Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2088: Opponent, Fourier

But at this time, the reaction was more intense, it was the patriarchs of the major immortal gates above Qingyun and the patriarch of the Xiuxian family.

Because they are at a high level among the monks of the Upper Kingdom, they know more deeply than ordinary monks about this kind of spiritual empowerment in the ancient kingdom.

Ordinary monks are still sighed. After getting this aura, they will cultivate how to make rapid progress, how to be reborn, and even a pig can become a powerful one.

And these high-level monks see: opportunity.

Not only the chance of the monk's own realm and strength, but also the chance of identity.

Above the mainland, above the county is the frontier country, above the frontier country is the backcountry, and back to the top is the ancient country.

The Kingdom of China seems to be prosperous, with many monks and strong strength, and it can even be cultivated into a real fairyland that is free from ordinary fetuses.

But the true fairyland of Shang Guo is one million and one million.

Looking at the entire treasure phase of the kingdom, the real fairyland nowadays has at most the most, which is the number of a slap.

In ancient countries, true fairyland will not be a barrier, it will not be the peak of the realm, and the number will far exceed that of the upper kingdom.

That means that if you practice in an ancient country, the possibility of being able to cultivate into a true fairyland has also greatly increased.

This time, the spiritual reincarnation of the ancient country means that on the one hand, you can further cleanse your Taoist body and bring your body closer to the "clean" state. On the other hand, it is also a more important aspect, that is, contact with the ancient country! In Shang Guo, I don’t know how many monks.

But now, this opportunity is in front of us.

Not only can you spy on a larger world, but also more likely to embark on a more spacious path of practice.

"What a pity! What a pity!"

"I knew that there was such an opportunity, and even if I were to come to Tianyazong as a disciple, I would be willing!"

"Who wants to have such an opportunity!"

"Envy, it is so envious!"

"If the opportunity to inspiring the spirit of this ancient country, if I can get it, let me give up everything I have now, I am willing!"

Above the Qingyun, these ordinary suzerains and patriarchs were full of emotion, envy, and some people even thumped their chests.

But envy is envy, there is another point, at this time everyone has reached a consensus.

That is the third round of the competition, which will certainly become more intense.

The eyes of everyone fell on Chu Yan and Mo Buyu at this moment.

Mo Buyu had an undefeated record before.

This time the discerning people even saw that this group of fairy conferences was held for him.

The Emperor Taiqing even shot ahead, forcibly modifying the rules of the second round.

As for Chu Yan, it is now "Tianya Zong secretly cultivated to fight against the disciples of the Taiqing Emperor." Previously, it has continuously demonstrated the strength of the beheading warlord and the heavenly king.

The encounter between the two has brought more meaning.

This is not only a battle between two disciples for this opportunity, but also a game between Ziweimen and Tianyazong.

However, when most of the monks on the scene were feeling the initiation of the spirit of the ancient country, Chu Yan's eyes penetrated the golden light, and after seeing the light, the disk slowly rotated and revealed a magnificent breath.

Only one part of the disc is a solid, and the other part is a virtual condensation.

It's the same piece as Chu Yan owns.

"No wonder I thought this golden light was very familiar before. It turned out to be really a fragment of the six-track reincarnation!"

Chu Yan secretly said.

"I really didn't expect that in the third round of the competition, the final reward turned out to be a piece of six reincarnations."

When thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly moved his heart.

"I now own a piece of debris, which is a secret that no one else knows.

According to Tang Lianxing's words, the Taiqing emperor already owned at least one piece of debris.

If these six reincarnations are a complete treasure, then it must be an indescribable treasure. The Holy Emperor Fuyao Bell is in front of it, I am afraid nothing can be considered.

If this is really the case, wouldn't this piece of the third round of prizes be won by the Taiqing emperor? "

At this time, Chu Yan couldn't help but feel a bit of a tiger.

But at this moment there was not much time for him to think about it. After a while, the third round of the group fairy meeting began in a golden light.

The field of fighting method is still in the center of Xiandao.

However, at this time, the original flat area was still under magical power, changing the terrain.

The great magical power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea makes the third round of the competition, although it is still in the center of Xiandao, but it is different.

For example, the actual area is 100 times wider than it seems.

Another example is that the area is no longer the flatness of the head that can be seen at a glance, but it will change different terrains, including weather changes.

It may be a desert under the scorching sun, or it may be in the sea where the rain is pouring, or between the rolling mountains, or in the ancient city of ruins.

At this time, as the third round of fighting began, Xiandao returned to peace.

As for the two sides of the competition, they are still selected by the formation in the Xianbang as in the first round.

In the first match of the third round, with the flash of Xianbang, Chu Yan and the name of another disciple appeared in front of everyone.

Chu Yan moved to the center of Xiandao.

At this time, at his feet, there was a calm lake.

In the distance, the green mountains are like dais, the mist and rain are dim, and you can vaguely see a flat boat on the lake.

But after waiting for a while, Chu Yan did not see his opponent appear.

He looked up and saw the disciple who was his opponent, standing on the jade platform at the moment, with a big smile on his face.

Seeing Chu Yan looking at himself, the disciple shook his head helplessly: "Originally I thought I would enter the top ten, and there is a chance to go further. It seems that my luck is really too bad."

That being said, this disciple flashed his figure, and at the next moment, the figure floated and appeared in front of Chu Yan.

But at this moment, at the center of Xiandao, opposite Chu Yan, this disciple was shaking his head in silence.

But above that jade platform, this disciple was still shaking his head and sighing, so that in a moment, many people did not find out that this disciple named Fu Ye had appeared above the lake.


Chu Yan nodded slightly.

Fu Ye looked at Chu Yan and blinked, his expression somewhat regretful: "I originally thought that you would be at least surprised when you saw me performing this magical power. It seems that I still overestimate myself, my strength, You can't even see your eyes."

"you are wrong."

As soon as the other party's voice fell, Chu Yan said lightly: "In my eyes, any opponent is worthy of my full shot, especially if you can rank in the top ten, not the Ziweimen disciples."

Suddenly, Chu Yan's breath was running, suddenly letting Fu Ye breathe a stagnation, feeling the void around him, as if solidified.

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