Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2084: Reward distribution

The seven warriors of Ziweimen all fell into Chu Yan's hands.

Now the three great kings, one was chopped to death by Chu Yan on the spot, and the other two were severely injured.

The arrogant Ziweimen has never encountered such a dark moment.

From the beginning, the development of the group fairy conference is completely different from its expectations! It can even be said that it has reached two extremes.

And the conscientious monk, recalling this moment, immediately discovered a terrifying reality.

It was during the first round that Chu Yan faced the Southern Heavenly King and could only rely on the protection of the patriarch.

But now at the end of the second round, he can directly kill the Southern Heavenly King with one enemy and three, even the soul of the **** is completely crushed.

The main reason is not that Chu Yan concealed his strength before.

But he was promoted in the second round, on the flesh and blood star! "In the first round, the realm he showed was still a double-minded success of the heavenly state of mind."

"Yeah, it seems that he was hiding his realm at the time, but this method is really clever, and no one can even see it."

"You said, is he the original state is the three major achievements of the heavenly mind state, or the promotion completed on the flesh and blood star?"

"What happened on the flesh and blood star may not be known to anyone other than himself."

"The place where the flesh and blood star is full of demon, can still be promoted. Is this guy really not practicing demon skills?"

"Hush! Are you crazy, don't talk nonsense, Chu Yan practice skills, but by the identification of the Holy Emperor Fu Yao Bell, there will be no problem."

"This shows that there must be great luck in Chu Yan's body, great adventure! It is really enviable!"

"The war will be completely destroyed, and the king will be destroyed. The only thing that can suppress Chu Yan is to protect the law... No, I even have a feeling that the law is not the opponent of Chu Yan."

"Ziweimen is going up and down now, I'm afraid they are crazy. Who would have thought that Chu Yan would destroy their plan completely."

"Huh, Chu Yan is indeed strong now, but when the emperor returns, if he doesn't get the blessing of the patriarch, it's still fierce."

"Yeah, Emperor Taiqing... Now this hatred is really getting deeper and deeper."

The sounds around him kept coming, and Xiao Jue's brow furrowed at this moment.

How powerful the Taiqing Emperor is. Over the years, she has learned too much from the elders and sisters of Luoxia Valley.

But now, your beloved lord, has become the enemy of the Ziweimen built by the emperor.

"Your Highness must have your own considerations."

After pondering for a long time, Xiao Jue made a judgment in his heart, "Either there is a coping method, or he has another plan."

Thinking about this problem in his heart, a blue light suddenly floated from a distance and fell in front of everyone in Luoxia Valley.

Seeing the middle-aged women appearing in the Biguang, the disciples of Luoxia Valley were stunned. They immediately stood up, respectfully saluted, and said elders.

The person who came at this time was an elder in Luoxia Valley.

And her previous position was above Qingyun.

This position is enough to show her strength and status.

"I'm here to convey the suzerain's instructions."

The elders looked at the crowd and said, "The Sect Master has orders. No matter what happens to Tianya Sect, our disciples in Luoxia Valley will not be allowed to participate in it, nor will we have any entanglement with the disciples of Tianya Sect. The law of the door, the most serious offense."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Jie deliberately, then turned into a blue light, and flew back to Qingyun again.

The disciples of Xiagu, including Xiao Jie himself, already understood that the elders, or more precisely, the order of the patriarch, to a greater extent, actually came to remind her.

Chu Yan is now endless with Ziweimen.

No matter what step the matter will take after the return of the Emperor Taiqing, Luoxia Valley will not be qualified, nor will it have the strength to intervene.

Looking on the wall is the best choice.

Once involved, according to the style of the Taiqing emperor, Luo Xiagu is absolutely uncomfortable.

Xiao Jue bit his lip at this time, bowing his head in silence.

She understands the key to this.

The sisters around looked at her, and for a moment, they didn't know how to comfort them well.

Naturally, they are all in the bottom of their hearts, hoping Xiao Xiao can be good.

But when they were in the past, they knew how important this brother in Xiao's mind was to her.

Finally, Sister Li stepped forward, and after some consideration, she wanted to speak.

But every time Sister Li speaks, Xiao Jie has raised his head, showing a smile: "Sister, I know how to do it, you don't have to worry about me."

Sister Li was stunned.

She looked closely at Xiao Jie's eyes.

The other person's eyes can't see too many clues.

After taking a closer look at Xiao Jue for a moment, Sister Li nodded: "Sister Xiao, this matter is related to the entire Luoxia Valley. You always have the trust of your elders and colleagues. We all believe that you will handle this matter well. ."

"Well, I will, sister, don't worry."

Xiao Ju nodded with a smile.

Seeing her calm appearance, not only Sister Li, but also other fellow students felt relieved.

No one noticed that when Xiao Jie turned around, there was a touch of sorrow and determination in the depths of his eyes.

At this moment, the second round of the awards of the Fairy Fair is also flying out of the Fairy List.

According to the ranking, the rewards vary.

The rewards will be different for those who stick to the end and those who are eliminated.

The most intuitive difference is the two disciples ranked 134th and 135th this time.

Although their rankings are all more than one hundred, and only one difference in ranking.

But the 134th disciple was finally sent back.

The 135th disciple was eliminated.

Therefore, the reward received by the former disciple is more than ten times more than the latter! This made this 135th disciple, envious and annoyed, how good it would be if he insisted for a while.

The rewards for the lower rankings are all calculated by the hundred.

For example, five hundred to six hundred, four hundred to four hundred ninety-nine.

By the time the first hundred were reached, it would be one level per ten.

Pieces of magic weapons, materials, immortals, and exercises, like streamers, shot out of Xianbang, attracted a burst of exclamation on Xiandao.

But everyone also understands that the real highlight is not until the last ten.

The magic weapons flying out of the Xianbang are all prepared long ago and controlled by the formation method, so the speed is very fast.

Soon afterwards, the top ten awards that attracted much attention.

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