Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2358: Channel shock

After speaking, Fang Xiao focused on Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan's expression remained unchanged.

Even the breath did not fluctuate.

After observing for a while, Fang Xiao felt a loss in his heart.

"Isn't it him?"

When he was puzzled, Chu Yan opened his eyes.

Suddenly, Fang Xiao felt the other's eyes, like two sharp swords, piercing his soul.

Even at this moment, Fang Xiao's blood seemed to coagulate, unable to move.

But he quickly recovered and smiled reluctantly: "Is it really you?"

"you guess."

Chu Yan uttered two words faintly, and then drooped his eyelids again.

This answer made Fang Xiao even more dazed, unable to guess.

Whether Chu Yan was affirmed or denied, Fang Xiao could perceive a clue.

But this "you guess".

This is how people guess.

Fang Xiao was stunned, and then put on the harmless smiling face of humans and animals just now: "I think you have a good eye. Is this your first time in Blackforge City?

This task seems to be very dangerous.

If you were only the second layer of True Wonderland before, the possibility of falling is very high.

But now that you are promoted to the Triple Level of True Wonderland, you are only one step away from the intermediate level of True Wonderland, so you will be much safer by then. "

He talked about it for a while, and then clicked to ask Chu Yan's origin, but Chu Yan ignored him.

In the end, Fang Xiao also felt boring, and after he laughed twice, he stepped back into the crowd.

Although Chu Yan kept his eyes closed, his consciousness was released.

He knows every move of the other party better than anyone else.

Chu Yan even knew that Fang Xiao was one of the few people who followed him when he first appeared in the yard today.

It seems that in just three days, his promotion from the Second Layer of True Wonderland to the Third Layer still attracted some people's attention.

I originally thought that this kind of low-level promotion was nothing to make a fuss about.

But the leaves of that piece of Sacred Heart Treasure Tree—Chu Yan's spiritual consciousness fell on Fang Xiao once again.

It is not necessarily this Fang Xiao who connects these two things first.

But he was the first to come and test it with integrity.

Chu Yan snorted in his heart.

It seems that some people can't bear it before entering the Wang Yang.

However, Fang Xiao didn't come back to Chu Yan to look for it after deflating this time.

One day passed quickly.

At this time, the inside of the void channel can already be felt, and the temperature is much hotter than before.

If the previous feeling was to be close to a hot red soldering iron, the current feeling is to stand barefoot on the hot red soldering iron.

In the team, the few cultivators of the real fairyland dual layer had to deploy the body guards, or use magic weapons to block the hot air currents.

This sign shows that everyone is very close to Wang Yang.

And looking at this time, you can faintly see the end of the void passage.

Just when everyone was a little nervous and expectant, a voice of doubt suddenly came from the crowd.

"what is that?"

As soon as this person's voice fell, the originally stable void passage suddenly shook violently.

Not trembling, but shaking.

In addition, the walls of the void passage have also become flesh and blood, and a large amount of mucus has begun to ooze.

There was a scream and wailing, and suddenly, it rang from all directions.

The horrible cry, the infiltrating yin wind, caught people off guard, and suddenly filled this empty passage.

A monk inadvertently bumped his head against the inner wall of the void passage.

The slime quickly covered his body.


The monk burst out with a roar, his whole body shone with dazzling sword light, puff puff puff puff, tearing the mucus away.

But before he moved his body, the inner wall of the passage seemed to grow out of granulation, with densely dense, unknowingly pale arms.

These arms were swiping together, seeing the person's scalp numb, and he grabbed the monk and pulled him back toward the inner wall of the passage.

Zi Zi Zi Zi! At this moment, the slime seemed to have brought an extremely high temperature, and in an instant, it burned through the monk's protective body.

The monk screamed in pain, and the flesh on his body was actually burnt, and the large pieces of flesh were torn off by those arms.

This scene made the scalp numb of everyone around.

"How is this going!"

"what's the situation!"

"How did the Void Channel become like this!"

"Lei Yang!"

At this time, as someone shouted, everyone was surprised to find that the two brothers Lei Yao and Lei Yang had disappeared without knowing when.

In the past few days, one of them was in front of the team and the other was behind the team, and there was no change.

In five days, everyone has become accustomed to this arrangement.

When the time came, everyone discovered that with so many true fairyland cultivators present, no one actually discovered when the two brothers disappeared.

The monks who joined the team were all fighting in the neutral zone, and there was no good thing.

Seeing this scene in front of them, even the stupid people understand that they are caught in the trap and fooled! The Lei family brothers clearly used the expansive and high remuneration as a pretense to deceive them here.

Looking at this situation, the two brothers want everyone to die here.

"If I find them, I will tell them to die!"

"Damn it!"

"Lei Yao, Lei Yang, you have a seed for Lao Tzu to get out!"

Everyone suddenly let out an angry roar.

But the roar was quickly replaced by exclaiming.

Those pale arms, after absorbing the blood of the monk just now, unexpectedly began to grow wildly.

On the surface of the arm, there are still sharp barbs.

The arms, like long snakes, were twisted and twisted together, turning into a big hideous net, which acted as a hood towards the monks present.

The monks in the passage roared loudly, magic weapons, supernatural powers, earth, water, fire and wind, all blasted out.

But the next moment, everyone changed their faces.

The spiritual energy in their bodies is actually being consumed at an astonishing rate.

"How is this going!"

A monk made a pale face and let out an exclamation.

Before others could answer, the inner wall of the passage next to him suddenly opened a big mouth of the blood basin.

Uncountable sharp teeth squirmed in his mouth, and with a click, he bit him in half from his waist.

The upper body was swallowed into the mouth, and he kept chewing, making the sound of creaking bones.

His lower body fell to the bottom of the passage, and was immediately grabbed by those arms and torn apart. In a moment, it was torn into flesh and blood.

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