Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2436: Taikoo Manglin

Chu Yan nodded.

Murphy, looking for herself, must be for the thing that she said last time.

Later, Chu Yan followed Yin Luo and Tachibana to Murphy's flower pavilion.

"Congratulations on stepping into the Seventh Realm of Wonderland."

Murphy Fei looked closely and congratulated Chu Yan, his eyes filled with shock.

She could clearly feel the terrifying power in Chu Yan's body.

"Sister Mo, don't tease me."

Chu Yan smiled slightly.

"Close to the subject, the last time I said about exploring the ruins has already been settled."

Murphy put away his smile and became serious.


Chu Yan's eyebrows moved.

"Just two years from now."

After speaking, Murphy Fei smiled and continued: "Yang Feng is currently exploring the periphery of the ruins and will not be back in a short time, so you don't have to worry.

But now, I think if something really happens, he should be the one to worry about. "

Chu Yan laughed and did not respond, but his confident look showed that Murphy's judgment was correct.

After that, Chu Yan and Murphy Fei briefly exchanged some details about exploring the ruins and left.

Leaving Shenwuzong, Chu Yan flew all the way north.

His idea is that since there are still two years left, he will first go to the area ruled by the monster to kill the monster and look for opportunities for promotion.

Chu Yan recalled the information he had tortured Zhe Renxian before, and he decided to go to the Taigu Mang Forest occupied by the Emperor's Blood Sect.

After a few days, Chu Yan arrived at Taigu Manglin.

The trees here are as high as tens of thousands of meters, filled with bursts of uniquely wild aura, and the appearance of the trees are all kinds of strange, like real dragons roaming, and like gods and demons soaring into the sky, just stepping into them, it makes people feel deeply uncomfortable.

This is a natural suppression.

Unless you have lived in the Taikoo Mang Forest for many years, it will be difficult to resist this kind of suppression.

"It's a dangerous place."

Chu Yan couldn't help muttering in it.

No wonder ordinary disciples would not consider coming to Taigu Manglin.

One is that this place is occupied by Emperor Chenghuang’s blood sect, and the other is that this place is too dangerous. The monk’s ability is reduced by one or two as soon as he steps into it. But the other side's.

What's the difference between drinking hate for no reason and direct death?

Therefore, even if ordinary monks go out to experience and seek promotion opportunities, they will not consider places like Taigu Manglin.

However, Chu Yan is an exception.

Chu Yan walked for a while, without feeling any breath.

"Could it be that this is the site of some powerful monster beast?

How can you sleep soundly on the side of the couch, apart from this powerful monster, there is no other weak monster living here? "

Chu Yan just finished thinking, his eyes flashed! Because a breath broke into his range of perception.

This is a humanoid monster three feet tall.

It doesn't look like it is a male or a female, and the whole body relies on spikes of different lengths.

These spikes are like a knife, with different colors of light glowing at the top.

"Spikes are poisonous, and do different colors correspond to different toxins?

It was actually a humanoid monster. "

Chu Yan decided to use this monster beast as a good start.

The humanoid monster beast didn't know that Chu Yan was here, and he was still walking leisurely.

Chu Yan knew that he was right. This place really belongs to this humanoid monster beast, so there are no other weak monsters here.

"Since I saw it, please stay!"

Buzzing! Chu Yan slammed out suddenly, like the same **** and demon, one shot at a time, and he was in front of the humanoid monster beast in a flash.

The humanoid monster beast was taken aback, and the spikes on the surface moved directly towards Chu Yan like a hidden weapon.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan danced his bone spear to easily fly these spikes.

hiss! The spike inserted into the towering old tree next to it, and white smoke emerged immediately, and then there were circles of black patterns permeating the position where it was stabbed.

Trees that are as high as ten thousand meters high withered in the blink of an eye, and all their vitality was taken away.

"Hehe, but so."

Chu Yan sneered, his figure vibrated, and in an instant, the brilliance rose to the sky, a kind of suppressing the demons, no one is invincible, and sweeping the universe.

Hundreds of big trees around are swaying and trembling.

In Chu Yan's hands, the bone spear burst out with a shocking light, as if it could melt everything.

At this moment, the world was still, and the humanoid monster beast couldn't even beg for mercy, and could only watch the bone spear pierce through itself.

As the bone spear vigorously picked, the demon core was forcibly picked out, and the humanoid demon beast's breath instantly wilted, like a candle in the wind.

Chu Yan just caught the demon core, but saw that the fallen humanoid demon beast was full of blood, evolving a blood rune in the air, and flew to the Emperor Cheng's blood sect with lightning speed.


Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

He felt extremely angry and desperate from the rune.

"I went to report it."

Chu Yan crushed the demon core and absorbed all the blood in it.


In fact, I really chose Taigu Manglin as the place for my experience, and it was only a matter of time before he was discovered by the Emperor's Blood Sect.

Just fast forward to this point now, it's no big deal.

What's more, the original purpose of his trip was to completely eliminate the man behind the chaos of the Sea Clan-Cheng Huang's Blood Sect.

At the same time, Emperor Cheng Huang's Blood Sect received the **** rune that reported the news, and through the sight that appeared, he recognized that it was Chu Yan who had killed the humanoid monster beast! "It's him! It's Chu Yan!"

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!"

"Quickly, dispatch quickly to intercept this kid!"

"The Four Demon Lords have orders. Once you find Chu Yan's trail, you should report it to the Four Demon Lords quickly!"

Coincidentally, there happened to be a demon lord staying in the sect.

He received the news and chuckled: "Hehe, the mere cultivators of the real fairyland dare to break into the territory of our blood sect, what are they doing?

To die, or are you ready to deal with our entire Emperor's Blood Sect with the power of one person?

Really think that if you kill Zhe Renxian, you can shake the big tree of our blood sect with the body of an ant? "

After speaking, one of the Four Demon Venerables motioned to the cultivator present, and told him to go up a bit slowly, and he would come as soon as he went.

The disciples of the Chenghuang Blood Sect present did not dare to fail.

They knew very well that the Qiong Demon Venerable had a certain obsession with merits. This was to take the lead and kill Chu Yan before the other three demon Venerables, and make a contribution.

Even though the Qiong Yaozun is very happy, he is stingy, and does things for him, it is also of no benefit.

However, once he disobeyed his order, the next step was **** revenge from one of the four demon-lords, and they could only claim it as promised.

Seeing this, Qiong Yaozun was very satisfied with their attitude: "Also, if someone finds Chu Yan, he immediately informs me, and then drags Chu Yan, and when I get there, it will be the time when Chu Yan's head!"

"Yes, Master Qiong Yaozun!"

The monster beasts present agreed and dispatched one after another.

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