Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2374: The island changes, the extremity appears

From Shura's exploded body, green crystals flew out.

The devil's body has a magic core full of magic energy.

In Shura's body, it was the magic crystal, which was purer than the magic energy contained in the magic core, but at the same time it had a greater impact on the monks.

But Chu Yan was not afraid at all.

He raised his hand and sucked, and all the magic crystals flew into his hand.

Demon crystals are poison to ordinary monks.

But for Chu Yan, it is an excellent treasure to improve his realm.

All the magic crystals, all the entrances, just like the previous catastrophe, instantly turned into the boiling spiritual energy in Chu Yan's body, rushing wildly in the Dantian Qi Sea.

After absorbing all the magic crystals, Chu Yan suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling of hunger.

But Chu Yan understood that it wasn't that he was really hungry, but that he had the sense of being promoted.

"Further up, it will be the fourth level of True Wonderland."

Chu Yan glanced at the palace in midair that looked like a reflection in the water, and in a flash, he made up his mind.

Promote first, then enter it.

But just relying on the present perception is not enough.

"I need more physical energy to transform aura."

There is no aura in the vast ocean of the family.

Wanting to be promoted here is simply a dream.

But the most indispensable thing here is blood energy.

Chu Yan can transform blood energy into aura for promotion.

He cut the back of his hand sharply.

Before the wound had healed, Chu Yan spilled his thick blood around.

The blood of Chu Yan burst into endless vitality, and immediately attracted the attention of many monsters around him.

In a short moment, Chu Yan felt hundreds of divine senses and spied towards him.

The dense forest in the distance began to turmoil. Obviously, some monsters couldn't bear it, and rushed in the direction where they were.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise under Chu Yan.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain was shaken.

Chu Yan looked down and saw that the ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked.

Large tracts of land collapsed.

The mounds, mud, and swamps all collapsed deeply.

The outline of a magnificent city gradually emerged.

The Xiangmen Juyu, which had been buried under the soil and dense forest for countless years, finally began to reveal its original appearance.

Chu Yan hovered in the air, watching this scene.

He could clearly feel that as the city gradually revealed his true face, Wang Yang seemed to come to life.

It's as if all the lives before, are sleeping, only a few maintain activities.

But now, the city is shaking, and most of the sleeping lives are awakened.

Or more accurately, it is not life, but evil.

After about a dozen breaths, the island has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The dense forest with huge trees, the dangerous swamp, etc., are all missing.

Instead, it was a huge, magnificent city, but with the strange atmosphere of a newly unearthed grave.

Facing this city with no end in sight, anyone can't help but feel a sense of suffocation and oppression from the soul.

It was as if it was his own life, held by an invisible big hand.

The city under his feet, the palace above his head, in Chu Yan's mind, overlapped with the reliefs he had seen before.

"It's just that huge statue, and there are countless people who worship."

Chu Yan said softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the city under his feet suddenly trembled.

Countless black shadows poured out from the house, filling the streets, roofs, and even the city walls.

…"How is this going!"

"How did this island change!"

At the same moment, the group of monks under Chief Mu changed their expressions.

As they looked at each other, they all saw a panic look in each other's eyes.

They finally got rid of the big naga snake.

But it also paid a heavy price.

At this time, including Chief Mu, there are still six people left.

Head Mu leads the nine-fold True Wonderland, two eight-fold True Wonderland, and three seven-fold True Wonderland.

The others died in the mouth of the Naga Orochi.

Even so, they still failed to kill the huge monster.

After paying such a price, I finally came to the island, originally prepared to take a break, and then proceed according to the plan.

But unexpectedly, suddenly, such a change happened.

The island is gone! The city appeared.

This incident is exactly the same as the legendary "Various Seas and Sorrows".

And in such a city, they all have an indescribable sense of depression.

As if a catastrophe is imminent.

Among these people, I am afraid that Chief Mu seems to be calmer.

He waved his hand and motioned everyone to calm down first.

"Look at it first."

As soon as Chief Mu had finished speaking, there was a scene of a bustling crowd pouring into the streets.

To make a simple estimate, the number of people flooding the streets at this moment is probably hundreds of millions.

Countless people crowded together, crowding all the streets.

Because the roofs are full of people, so many houses are out of sight, only crowded heads can be seen.

"Where did these guys come from?"

A cultivator of the Seventh Layer of True Wonderland, because the scene in front of him at this moment is too strange, his voice has changed.

The others watched carefully, and the next moment, they took a breath together.

Although these people who rushed to the streets were all moving, their expressions and movements seemed extremely stiff.

It can even be said that they have no expressions.

Each round stared at his eyes and looked towards the sky together, with a look of obsession and reverence on his face.

"They—" With a sweep of their spiritual knowledge, Chief Mu's face changed slightly, "They are all mortals, and they are all dead."

"So many mortals!"

"How can you still move when you die? Are they all turned into zombies?"

The other two monks shouted in surprise.

At this moment, everyone can't help but get goose bumps on their backs.

The monks who have reached their level, mortals are naturally like ants in their eyes.

But when the ants reached a certain number, they still looked extremely shocking.

For example, at this moment, you can't see the end of the crowd.

Moreover, they were all dead, moving one by one at the moment, and the city was still extremely quiet.

This scene is as weird as it is.

"Don't act rashly yet."

Chief Mu ordered several people.

He has much more information than these monks.

So at this time, he had already speculated that these mortals were the people who originally lived in the Territory of the Universe.

The reason why they can still move when they are dead, it must be because they have been cursed by the King of Wanxiangjue.

Thinking of this, Chief Mu's heartstrings couldn't help but twitch.

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