Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2380: True Immortal Quadruple

"What happened there?"

Seeing that the stalwart palace suddenly exploded, and the turbulent storm blasted away, destroying the city buildings on the ground, the head of Mu and his men, their hearts beating wildly, looked at each other, completely unaware of the situation.

"Leader Mu, look there!"

At this moment, a cultivator from the Eightfold True Wonderland screamed with surprise and joy.

Chief Mu hurriedly looked up, and his pupils immediately shrank.

He clearly saw that a mirage appeared above the ruined palace.

This mirage had almost the same layout as the island city under his feet, but what was revealed was a majestic atmosphere, the atmosphere and majesty of a king's residence.

"That's..." Chief Mu was taken aback, and immediately ecstatic.

"That's the real place of Wanxiang Jueyu!"

"Yes, everything here is actually a killing formation, blocking the intruder.

The real Wanxiang Juyu, the place of the Wanxiang Jue King, is actually hidden behind all this. "

In the void, the real Chief Mu had his heart pounding with excitement at this moment, only to feel that everything suddenly became clear.

But at this time, he was not dizzy because of his excitement.

"Calm down! Be calm! In the distance, I don't know what happened.

I have to wait and see the changes, there can be no more slips. "

Chief Mu took a deep breath and meditated his heart secretly. When his mood calmed down, his eyes were unblinking, and he spied the explosions in the distance.

Boom boom boom boom! These demons screamed repeatedly at this moment, and their bodies exploded.

In the rain of blood, Chu Yan's body was covered with a raging fire.

The roar emanating from the flames seemed to be a million drums being beaten together, raging into the sky.

King Wanxiangjue slaughtered mortals and monks who tried to resist him.

The spirits of these mortals and monks were also refined into supernatural powers by him, melted into the magic light, and bestowed on these demons.

Now, Chu Yan completely released the anger of these mortals and monks.

The flame immediately counterattacked these demons dozens of times violently.

And Chu Yan used the power of this rage to completely complete the extremely angry sword intent, turning it into a peerless ultimate move of the true fairyland level, extremely angry sword intent·Feng Hua Wu cut.

The sword style derived from the extremely angry sword intent has also been improved to reach the sword five style.

Five sword styles, one sword out, all demons are destroyed.

In an instant, the seventeen demons were nearly half killed by Chu Yan.

For the remaining nine demons, panic and panic that had never been seen before appeared on their faces.

"Kill! Kill!"

"We can't get rid of it!"

"Why! Why did these flames attack us!"

"Quick! Stop him!"

"The magic light won't let it go!"

"These **** guys, how can you resist me!"

"do not come!"

Huh! A sword dances in a flamboyant style, as if cutting through the world, all the evils are swept away by a net.

The two demons opened their arms, gathered the magic light, released a rolling lore, and wanted to stop Chu Yan, they were directly smashed by this sword.

Thick plasma, like thick grease, covered the entire sky.

The sky became extremely thick and solid, as if it could be bounced when one foot stepped on it.

The strong blood makes people feel that they are going to be imprisoned.

And this is exactly what Chu Yan hopes to see most.

Chu Yan showed a finger.

With a sound of fingertips, a flame was ignited.

Immediately, with a flick of his arm, the instant the flames fell into the surrounding plasma, it was like sparks igniting boiling oil. In an instant, the void boiled and the sky burned.

The sea of ​​blood instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire! The collapsed palace burned completely.

In the flames, a pair of strong arms stretched out and grabbed the remaining seven demons.

Some of these seven demons wanted to resist and some wanted to flee.

At the moment of resistance, it was torn to pieces.

Those who fled did not leave the scope of the palace, and were dragged into the sea of ​​flames.

The flames rumbling and evolving.

The big flame trees, the flame forest, the flame bridge, the flame city wall, the flame chariot, the flame great axe, turn into the fire tree silver flower, directly pouring and suppressing.

The seven demons were refined in an instant.

Billowing devilish energy, unable to form an army at this moment, frantically rushing towards the eighteen doors.

Boom! In the flames, a giant hand covering the sky came out and slapped downward.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the void was shattered.

The eighteen portals were directly twisted and deformed, and the magic light spewed and burst through, turning into more than a dozen black holes one after another.

The devilish energy in it was like a collapsed dam, pouring out of a rolling flood.

Devil energy and blood energy, like a giant dragon, twisted around Chu Yan at this moment.

"Swallowing whales and hunting spirits!"

Chu Yan opened his mouth and sucked fiercely.

The power that swallowed the sun and the moon immediately pulled the devilish energy and blood energy into his Dantian Qi Sea.

Shocking bursts, blazing waves are overwhelming.

Chu Yan's body turned into a golden figure in the flames, like a **** of war coming to the world, and a saint coming.

From the low-level to the middle-level, the transition from True Wonderland Triple to True Wonderland Quadruple, at this time, reached the most perfect fit.

Chu Yan's breath suddenly rose up, like a volcanic eruption, no force could stop it.

All the demon energy and blood energy around him was absorbed and refined by him almost in an instant.

His breath, like a beast from a new birth, suddenly turned into a giant monster that could tear the ancient prehistoric.

The whole Xiangmen Wangyang, this time began to tremble.

The island is shaking, the city is collapsing.

Countless buildings fell apart, and the ground and sky fell together.

Chu Yan's breath at this time can blow down the stars and sway the universe.

In the distance, Chief Mu and others were still ecstatic about the appearance of the exit of the Wanxiang Geyu. The next moment, they felt that the blood all over their bodies was frozen, and their bodies could not move.

Their eyes were round and their faces were full of inconceivableness, and they looked at Chu Yan.

"Wh, why is that guy?"

"He was taken away?"

"No, no, his breath... his realm..." Bang! The sky exploded fiercely, the Milky Way broke, and Chu Yan immediately rushed in front of Chief Mu and the others.

"Before me, did you let you wait for me?"

Chu Yan smiled, showing red mouth and white teeth.

This group of monks was so scared that their scalp was numb.


Chu Yan shot forward.

A whole piece of space was suddenly condensed, with billions of billions of strength, and it hit these cultivators at once.

The seven-layered monks in the real fairyland immediately exploded into mud.

The eight-fold cultivator of True Wonderland had all broken bones and internal organs and turned into meatloaf.

Chief Mu's body exploded with a pop, and the fine powder was blown away with the wind.

"this is?"

Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and he grabbed at the powder like lightning.

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