Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2091: You can't stop

As the two disciples Qi Qi left, there were only four remaining.

In addition to Chu Yan and Mo Buyu, there are two disciples of Ziweimen.

Among the last four members of the Qunxian Conference, the disciples of Ziweimen took up three seats.

And if it is not the appearance of Chu Yan, it is likely that the last four positions belong to Ziweimen.

The power of Ziweimen is evident from this.

In fact, the Ziweimen, whether it is in Tianyazong or in the whole treasure, is a monster that is enough to make the monks feel fear.

If the monk you met was not Chu Yan, but someone else, or Chu Yan who was earlier, I am afraid that Ziweimen would have easily crushed it to gray.

The beginning of the Qunxian Conference is almost the end.

The last four, three games.

In the end, you will get the fragments of the six reincarnation discs, and at the same time, you will also receive the inspiration of the ancient kingdom spirit.

At this moment, the atmosphere on Xiandao became tense and serious.

At this moment, everyone's sight and insight are firmly locked in the fairy list.

Above the fairy list, the golden light shone.

Soon after, four names appeared one after another.

Chu Yan’s opponent was not Mo Mo, but another disciple of Ziweimen Sheng Riyue.

This made the monks present regret, but at the same time took it for granted.

When he saw that his opponent was Chu Yan, Sheng Riyue held a long sword in his hand, his eyes cold, and glanced at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, you can win the battle, but you must not win me.

Because I am stronger than the war.

The battle will be at Ziweimen, not the strongest in Heaven's state of mind. "

Chu Yan looked at him sideways and said lightly, "I killed the Southern Heavenly King."

Sheng Riyue: "..." Sheng Riyue's realm is a triumph of the heavenly mind.

In terms of strength, if one-on-one matchups, he is indeed better than the eight major generals.

So he originally wanted to use those words to disturb Chu Yan's mood.

But who knows, the result is not only boring, but also being scorned by the other party.

After taking a deep breath, in the eyes of Sheng Riyue, the burning light and the cold light reflected each other, revealing a killing idea, looking at Chu Yan, coldly said: "Since it is so, then I will let you know "" Before finishing the speech, Sheng Riyue suddenly felt an indescribable pain in his head.

It was like a steel fork, thrust into the brain, and after a violent tumbling, it was poured into hot chili oil.

In an instant, even his own realm, unable to suppress the pain caused by this kind of soul, whimpered, fell to the ground and rolled.

This scene made Xiandao quiet for a moment.

Mo Buyu not far away and the other Ziweimen disciple all showed surprise in their eyes.

In addition, the Ziweimen disciple even had dry lips and a pale complexion. After looking at Chu Yan with a dreadful look, he couldn't help but took a step back.

Chu Yan only used his consciousness, and after stabbing Sheng Riyue, he did not continue to attack.

But this blow also made the opponent lose his face.

After Sheng Riyue stood up again, the whole person was in a trance.

After a while, Chu Yan and Sheng Riyue's battle will begin.

"The last scene should be when the Taiqing emperor returned."

Chu Yan said in his heart.

Seeing that Chu Yan didn't even look at himself, the anger in Sheng Riyue's heart suddenly burned.

But when he remembered the severe pain in his brain, he felt a little bit more worried.

"I didn't know before, Chu Yan's consciousness is so strong!"

Thinking so in his heart, Sheng Riyue waved his arm.

Immediately, more than ten magic weapons to protect the soul, like a peacock opening screen, gleaming light appeared around him, forming a light array, protecting it in it.

With this layer of protection, Sheng Riyue was determined and turned to roar: "Chu Yan, let you see how powerful I am! Flying across the Sun and Moon Sword!"

As the words fell, he palmed his hands to the void in front of him.

The golden magma suddenly swallowed, and in front of him, condensed into a huge sword.

This giant sword seems to be condensed with the divine light flowing down from the sun. It is majestic and mighty, and it can instantly kill thousands of gods and demons.

"Chu Yan, defeat me!"

A long roar, Sheng Riyue waving his arm, the sword in front of him cut out the magnificence of the sunset, and the dazzling sun, ignited the entire sky at the moment, turned into a sea of ​​fire, and fell towards Chu Yan.

And Sheng Riyue's killing tricks don't stop there.

His other hand grabbed forward at the moment.

With a buzzing sound, it seemed to be a sword shadow condensed by the moonlight. It spread out at once, turned into hundreds of thousands of swords, and shot towards Chu Yan.

Sun and Moon shine together, Wan Jian salutes.

Suddenly, the sky dome was burned down and collapsed, the stars were penetrated and fell.

Chu Yan seemed to be caught in a big disaster in the sky and earth, and turned into a sea of ​​death. He would be swallowed up in an instant.

"Hehe--" Jian Guang pointed straight ahead, where the sharp edge was about to be cut, Chu Yan sneered, and raised his hand to shoot.

"Taiyi Lihuodao!"

Wow! The flame light blade instantly stretches hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, thousands of feet, swept violently! Crackling! Bang Bang Bang Bang! Suddenly, all the dense moonlight sword shadows exploded into the air and were burned by the firelight. In a flash, they disappeared.

The sea that was originally intertwined with sword light became empty at this moment.

Chu Yan raised his hand again and grabbed it upwards.

Under the outbreak of blood gas, in the void, a huge palm suddenly condensed out.

This palm seems to be able to hold the stars and support the heavens and the earth, as powerful as the gods, as powerful as the gods and deities, grab the giant sword and squeeze hard.

The giant sword condensed by the flame suddenly shattered.

It was like a big mountain in the sky, all collapsed and shattered.

The broken flame poured down like a rainstorm.

The collapsed aura came out like no money.

Sheng Riyue's face became very pale, and the terrified light in his eyes kept flashing.

He hurriedly reached forward and beat forward.

Suddenly, a building that seemed to be an ancient tower stood in front of it.

This building, which is thousands of feet tall, reveals a simple, wild atmosphere, as if it can deter everything.

With the advent of this building, the turbulent fire around him suddenly weakened a lot.

"Stop him!"

Seeing this scene, Sheng Riyue seemed to have recovered a little confidence and shouted.

Chu Yan hummed, turned his palm into a fist, stepped forward, punched through the world, and broke the fist of the void.

The incomparably large palm in the sky was suddenly held and suddenly accelerated.

Obviously it was so huge, but at this moment, it seemed to be directly submerged into the void. In the moment of the trance of all monks, it seemed to penetrate the space. It appeared directly in front of the ancient building hundreds of miles away, and punched it.

Bang! This magic weapon was immediately broken down, and smoke billowed out.

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