Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2099: Chuyan VS Mobuyu (Part 2)

There was a roar, and the water, fire and wind swept from all directions.

Above the sky dome, the downpour was pouring, and the thunder was dense.

Above the ground, the flood was raging and magma erupted.

Between the heavens and the earth, the rain and mist suddenly flashed and the light flashed.

A scent of destruction destroys everything.

The center of killing intent is directed at Chu Yan! At this moment, Mo Buyu is the master of this field.

The sun, the moon and the stars, and the vast land, he robbed all his life.

The torrential rain, thunder and lightning, and earthquake flood were like the origin of the world's destruction, and they all came towards Chu Yan.

I don't know how much space, all broken at this moment.

In front of this series of catastrophes, Chu Yan was small and fragile like a thin piece of paper, as if it would be torn apart at any time.

Above the fairy island, seeing this scene, almost all the monks were shaking their heads.

Even Lin Miaoran and others turned pale at this moment.

Above the Qingyun, the sect master of each sect and the head of the family also sighed and slowly sat down.

When Mo Wuyu displayed the field, they knew that this match was over.

In the field, there is no way to invade.

Chu Yan became the dough that was kneaded indiscriminately, and had no strength at all.

Someone who has good deeds at this time probes God's consciousness towards Tianya Sect Master and wants to see the other party's reaction.

Although what I saw is still a mist, in the eyes of these monks, the Tianya Sect Master at this moment should be helpless with a full face.

Who would have thought that Ziweimen's silent words actually reached this level.

Realm-Chu Yan has no chance of winning.


Mo Wu said a roar, the giant axe in his hand, in an instant, cut out the god-destroying light.

Thunder and light, torrents and pouring, nine days of the Milky Way, the destruction of the avenue, in a moment, Chu Yan will be frustrated and the spirits will be destroyed.

"Mobi, you are wrong about two things."

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly spoke.

Without giving Mo Mo a chance to respond, he opened his arms and slammed.

Squeak-The void at this time seemed to be stretched out by him.

A ray of light shone from Chu Yan's chest and enveloped him.

But every time everyone sees what this light is all about, the endless sky-tribulation will engulf Chu Yan.

Like a sea in a storm, a lonely boat is photographed deep in the sea.


Almost all monks said silently in their hearts at the moment.

But at this time, the sound of a roar came as if thousands of huge bronze bells were ringing together.

Whether it was Xiandao or above the blue clouds, the hearts of all the monks jumped suddenly, and the soul was shocked.

Their surprised and suspicious eyes quickly looked towards the center of Xiandao.

Suddenly, I saw a quaint, majestic big clock, and at this time, it suddenly propped up from the ground.

This big clock gives a feeling of incomparably thick, extremely strong, indestructible, and majestic.

All the lightning hit on it, and it was all broken.

All the flood water poured onto it and it evaporated in an instant.

All the flames spewed up and suddenly went out.

The light mist vine peak rushed up, and as the big clock slowly became larger, they were all squeezed and run down, turning into powder.

In this field, all kinds of killings, all kinds of catastrophes, facing the mouth are getting bigger and bigger, and it is almost impossible to blow up the big sky of the sky.

"This is—" All the monks breathed.

Mo Moyu's eyes were even more terrified, staring at the big clock, his eyes flickered, his breath was short, his face was red and white.

Holy Emperor Fu Yao Bell! It was the projection of Chu Yan, the projection of the Holy Emperor Fu Yao Bell! Chu Yan actually used the projection of the Holy Emperor Fuyao Bell in this field, blocking the big robbery in the field! Before this, no one had thought that Chu Yan still harbored such treasures.

But almost no one on the scene felt that Chu Yan could urge this treasure with his own strength.

In the eyes of many people, the projection of the Holy Emperor Fuyao Bell can be used as the base of the large formation.

That's the smartest approach for monks at this stage.

Unless it is a sect, get this reward, can be used to protect the mountain gate.

But even then, it takes a lot of elders with high level and strength in the sect to join forces to urge them.

As for a disciple of the heaven state of mind, even if the strength is far beyond the same level, but the heaven state of mind is the heaven state of mind, the aura has a limit, and the strength has a limit.

Relying only on oneself, the possibility of being able to urge the projection of the Holy Emperor Fuyao Clock is extremely rare.

Even if it is urged, can it stop the killing in this field?

But now, Chu Yan has proved in front of everyone that he can do both! A loud rush came from the simple and thick center of the projection of the Holy Emperor Fuyao Bell.

Chu Yan's figure gradually appeared in it.

At this moment, he seemed to be the soul of the projection. In his eyes, the light was shining brightly, rubbing violently, and shining an incomparable flying spirit.

"Mubei, you are fundamentally wrong in two things, so even if you are in the field, you can't win me!"

Chu Yan said one by one, Zhen Deaf started to tremble, and all kinds of big robbers trembling around him.

The sound of words is like a decree, no one can question it! The surging floods suddenly collapsed in the air, and turned into a downpour, and fell to the ground.

The flaming flame was also suppressed at this moment.

"That's impossible!"

Mo Bu said an almost crazy roar.

He suddenly raised his hand, the giant axe pointed at himself, and the sharp light flashed to cut a wound in his chest.

The blood poured out and quickly sank into the void, as if pouring another spoonful of boiling water into the rolling oil that had been quiet.

Immediately, various disasters reappeared.

"It's useless!"

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and the aura seemed to erupt in five lakes and all seas. In an instant, he urged the projection of the Holy Emperor Fu Yao Bell, and spread again.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! All the catastrophes collapsed at the touch and all were broken.

Mo Wu's breathing became extremely rapid.

The monks on Xiandao and Qingyun were also hard to believe their eyes at this time.

Could not suppress Chu Yan in Mo Mo's field?

At this time, Chu Yan’s voice, word by word, overshadowed the rumbling loud noise of the Tribulation, and passed into Mobu’s ears, reaching the ears of countless monks at the scene: "Your first mistake is your birth. Physique does not exist at all!"


"how can that be!"

"What is Chu Yan talking about?"

"The chaotic body of the emperor who does not say anything does not exist?"

"Then how can we all see clearly."

Chu Yan's remarks immediately caused an uproar.

Even the crown princes and various royal families of Qingyun's Shangbaoxiang Kingdom were stunned.

The two traits of the Emperor's Chaos, they can see clearly, how can there be wrong.

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