Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2368: Don't give him a chance

The billowing flames, like a falling meteor, "pocketed" the monk in a flash.

Rumble! In the flames, this eight-fold cultivator of the true fairyland felt as if he had fallen into a boundless purgatory, a sea of ​​swords and flames.

The endless flames, condensed into gods and demons, turned into sharp edges, tearing his body fiercely.

Almost instantly, the robe on his body was torn apart.

This made him extremely shocked.

"My robe is enough to withstand the attacks of ten true fairyland six-fold cultivators day and night, and this guy, with just one blow, destroyed my robe! No wonder the Lei Family Brothers will die in his hands! "

The eight-fold cultivator of True Wonderland was frightened and angry, the spirit body in his body violently moved, his wrist shook, and a ring on his finger suddenly sparkled with water-like ripples.

The void around him suddenly cracked and shattered like a mirror.

Heavy flames continued to fall along with the broken void, turning into darkness.

Feeling that the surrounding heat faded, the cultivator of the Eightfold True Wonderland breathed a sigh of relief.

Just about to remind the surrounding companions to seize the opportunity, suddenly, a blade of light fell from the sky again, as fast as lightning.

Huh! "what!"

With a scream, the fingers of the eight-fold cultivator of the true fairyland were directly cut off.

The ring on his finger also flew out all of a sudden.

"How are you!"

Seeing Chu Yan who was catching the ring not far away, the eight-fold cultivator of True Wonderland, his facial features were distorted.

Chu Yan glanced at him coldly: "Die! Four sword styles!"

The terrifying sword light, as the flames fell, like a torrential flood, pouring down.

The surrounding space was immediately pricked with holes and became muddy in the big beach.

The eight-fold cultivator of the true fairyland was shot and flew out for hundreds of miles, with scars on his body, and blood spurted out from it.

The other dozen or so monks also receded steadily.

One of the six-layered monks in the true fairyland couldn't dodge, and the Taoist body with the protective body Zhen Gang was directly cut into two halves from the middle by Chu Yan, and was immediately involved in the storm, and was crushed into a thick blood. rain.

"Chen Qing!"

I don't know who shouted in grief.

And just before this sound had fallen, the remaining Sixth Level of True Wonderland gave out a painful roar. In an instant, the body was stabbed with more than ten large holes by the sword light, and the body was like a piece. Planted from mid-air like rotten meat.

Relying on the powerful explosion, he suppressed everyone in an instant, Chu Yan was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue, no longer giving the other party a chance to join forces, suddenly, a heavy palace fell from the sky, and slammed at him.

Chu Yan lifted Zhan Yan and smashed it.

The edge of the palace split the palace into two from the middle and exploded all in the air.

Chu Yan was also forced to retreat a hundred miles.

At the next moment, the Ninth Layer of True Wonderland, the monk known as Chief Mu, appeared.

His eyes gleamed with exquisite brilliance, as if a blade was pinching his throat, and he looked at Chu Yan: "Kill my men, look for death!"

When the voice fell, he raised his hand and grabbed and tugged.

Over Chu Yan's head, tens of thousands of high-rise buildings suddenly appeared, suddenly pouring out at him.

The heavy pressure smashed the sky through, and countless hurricanes, cyclones, and storms formed a strangulation that would destroy Chu Yan.

As soon as the cultivator of the Ninth Layer of True Wonderland took action, Chu Yan felt the pressure.

He took a deep breath, lifted Zhan Yan, and slashed upwards.

"Sword four styles!"

The sword light skyrocketed one hundred thousand feet, and it was straight to the sky, like a sacred pillar that broke through the sky, suddenly piercing through thousands of tall buildings.

But the strong coercion is like ten thousand dragons, falling down fiercely.

The void around Chu Yan instantly disintegrated and turned into black holes one after another, dragging him into it.

"Don't give him a chance!"

Chief Mu yelled and commanded the crowd to attack Chu Yan. At the same time, he was the leader. With a flick of his arm, the dragons turned into a dark spear in his hand, revealing an abyss of despair, toward Chu. Yan stabs fiercely.

In an instant, the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon, seemed to be dyed in ink.

Endless emptiness, horror, cold, and death rushed to Chu Yan like a tide, drowning him in an instant.

"It deserves to be the nine layers of true wonderland!"

Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and endless fighting spirit burst out in his eyes.

This was the first time he felt pressure since he came to the ancient country.

Even if he was besieged by more than a dozen monks before, Chu Yan just felt a little tricky, but once he shot, he could still kill the weakest link, and even within a short period of time, suppressed more than a dozen opponents out of breath. .

But at this moment, as soon as he fought against the cultivator of the nine layers of True Wonderland, he felt the strength of the opponent.

But this way, it aroused Chu Yan's eagerness to win.

"True Wonderland Triple, I'm inferior.

When the real fairyland is four times, I will kill you! "

Chu Yan squeezed a word between his teeth.

"I won't give you this chance!"

Chief Mu sneered again and again.

The black spear in his hand pierced violently millions.

Suddenly, it was as if the night had come, and the eternal night had come, and everything would come to an end.

In the depths of the void, there seemed to be a desperate hand, the hand of death, about to cut off Chu Yan's vitality.

"There is no way to the sky, no way to the earth, and you have no helper. I see where you can escape!"

Chief Mu determined that Chu Yan had no other means.

Even though Chu Yan possesses strong tier-one strength, there is still a gap that cannot be crossed between the Triple and Nine Layers of True Wonderland.

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly turned to Zhan Yan, and sneered: "Do you really think that I am in a panic when I enter Wangyang, and I can't choose the way?"


Chief Mu was taken aback.

Seeing Fei Xiang Chu Yan, playing all kinds of lore, and showing his peerless style in the water, fire and wind, he suddenly felt something wrong instinctively.

The other party, the true fairyland triple, is really too calm.

In the next moment, he saw Chu Yan slashing sharply, slashing towards the void beneath him.

"Four Swords! Kingdom of Gods and Demons!"

boom! boom! The almost solidified void trembled suddenly, and then it exploded through a huge hole.

The cultivator of the Ninth Layer of True Wonderland was taken aback, and found that a vacuum zone appeared in the spear light that he stabbed out of anger.

Looking at the direction the hole was facing, the head of Mu's pupils suddenly shrank, as if thinking of something, and exclaimed, "You guys come back soon!"

But it was too late to send a reminder at this moment.

Chu Yan rushed out of the void filled with the smell of death like a flash of lightning, and fell directly towards the island below.

Before reaching the island, he raised his hand and grabbed it. Thousands of thunders quickly gathered and condensed in the palm of his palm, and then slammed down.

The sharp lightning, as thick as a stone pillar, shining so hard that people can't open their eyes.

There was a lot of thunder, as if to pierce a big hole on this weird island.

Just as the lightning was about to knock down the island, a loud roar suddenly pierced through the dense forest.

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