Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2366: fully prepare

Recalling the information he had collected about Wang Yang, the middle-aged monk wearing a brown robe frowned.

He had only a part of this information and shared it with his men.

Because if you let all your subordinates know, even if there is a treasure buried in it, they will dare not enter it because of fear of demons and fear of their fall.

After all, as the leader of the crowd, the cultivator of the Ninth Layer of True Wonderland, he himself did not dare to go rashly.

"But this should be enough."

The monk closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. When he opened his eyes again, there was already peace in his eyes, "I want the treasure, and I want the life of that monk."

Buzzing! At this moment, Chu Yan, who flew into the vast ocean, heard a constant trembling sound in his ears.

It's like countless crazy bees flying around in the ears.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be annoying and go crazy.

At this time Chu Yan was still falling, and he spread his spiritual consciousness.

But he immediately discovered that his spiritual consciousness had been blocked.

The divine consciousness that was able to explore thousands of miles or even one hundred thousand miles can now only spread to thousands of miles.

And what he saw with his eyes at the moment was only a hundred miles away.

Farther away, the eyes are all purple and chaotic, making people feel uncomfortable.

"It's so evil."

Chu Yan couldn't be more familiar with this feeling, so he soon understood the problem here.

However, the evil spirit in the vast ocean of Xiangmen was more fierce and stronger than the ones he had come into contact with before.

Chu Yan never felt such a strong evil when he was beheading the slaying of the alien demon in the secret realm of the extraterritorial back then.

Compared to the vast ocean, the secret realm where the alien celestial demon is located is simply a paradise.

In this moment of effort, Chu Yan fell another tens of thousands of miles.

At this time, Chu Yan had already seen clearly that a huge circular island appeared just in front of him.

The island is like the back of a giant tortoise, floating on the sea.

The island is full of lush tall trees, full of wild and primitive atmosphere.

And among the forest trees, you can clearly see the outline of the city and all kinds of broken walls.

It feels like a prosperous city originally stood on this island. Suddenly, this city was abandoned.

After waiting for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, trees and vines occupied the island, mixed with the abandoned and collapsed buildings.

Around the island, there is a dark purple, and the ocean can't be seen at the end.

The ocean is extremely quiet, but it gives people a very strange and evil feeling.

Staring at the sea for a while longer will make people feel an urge to jump into it.

Chu Yan ran his aura and stopped falling, his eyes were deep, looking at the island, and at the same time remembering the few pieces of information he had purchased in his mind.

Those information, it is naturally impossible to have a very clear introduction to Wang Yang.

Because Wang Yang, the Xiangmen, was originally a secret place, and it is even possible that no one has stepped into it so far.

The information about Wang Yang's introduction is from ancient books, and there are some legends.

"Sangmen Wangyang, the king of all things."

Chu Yan chewed these words repeatedly.

Among them, Wanxiangjuewang is the title that Chu Yan cares most about.

"The one who can hold this title must be the master of Wang Yang, but I don't know if it is a monk or a monster.

But the evil here is so strong, obviously this guy is not a good crop.

I just don't know if it's dead. "

The main purpose of Chu Yan's trip was to find the last fragment of the six reincarnation discs.

In other respects, Chu Yan is currently unclear.

But judging from the current situation, there is at least 95% certainty that the last piece of the six reincarnation disc is in this secret realm.

It is not only because the fragments of the six reincarnation discs have some subtle feelings between each other.

More importantly, every fragment of the six reincarnation disc possessed a power far beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

And these powers can expand the power of life and death, yin and yang to the extreme.

The taste of such an evil and enchanting place is just in line with this characteristic of the six reincarnation discs.

Chu Yan was about to fly towards the island, and suddenly, a gray light appeared above his head.

With a breath of disaster, Huiguang turned into a small sword and pierced directly towards his Tianling Gai.

In an instant, the void around the small sword was corroded and melted and turned into mud.


Chu Yan raised his hand and patted upward.

boom! The small sword suddenly exploded to pieces.

In the distance, there was an exclamation: "How come! This guy's Taoist body is so powerful!"

With the shout, a cultivator of the Seventh Layer of True Wonderland appeared in Chu Yan's line of sight.

Chu Yan recognized at a glance that this person was one of the previous cultivators.

"I caught up so soon."

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

Xiangmen Wangyang has only one entrance, and unlike the Zongmen Trial, the monks who enter are sent to various places irregularly.

Entering from one entrance, there is only one trajectory of flight.

"That said, everyone else should be nearby."

The moment this inference emerged in his mind, Chu Yan slammed into the cultivator who had just shown his head with a divine consciousness attack.

"Sure enough!"

"Hugh is crazy!"

Two loud shouts, all sounded in unison.

Boom! A pair of bronze palms, as big as a mountain, suddenly condensed in midair, crossed, and stood in front of the monk.

Immediately afterwards, the divine consciousness released by Chu Yan slammed into the palms of those hands.

The bronze palms trembled violently, bursting out with a roar like a drum.

The Seventh-tiered Monk of True Wonderland who was guarded behind his palm, although not hurt by Chu Yan's consciousness, was scared enough, his face was as white as paper.

At the same time, two loud shouts just broke out, appearing on both sides of the palm of both hands.

These two monks have reached the eighth level of True Wonderland! At this moment, both of them looked at Chu Yan with a frightened look.

"Fortunately, we have been prepared, otherwise, we will definitely suffer a big loss!"

"This person's divine consciousness is really strong, even more aggressive than the divine consciousness of Chief Mu."

Chu Yan looked at the palm of his hand, his face suddenly gloomy: "The magic weapon for defense of the divine consciousness, unexpectedly responded so quickly."

"Hmph, let's see where you escape this time!"

One of the eight-fold cultivators of True Wonderland waved his hand, and immediately, dozens of figures appeared from the void around Chu Yan.

At this moment, they had already formed a siege.

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