Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2404: real

Those sea monsters disguised as disciples of Shen Wuzong were killed by Chu Yan in a moment.

But the siren army on the ground did not stop its offensive against Feihai City.

Even they didn't seem to notice what was happening in the sky.

The blank area that had been cleared before was already filled by other Krakens at this time.

At a glance, people's heads on the ground were shaking, making people scalp numb.

Feihai City's defensive formation, the distance was broken at this time, and there was only a line of separation left.

Yin Luo and Tachibana Wei were about to rush to help, Chu Yan stretched out their hands and condensed a wall of air, blocking them in front of them.

The face of the second woman suddenly showed a puzzled look.

But they didn't ask Chu Yan why.

Because after what happened just now, they already trust Chu Yan completely.

They believe that there must be a reason for Chu Yan to stop them at this time.

"There is a problem with these Krakens."

As Chu Yan spoke, he opened the way of wisdom.

At this time, he had already noticed something was wrong.

At the beginning, Chu Yan speculated that the scene of the sea monster attacking the city was an illusion.

But if it is an illusion, the blood rising from the ground cannot be faked.

Chu Yan has a keen awareness of blood qi that far surpasses ordinary monks and even monsters.

The blood soaring on the ground proved that the sea monster was real.

But after opening the way of wisdom, Chu Yan clearly felt that the situation of the Shanghai demon on the ground attacking the city, as if there was a disharmony like a fragmentation.

After a while, Chu Yan's slightly frowned brows stretched out.

He waved his arm and motioned to the second woman to wait.

Then he fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the sea monster on the ground launched an offensive towards Chu Yan.

The surging sea swept the huge waves, slapped towards Chu Yan.

The sea condensed into a thousand horses, roaring and roaring, and even the void was constantly shattered.

Although he knew that Chu Yan's strength was far beyond his own imagination, even Senior Sister Murphy would praise Chu Yan, but seeing this situation, Yin Luo could not help but let out an exclamation.

But the next moment, something even more surprised her happened.

That monstrous huge wave, thousands of horses, rushed past Chu Yan like an illusory one.

And Chu Yan who was in it had no influence at all.

"Fake, fake!"

Yin Luo couldn't help but shouted.

Tachibana on the side nodded silently: "It's an illusion."

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly stretched out his hand.

The purple **** thunder burst out a dragon-like roar in his palm.

In the dark, there seemed to be a fist that violently collided with Chu Yan's palm.

The emptiness of thousands of miles suddenly stagnated at this moment.

Immediately, it exploded.

The storm swept away in an instant.

A large swath of the sky collapsed, bursting out with an astonishing roar.

The surrounding monsters were all crushed into mud.

"This, what's going on?"

Yin Luo's eyes suddenly widened, "Aren't these illusions, how could they..." If they were illusions, they would not be disturbed by the outside world at all.

Even if the battle eye is destroyed, the illusion will only disappear, and it is impossible for the players to make the corresponding changes as they are now.

Chu Yan's voice came from below at this time.

"Because of these, it is not an illusion."

Chu Yan opened his five fingers.

The purple thunder, turned into a hundred roaring dragons, kept spreading.

The place where the world meets, at this moment seems to be torn apart.

"get out!"

Chu Yan shouted sharply.

Hundreds of thunder dragons roared in unison, the wind and thunder shook, and countless dragon sounds fell from the sky.

Boom boom boom boom! Layers of void exploded.

It's like a wall blocking everyone's face, and it collapsed when it was blown up.

In the sky, an eyeball as big as the moon appeared in front of several people.

As for the moon, it has long since disappeared, as if it had been replaced by this eyeball.

Being watched by this eyeball, Yin Luo and Tachibana suddenly felt that the surroundings were filled with demonic air, as if there were millions or tens of millions of beasts rushing towards them.

"This is the influence of divine consciousness, not a phantom array, be careful!"

Chu Yan reminded.

"Divine consciousness?"

Yin Luo suddenly panicked.

The power of divine consciousness allows monks to explore more areas and discover more secrets.

Divine consciousness can also be used as a relatively secret means to attack opponents.

However, the use of spiritual knowledge can actually affect others' perception like a phantom array, and affect what others see, hear, and even breathe, which is beyond Yin Luo's knowledge.

"How to beware of this?"

Yin Luo said in a panic.

When the voice fell, she was dragged by Tachibana Yui.

Tachibana Yui was surrounded by flame blades, whirling, and suddenly surrounding them, like a tower, enclosing the two of them.

At this moment, Yin Luo and Tachibana had only one thing, the feeling of being cut off from themselves.

They hadn't noticed it before.

But at this moment when such a thing was cut off, there was a burst of relief all over.

Through the flame blade, they can also see that although there are monsters below, they are far less than they had seen before.

As for Feihai City, it has disappeared! "It really is fake!"

Yin Luo shouted.

"Tachibana's magic weapon can also block the divine consciousness?"

Chu Yan secretly said in his heart, and immediately shot towards the huge eyeballs in mid-air.

At this time, even a fool could tell that it was this eyeball in mid-air that affected everyone's consciousness.

The eyeballs swayed slightly at this moment, and the bloodshots in them seemed to be alive, frantically struggling, and the blood crazily filled.

Obviously, it also sensed the threat.

The squirming bloodshots swelled in an instant, turning into **** humanoid monsters.

These monsters, like giants, were skinned, their two arms turned into long tentacles, and they rushed towards Chu Yan.

"There are real and fake!"

Under the protection of the flames, Yin Luo could clearly see that these ferocious monsters rushing towards Chu Yan were far from as many as they seemed.

Under the condition of divine consciousness being affected, there are more than one hundred people seen.

But in fact, there are only five or six.

But just after Yin Luo's words were finished, Tachibana Yui let out a soft snort.

Yin Luo hurriedly looked around, and saw Tachibana Wei's face pale and her chest undulated violently.

The flames of the flames surrounding the two of them also dimmed.

Obviously, the eyeball had just made another shock of consciousness towards the two of them, but it was blocked by Yui Tachibana.

But Yui Tachibana paid a certain price for this.

At this time, Chu Yan didn't care how many monsters the other party had.

Whether you are one or a hundred.

"Five swords!"

Chu Yan raised his hand, the sky was full of sword light, cutting off the Milky Way and running through the planet.

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