Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2340: Big makeover

Chu Yan opened the door and stepped into it.

Suddenly, a golden light from above poured out from the door.

The scrolls carved with dragons and phoenixes seem to have been waiting for Chu Yan's arrival.

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and took a breath, then opened it to take a look.

"Ao Huang Jue" after the promotion of Ao Xin Jue.

A ray of golden light shot out from the book, straight into Chu Yan's eyebrows.

Suddenly, golden words condensed in the void around Chu Yan.

These golden words represent sentiment and revolve around Chu Yan.

It lasted for about half an hour, and as Chu Yan opened his eyes, all the words turned into golden light, violently impacting the surroundings.

The stone chambers on this floor shook.

"Ao Huang Jue, mastered it."

Chu Yan exhaled.

Aohuang Jue is an advanced chapter of Ao Xin Jue. The recorded exercises are naturally complementary to Ao Xin Jue.

The Aoxin Jue technique allowed Chu Yan to advance his spiritual energy and blood energy at the same time when he was practicing.

The change that Aohuang Jue brought to Chu Yan was that the supernatural power not only carried the power of spiritual energy, but now it also brought the oppression of blood.

In the past, it can be said that Chu Yan is a dual cultivation of spiritual cultivation and physical cultivation.

Although it is also a dual cultivation now, the meaning of this dual cultivation is completely different from the previous dual cultivation.

In the past, I practiced separately, but now I practiced at the same time.

While absorbing the aura, the blood qi will also be improved.

When the blood qi is condensed, the spiritual qi will also be condensed.

Not only does it get twice the result with half the effort, but also its power.

Even if it weren't the improvement of Chu Yan's realm this time, if he only practiced Ao Huang Jue, his strength was more than ten times higher than before! At this time, Chu Yan also deeply felt the huge difference between the real fairyland and the previous realm.

Every level of promotion in True Wonderland brings about the promotion of strength, which is simply unimaginable.

Although it is only a level difference, it is completely crushed.

But behind the Aohuang Jue, there is still a part missing.

Chu Yan looked at the higher level of Guixu Tower.

Obviously, the back part of Aohuang Jue was stored there.

This is the same as Ao Huang Jue placed on the top layer of Ao Xin Jue.

"This should be the last part left."

Chu Yan made an estimate based on Ao Xin Jue and Ao Huang Jue.

The true fairyland is divided into nine layers, in fact, there are also upper, middle and lower points inside.

One, two and three are for the lower level.

Four, five and six layers are for the middle level.

Seven or eighty-nine layers are for the upper level.

The part that Aoxin Jue, Ao Huang Jue, and Chu Yan haven't obtained for the time being, exactly corresponds to the lower level of True Wonderland.

Later, when Chu Yan is promoted to the fourth level and reaches the middle level, there will naturally be new gains.

But at that time, it was impossible to guess whether the mother had prepared the exercises, magic weapons, or pill for the time being.

Guixu Tower is a promotion library prepared by his mother for Chu Yan.

To be honest, even if Chu Yan didn't go out to hunt for treasures and seek all kinds of opportunities, he just relied on the hiding in the Guixu Pagoda to cultivate, in the same level, he is definitely not a general generation.

But Chu Yan sensed a deeper intention from the preparations of his mother.

"The more prepared my mother is for me, it means that after I rely on Guixu Pagoda to practice, the challenges I will face are definitely not imaginable by ordinary people.

Only when I am more prepared and stronger than my mother wants, I will be able to do my job well. "

After making up this idea, Chu Yan no longer hesitated, and stepped out of the Guixu Pagoda in one step.

As early as the trial in the City of Glory, Chu Yan had already planned the next step in his mind.

So at this time, after he was successfully promoted to the Second Layer of True Wonderland, he began to implement it in an orderly manner according to his plan.

Back on the planet where he lived, Chu Yan took out the pill furnace he had obtained in the City of Glory, and pushed it into the ground directly under the palace.

Under the blessing of Chu Yan's great strength, the pill furnace was like a hard nail, deeply inserted into the planet, reaching the center of the planet.

The center of the planet is also the center of the formation covering this place.

After Chu Yan broke the pill furnace into the center of the planet, he immediately lit it.

With a bang, Dan furnace burned suddenly.

The whole planet also shook slightly, but it quickly returned to calm.

Before long, with the operation of the pill furnace, a faint fragrance slowly spread across the planet along the pattern.

Chu Yan shot one after another.

The pill refining treasures he had accumulated before, as if the river water poured down, were thrown into the pill furnace by him.

The pill furnace suddenly turned more violently, and the flames penetrated from the surface of the pill furnace, wrapping the pill furnace as a fireball.

A large number of treasures were immediately refined, becoming like smoke and mist, and seeping out more and more intensely.

The pattern of the formation method covers the entire planet.

At this time, the smoke continued to gush out.

These formations are like dense spider silk, playing a guiding role.

About ten days later, the billowing smoke gushing from the furnace covered the entire planet.

And not just covering, the inside of the planet is also full of these smoke.

In other words, the planet is full of medicinal power from the inside to the outside! It was originally the cave house used by the disciples of Shen Wuzong for cultivation. After these ten days, it has been transformed into a planet-shaped pill by Chu Yan! If the monks are practicing here, they will be in a state of rapid progress, and that's all about being conservative.

After all, cultivating on this planet is equivalent to saying that you are taking the pill all the time, without any interruption.

Even the most extravagant Cultivation Sect or Cultivation Clan could not do it.

But of course, the change of the planet at this time, under the illusion of Chu Yan's arrangement, looks not much different from the past from the outside.

And even if someone comes to visit, it doesn't matter.

This billowing power is all walking along with the formation pattern.

Chu Yan only needs to move the formation pattern to make Yao Li Shen unknowingly leave the sight of others.

What's more, the vast majority of cultivators are far less proficient in formation than Chu Yan.

Chu Yan made such a change in order to improve his realm more quickly.

The change of the planet at this time has not yet reached the perfect form that Chu Yan expected.

In Chu Yan's vision, the final planet should be perfectly integrated with the medicine power, not the way it is now, but the medicine power covers and penetrates the planet.

However, the most difficult part of this plan is the pill furnace. Chu Yan has already gone smoothly, so now it just needs to invest more heaven, material and earth treasures.

In a few days, after the medicinal power in the planet was completely stabilized, Chu Yan flew out of the nebula.

This time, he not only flew out of the nebula, but also flew towards the outside of Shen Wuzong.

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