Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2323: Ancestor's eyes

The flames are pouring down.

But this flame does not give people a scorching feeling.

On the contrary, it is a cold from deep in the bone marrow.

As if seeing this flame, I came to hell, surrounded by the breath of death, not only the movement of people became slow, but the thinking also stagnated.

"Every creature has fear.

Although the fears of different creatures are different, they still fear the same thing, that is death! I see how you respond this time! Die to me obediently! "

The dead youth roared again and again.

An extremely hideous look appeared on his face.

With this cut, he did not hesitate to use his death spirit that had accumulated tens of thousands of years.

Under the circumstances of huge consumption, he naturally hoped that Chu Yan could die in pain.

Otherwise, he would not be able to pour out the resentment in his heart.

Where Qing Yan went, it was frozen for thousands of miles, and there was a breath of silence in winter, as if all lives were frozen in ice and perished forever.

"Go to hell?"

Chu Yan sneered, "What a joke?"

He raised his hand and shot a blood spear directly.

Crackling! The blood spear and the blue flame violently collided, and there was a loud explosion of steel.

Qing Yan was exploded into cracks.

The blood spear also seemed to be frozen, and its progress became slow.

"Hehe, although your vitality and blood are vigorous, in the face of death, you are nothing!"

The dead youth showed a smile that was determined to win.


Two words were spit out from Chu Yan's mouth.

He flipped his wrist.

In an instant, golden light shined.

Wherever the light goes, the sun shines brightly, sweeping away all the gloom.

"Six Reincarnation Disk!"

A huge rotating phantom appeared above Chu Yan's head.

The golden light shines, and a solemn, solemn, and magnificent breath emerges spontaneously.

The green flame was illuminated by the golden light, and suddenly a screaming sound erupted, as if it was poured with boiling oil.

In the next moment, tragic wailing came from the blue flames, and the tide retreated quickly.

"This, how is this possible!"

The dead youth was stunned, and his words became stammered.

Chu Yan sneered.

The six reincarnation discs can reverse life and death.

Even ten thousand year zombies like the three-headed demon dog can be turned into a living thing.

Although the six reincarnation disc still lacks the last fragment, it is more than enough to deal with the blue flames in front of him.

Chu Yan waved his arm.

The six paths of reincarnation run across the ancient times, illuminating the future.

The light instantly dispelled all darkness.

That Qingyan kept backing and shrinking.

The sizzling sound is like a candle being baked.

"not good!"

The soul youth also reacted at this time.

He panicked and hurried back.

"Want to go?

Seal the Nether King Chain! "

Chu Yan has five fingers, one grasp, one song.

The void surrounding the dead soul youth suddenly opened a large hole.

The chains, with the whine of Baiguiye crying, shot out from the big hole, instantly trapping the limbs of the dead young man, just like the female sisters he had **** before.

"This this!"

The undead youth felt the ghostly spirit on the chain, and was suddenly even more surprised. Looking at Chu Yan, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Why does the other party have this method.

And even more clever and pure than yourself! But at this time, it was no longer his turn to speak.

The light of the six reincarnation discs swallowed him all at once.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The dead youth suddenly struggled and broke out indescribable screams.

His body began to melt like snow.

Pus was gushing out of the ulcerated skin, and the eyeballs rolled out of the eye sockets at this moment.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

He struggled desperately, but the chains became tighter and tighter.

On the chain, sharp barbs grew even more, which pierced into his body, making the dead youth immobile.

In a short moment, this dead soul youth seemed to have become a puddle of mud, a mass of rotten meat, and could not see the original human form.

But above the rotten meat, an open hole can still utter his desperate wailing.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! The ancestors save me! The ancestors save me!"

"Old ancestors?"

Chu Yan's heart moved.

Immediately, he felt a pressure, surging from all directions.

Before Chu Yan could react, the muddy swamp-like ground suddenly cracked open with a mile-long opening.

The gap continued to expand, and in the next moment, it turned into a blood-red eyeball, staring straight at Chu Yan.

The area covered by this eyeball was more than 100,000 li, and it was covered with bloodshot like a giant python. It looked hideous and terrifying to the extreme. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the eye of the devil.

At this time, being stared at by these eyes, Chu Yan found that his whole body was solidified, and he could no longer move.

The space he was in seemed to have been "digged out" forcibly, and it began to melt continuously.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Yui Tachibana and others felt incredible at this time.

Originally, they all saw that Chu Yan had already occupied an absolute advantage.

The undead youth is like a dough in front of him, kneading it at will, and will be suppressed in the next moment.

But at this moment, the void where Chu Yan was located seemed to have been watered with blood from beginning to end.

The **** color that wriggled and throbbed was like a huge mouth, swallowing this entire space.

"Brother is in danger!"

Tachibana's eyes narrowed.

She was about to go to rescue immediately, regardless of other people's persuasion.

But the figure just moved, and immediately, a **** storm struck.

The female cultivators present, including Yui Tachibana, immediately felt as if they were being impacted by the army, and hurriedly used their own means to resist.

At this time, let alone going to help, even if you want to stabilize your figure on the spot, it seems extremely difficult.

At this time, in the melting void, the dead soul youth had almost turned into a puddle of mud, but his mouth could still speak.

"You are finished, you are completely finished this time, do you feel severe pain in your flesh and blood now?

That's because you will soon be melted, hahahahaha! Ok? "

Before the young man had finished speaking, he suddenly felt something wrong.

"You are so noisy."

Chu Yan's voice was close at hand.

"You can still move!"

The undead youth said in surprise.

"Is it weird?"

Chu Yan raised his hand and grabbed it.

woo woo woo woo! The dead soul youth was sucked into his palm immediately.

A ball of flame immediately envelops the ball of flesh and blood, and refines it fiercely.

In the flames, this group of flesh and blood continued to condense a distorted and hideous face.

But after a while, he was completely refined by Chu Yan and disappeared.

Chu Yan looked around.

The void he was in had turned scarlet at this moment, as if it had entered the stomach of a monster beast.

In all directions, it was continuously dissolving, and there was a loud crash of collapse.

The only thing that didn't change was the huge eye under him, staring straight at Chu Yan with an extremely cruel gaze.

"Do you really think I have nothing to do with you?"

Chu Yan sneered.

"Before changing, I would break you to pieces at most and get out from here.

In that case, what you get is just a part of the blood.

But now, I have changed my mind.

Because I have mastered a new method.

I want to use this method to dig you out from the depths of the void and completely kill you.

Not just destroy your eyeball! "

Chu Yan's words fell, and his body suddenly fell like a falling meteorite, slamming down in front of his eyes.

All the bloodshot eyes in the eyeballs suddenly shook up, looking terrifying, and the scalp was tingling.

A bloodshot, like a giant python, ejected from the eyeball, opened the blood basin, and rushed towards Chu Yan.

"Sword three styles!"

The sword light swept across, staggered and killed.

Swish Swish! All the bloodshots were chopped up and exploded in midair.

On the surface of the eyeball, a thick blood mist evaporated.

The thick fog is harder than steel, trying to stop Chu Yan.

Chu Yan fisted outrageously.

boom! A big crack that stretched for thousands of miles suddenly appeared.

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