsunami and tsunami, there were two more lights that lit up next to the Southern Heavenly King.

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