Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2102: Return of Emperor Taiqing (Part 2)

Mo Jiyu is more successful than Ji Shi.

To some extent, this is already a puppet that is almost indistinguishable from the real person.

His flesh and blood, his internal organs, and his veins are all like human races.

The only difference is that he has no soul.

Chu Yan can feel that the spirit in Mo Bu's body is just a substitute for the formation of a treasure.

But this point of view at the moment the whole Xiandao up and down, I am afraid that only Chu Yan noticed.

Because Chu Yan has a chance.

He once saw that mysterious cave in the mountains in the treasures of the twelve countries.

I also saw a large pool suspended by chains in the secret place of the Xi family.

At the time, Chu Yan did not understand that Ziweimen, or more accurately, what the Emperor Taiqing wanted to do.

But later, when the first Mo Wu speech appeared, Chu Yan reacted.

Emperor Taiqing wanted to be a perfect "person".

Mo Buyu should be a relatively satisfactory work after his numerous attempts.

In fact, it is indeed the same.

Up to the present position, even if it is hitting the ground now, this Mo Wu speech behaves exactly like a human monk.

It can only be said that he was unlucky and encountered Chu Yan.

If not for Chu Yan, Ziweimen will be the biggest winner in this group of fairy conferences.

Mo Buyu will also reach the summit smoothly, and then take over the position of the Northern King.

From that moment on, Ziweimen will truly be in full swing.

The situation after that is even more difficult to imagine.

But the variables appeared in Chu Yan.

Chu Yan glanced back at Mo Moyu, and then his eyes restored to the past calmness.

An opponent who has been defeated by him, there is no need to read more.

Beating him today means that the opponent will no longer be able to catch up with him.

This is Chu Yan's self-confidence! "Won, the fragments of these six reincarnations are mine."

Chu Yan raised his hand and grabbed at the slowly rotating golden fragments in the sky.

Boom-Jin Guang trembles slightly, Yun Shu Yun curls in general, slowly converges, reveals a more sacred, mysterious breath, and flew towards Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yan could even clearly feel that as this piece of debris kept getting closer, there was a feeling of warmth all around him, like a big supplement.

The previously consumed Aura, Blood Qi, and accumulated fatigue were swept away in an instant.

In an instant, the whole person became energetic and fierce! Heaven and Earth is the treasure, which should have the effect of nurturing the Tao body.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a burning spur, his arm raised, and five fingers sang, and he was about to grab the piece in his hand.

Many monks on Fairy Island have different looks of envy, jealousy, and resentment at the moment, but at this time, they also understand that Chu Yan's victory and getting this last treasure are already a thing of the past.

If you want to blame, you can only blame it.

At this moment, the sky suddenly shook.

The sky that shook this time was not the area enveloped by the fairy island, but the entire sky dome.

In an instant, an ancient flood, the supreme idea, penetrated and swept through.

An entire world seems to be included.

At this time, everyone feels their own soul, as if they are being paid attention to by a super-dead idea, and they can't do it if they want to move their bodies.

Next moment, scorn! The sky was divided into two at once.

An incomparably great shore stepped out of it.

Gorgeous Caixia, unlimited eyes.

The holy and noble golden light slowly fell into a very tall ladder.

As soon as this figure appeared, it seemed to be the son of heaven, the hegemon of the world, the fairy king overriding all living beings, no one can beat the enemy, no one can stop, no one can look directly! With millions of miles and tens of millions of miles around, the whole treasure is on the kingdom, and all the kingdoms around the country, at all times, it seems that with the appearance of this person, it has fallen into eternal silence.

Between heaven and earth, within the universe, there is only this creature that can dominate everything.

Chu Yan's finger was just an inch away from the six-wheel reincarnation.

But at this time, the voids around him seemed to be completely condensed, and became stronger than the iron plate thousands of times and ten thousand times, making him unable to move.

His soul also seemed to be sealed.

"This is--" Chu Yan's heart already guessed who it was.

After all, it came back at the last minute.


An angry cry came from the mouth of the figure who appeared.

Immediately, Xiandao oscillated and the sea was boiling.

The huge waves rolled straight into the sky.

The formation around Xiandao crackled and shattered.

The monks on the island were pale and crooked.

Hovering the half-air fairy list collapses instantly.

The green cloud shook sharply, and the mist cleared away, revealing the panicked face of the patriarch and clan chief of each sect after that.

And Chu Yan under the six-round reincarnation, as if his chest was hammered, his nose and mouth were sweet, his body was like a volley hit by the god’s sledge hammer, and he fell straight towards the ground. With a bang, almost the fairy island Straight through.

The shock produced by the fall turned into countless waves, violently galloping, and the majesty of 10 million iron rides swept through.

The light wall covering the central area of ​​Xiandao was all shattered.

Countless streamers flew everywhere in the terrified eyes of the monks.

And the figure that came in the air, grabbed a hand at the moment.

The fragments of the six reincarnation discs in the air flew into his hand slowly, and slowly turned in his palm.

His other hand shot in the sky.

Among the ruins, Mo Wu's figure rose from the ground and flew to him.

The figure pointed to Mo Mo's forehead.

Mo Wuyu's nearly collapsed body healed in an instant, but did not wake up immediately.

The entire Xiandao, this moment is still heard.

In fact, from the appearance of this figure to the shattering of the surroundings, one shot beats Chu Yan and reaches out to take away the six pieces of samsara discs as a reward. The whole process adds up to just a few breathing time.

But this time, in the sense of the monks on Xiandao and Qingyun, seems to be as long as hundreds of years.

The morale of many people cannot bear this heavy pressure at this moment.

At this time, only a few monks from the Purple Palace realm above Qingyun can know the realm of this man who appeared at the moment.

Real wonderland! True immortal coercion, no one can rival! Taiqing Emperor, back! The hearts of countless people are shaking violently.

At this time, the light was vomiting, and the Emperor Taiqing hadn't shown his true appearance, but I didn't know how many people on Xiandao had already begun to soften his knees, and could not help but kneel down and kowtow.

Even above Qingyun, Tianyazong's senior management, for a moment, failed to respond to the behavior of the Taiqing emperor at the moment.

But suddenly, there was a bang from the center of Xiandao.

Broke the silence.

The billows of smoke and dust suddenly turned into a pillar and rose into the sky.

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