Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2262: Chu Yan's Magic Treasure

In the void, Chu Yan sat cross-legged.

Numerous spiritual thoughts were transformed into tangible words, like a horse, intertwined around him.

Chu Yan's thinking became extremely quick at this moment.

Countless feelings, at this moment, seemed to spring up.

If you regard the reward of this ancient country as a chance, before this, I am afraid that only the blood of the ancestor demon can match it.

"It's no wonder that Zao Wou-ki desperately has to fight for the opportunity to enter the ancient country to practice. The opportunity alone is worth it."

At this time, Chu Yan divided a ray of divine thoughts and thought silently.

As time passed, many divine thoughts seemed to have turned into sea water, wrapping Chu Yan in it.

And Chu Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in the center, had a radiant glow on his body, giving a taste of majesty and enlightenment.

The kind of breath that is about to be promoted because of sentiment can't hide.

But at the moment of promotion, Chu Yan opened his eyes.

The divine consciousness of the surrounding water waves suddenly dissipated towards the surroundings.

Chu Yan's eyes were clear, looking around.

The countless Dao Marks around are still floating slowly, and the whispering and arguing are endless.

But at this time, his heart was very clear.

"It turned out that a year has passed."

Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Once you enter that state of full perception, the passage of time is completely imperceptible.

Fortunately, he had previously divided a ray of divine mind, outside this emptiness, used to pay attention to the various changes of Baoxiang Shang Guo.

Otherwise, he would definitely be surprised by the time.

In just one year, it is naturally impossible to recover the various sects and families whose vitality has been severely damaged.

But everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Chu Yan looked around and found that there was nothing to do by himself, so he returned his attention to the sentiment in front of him.

Closing his eyes and pondering for a moment, Chu Yan raised his hand and grabbed it.

Boom! The void in front of him collapsed, and suddenly, a few magic weapons with dazzling light appeared in front of Chu Yan.

Six reincarnation discs, palace of gods and demons, slaughter magic spear, and slashing inflammation.

As soon as these four magic weapons appeared at this moment, the gushing light caused the void to tremble, and for a while, even the constant sounds around them were mostly covered.

Looking at the fragments of the six reincarnation discs, Chu Yan couldn't help muttering: "There is still a fragment left."

The six reincarnation discs were broken into five pieces.

Chu Yan got one piece before, and the other three pieces fell into the hands of Taiqing Emperor Zao Wuji.

After Zao Wou-ki was beheaded by Chu Yan, the three pieces he originally possessed naturally belonged to Chu Yan.

Five pieces, Chu Yan now has four pieces.

At this moment, Chu Yan could even feel the incomparably heavy coercion and momentum on the Six Paths of Samsara.

This magic weapon, when only fragments, can reverse life and death, turn Yin and Yang, and Zao Wou-ki's ability to refine the Hunyuan Infinity Body also relies on the power of the six reincarnation discs.

At this time, it is incomplete and possesses such mana, so it is difficult to imagine how powerful this magic weapon will be once the five pieces are collected and become complete again.

Staring at the slowly rotating light wheel for a moment, Chu Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

The light wheel suddenly became larger, spreading like an ancient sky dome, extending to the depths of this void, and unfolding above Chu Yan.

In the golden light, runes and formations slowly swirled in it.

Whenever monks with a slightly unstable mind saw this scene, they were afraid that they would lose heart immediately.

At this moment, Chu Yan remained still.

"The power of the four fragments is strong enough, but if there is a chance, it is best to be able to put together this magic weapon.

It's just that I don't have any clues for this last piece. "

After Chu Yan pondered for a moment, his gaze fell on the Palace of Gods and Demons.

This one is Chu Yan's biggest gain from Zao Wuji this time.

Zao Wou-ki refined a kingdom of gods and demons with the help of the power of the six reincarnation discs, led by thousands of small world creatures, and finally refined this magic weapon.

If it's just a comparative magic weapon, the Palace of Gods and Demons is the absolute top of the list within the treasures of the kingdom.

Although in the battle between Chu Yan and Zao Wou-Ki, this magic weapon was blown out by Chu Yan, and its power was reduced a lot, but now it ranks in the top ten and there is still no problem.

And more importantly, the loss of the power of the Palace of Gods and Demons was only part of the divine soul of the Gods and Demons being broken up by Chu Yan.

This soul is just like the fierce soul Ding Haizhu, which can be supplemented and improved.

In other words, now that it is in Chu Yan's hands, not only can it restore its original killing power, but it can also become stronger.

With this thought, Chu Yan hooked his finger again.

The void broke open, and the Witch Sovereign Sunset Bow appeared in front of him.

Like the Palace of Gods and Demons, the Witch Emperor Sunset Bow still has a lot of room for improvement.

And these two are both powerful killing magic weapons.

Although Chu Yan had many treasures before, he was not rich in terms of the quality and number of magic weapons.

More often, he relied on the strength of his own body to fight the law.

However, after the battle with Zao Wou-Ki this time, his magic treasure trove has been greatly supplemented and improved.

"Next, we can refine the palace of the gods and demons and the evil spirit Ding Haizhu. There is no suitable material for the Witch Emperor Sunset Bow.

After going to the ancient country, there should be a chance to obtain rare heavenly materials and earth treasures, and then refine the Witch Sovereign Sunset Bow to increase its power. "

Chu Yan finally looked at Slaughter Demon Spear and Zhan Yan.

In this battle with Zao Wou-Ki, the Slaughter Spear became Chu Yan's sharp weapon in his hands, and it was indispensable.

But this magic weapon has also received a lot of damage in this fierce battle.

In the previous battle, because of the burning demon flame on the surface, it was still not visible.

Now that the magic flame dissipated, one could clearly see that there were many fine cracks on the body of the Slaughter Demon Spear.

Including the blade, there were also gaps the size of rice grains.

If you encounter a similar fighting technique again, it is likely to be unable to withstand the huge impact and collapse.

This magic weapon comes from the killing of the devil, and it has a natural restraint effect on the demon.

It would be a shame if it was abandoned or damaged because of this.

But Chu Yan had already figured out how to deal with it.

"Your Zhanyan hasn't been improved for a long time."

Chu Yan said.

Waiting for a while, seeing that there was no response, he shook his head and said, "I think it's better to forget it. Zhanyan's current rank is already a bit low. When there is a chance, I will find some more fragments. I'll talk about it then."

As soon as the voice fell, in the sea of ​​consciousness that had been quiet for a long time, there was a voice: "Hmm--"

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