Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2391: Look down on you

Blackforge City was originally a magic weapon from heaven.

Since the ancestor of Heishi was one of the founders of Heifurn City, he was naturally the first batch of monks to hunt for treasure in Heifurn City.

Being able to have his current status is inseparable from the treasures he discovered in Blackforge City.

Chu Yan found more than a dozen stone slabs in this black stone tower.

These stone slabs should have been cut from a whole wall.

The above patterns are joined together to form a nebula.

Even if it's just a pattern, when this nebula makes people look, it still gives people a sense of vastness, depth, and boundlessness.

In addition, it is the foundation of this Blackrock Tower.

At the beginning, Chu Yan just felt that the foundation was pitch black, as if even light could be absorbed, which made people feel unusual.

And when Chu Yan slashed it up, only leaving a white mark on the foundation, he knew that the materials used in the foundation were definitely not simple.

So Chu Yan dug out the entire foundation.

And this foundation is bigger than imagined.

The part buried underneath is a full ten stories high.

So Chu Yan dug it out and took it away.

After leaving, Chu Yan went straight back to Shen Wuzong.

This time, the harvest far exceeded expectations.

As for the Luo Family of Feihai City, Chu Yan was ready to visit again when there was a suitable opportunity.

The other party actually wanted to kill himself to grab the treasure, so this account would naturally be placed on the Luo family's head.

When he left Shenwuzong, Chu Yan was only the first level of true fairyland. When he returned a few months later, his true state was already the fifth level of true fairyland.

According to the disciple level of Shen Wuzong, Chu Yan could already become an inner disciple when he returned this time.

However, Chu Yan does not intend to show others in a real state for the time being.

He plans to still show people according to the triple realm of True Wonderland first, so that he can have more hole cards.

After all, there were a lot of people in Shenwuzong who coveted him compared to the outside world.

After flying for a period of time, after returning to Shenwuzong, Chu Yan first went to complete the promotion of his disciple level.

He used the magical powers he got from Fang Xiao to hide his realm.

What he showed at this time was the Triple True Wonderland.

True Wonderland Sanzhong is in Shenwuzong and is a disciple of the outer sect.

Chu Yan went to be promoted at this time, naturally because he was able to get corresponding sect rewards when he upgraded his disciple level in Shenwu Sect.

For the disciples who came to be promoted, Shen Wuzong naturally also had to conduct some tests.

In this way, it is mainly to prevent disciples from practicing magic arts or being taken away by monsters.

There is no problem with Chu Yan's test.

The only thing that makes the test elder feel a little strange is that Chu Yan's qi and blood are so strong that he feels incredible.

But the elder didn't say anything.

As long as there is no problem with the practice of the disciples, and the energy and blood are more vigorous, so what?

So Chu Yan's status smoothly became the outer disciple of Shen Wuzong, instead of just enjoying the treatment of outer disciple as before.

And Chu Yan chose the pill from among the rewards that he could get after being promoted.

After all, the quality of the pills refined by the cultivators of the Shenwu Sect was significantly higher than the quality of those refined by the cultivators of the Shang Kingdom.

With the reward, not long after Chu Yan left, several monks walked towards him.

When these monks walked together, the surrounding Shen Wuzong disciples all evaded.

They are all inner disciples, and like the stars holding the moon, surrounded by these inner disciples, they are even more elite disciples.

In Shenwu Sect, only after reaching the seventh level of True Wonderland and above, can he be promoted to elite disciple.

In other words, this elite disciple can be regarded as the "nobleman" among the disciples of Shenwuzong's True Wonderland.

Chu Yan didn't know these disciples, so he was planning to leave, but at this moment, one of the disciples suddenly looked towards Chu Yan.

This is one of the inner disciples, the four levels of true fairyland, only one level higher than Chu Yan's current realm.

When he saw Chu Yan, he was taken aback for a moment, then he leaned close to the elite disciple, and whispered something.

Immediately, the elite disciple looked at Chu Yan, his eyes, like a blazing flame, melted and collapsed the emptiness he could see.


Chu Yan also noticed the strangeness of the other party, and looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Are you Chu Yan who killed Ling Fei?"

The elite disciple's face sank like water, "I don't think so."

"Are you going to avenge him?"

Chu Yan seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The elite disciple was taken aback.

According to his original plan, Chu Yan should at least be on guard.

Because no matter what, he is also a disciple of the dignified elite, the Seventh Realm of Wonderland.

But looking at Chu Yan's attitude now, it seems that he is still a little eager to try?

The brows of the elite disciple suddenly frowned: "This is your attitude to the elite disciple?"


Chu Yan sneered, waved his hand and planned to leave.

Since beheading the black stone ancestor who is known as the half-step Nirvana, Chu Yan is really not interested in this kind of "elite chicken" of the seven real fairyland.

This is like an adult, facing the provocation of a three or four-year-old child, it is impossible to get angry.

The difference in strength is too great.

However, Chu Yan's attitude at this time was unabashedly despised in the eyes of the elite disciples.

The disciples next to him were also fanning the flames.

"Chu Yan! What do you mean!"

"The elite disciple talked to you, but you are not respectful and respectful, and you turn your head and leave?"

"You really should have defeated Ling Fei, so you can ignore the upper ranks of the entire Shenwu Sect?"

"The Seventh Real Wonderland can kill countless times with a breath, how dare you be so arrogant!"

"You can trample on the face of an elite disciple like this!"

"Brother Tang, if you don't teach him a lesson today, he really thinks that the elite disciples are not as good as him!"

All the disciples around were filled with righteous indignation, and the face of the elite disciple named Tang became more and more difficult to look.

"Chu Yan, stop!"

Finally, he couldn't bear it, stepped forward and shouted loudly.

Chu Yan turned around and squinted at the other party: "What do you want to do?"

The disciple surnamed Tang sneered: "Of course I want to know, what confidence do you have and dare to despise elite disciples so much."

Chu Yan looked at the other party for a moment, and pointed at the crowd: "I didn't plan to care about you, but you are so mindless.

Didn't you see at all that these people were fanning the flames? "

The face of the disciple surnamed Tang was immediately red and hot, and he became angry and said, "It has nothing to do with them."

Chu Yan didn't listen to his explanation at all, and continued: "And I want to emphasize that I am not despising elite disciples, I just despise you."

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