Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2442: Lord Zhan

The Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect, who was originally in charge of the three demon lords and one hundred thousand demon beasts, suddenly became a lonely family member.

This made him dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

Each of the three demon lords has the strength of the first level of Nirvana. Together, even the second level of Nirvana can suppress or even kill each other.

A hundred thousand monster beasts, even if they are facing the Nirvana Realm powerhouse, can consume each other alive.

The Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect had done this kind of thing more than once.

However, all of this is of no use to Chu Yan, and he can't even hinder Chu Yan. At most, it consumes a little bit of Chu Yan's strength.

Yes, only a little bit, no more.


The suzerain of the Emperor's Blood Sect is hysterical.

This scene is even more incredible than discovering that Chu Yan suddenly appeared behind them, destroying the Emperor's Blood Sect and stealing their endless inheritance! Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe that there was such a ridiculous thing in the world.

There was one person who was able to wipe out three monsters, one hundred thousand monsters! "The demon is dead, and the demon beast is gone. Then, it's your turn."

Chu Yan made a death declaration to the suzerain of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect.

In Chu Yan's eyes, this Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect was already a dead person! "Hahaha, is it up to you?"

The sect master of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect has crazily emerging in his eyes.

Now he has nothing, the endless inheritance of the Demon Venerable, the Demon Beast, and even the Emperor's Blood Sect for hundreds of thousands of years, has all vanished.

All this is because of one person...Chu Yan! "Chu Yan, I will definitely kill you today!"

The Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect roared with resentment.

"Don't you find that everyone who said this to me died?

Not even a long time alive. "

Chu Yan drooped his eyelids and said lightly.

"Chu Yan, you die for me!"

Following the blood sect of Cheng Huang's sect master screamed in a deep voice, he directly evolved thousands of incarnations, carrying countless magical powers, and killed Chu Yan from all directions.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

He knew very well that the Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect was able to become the helm of a sect, and he had some strength, but he didn't expect it to be comparable to the four levels of Nirvana.

This level of strength is not weak in the Shenwu Sect.

Not to mention, the other party really didn't care today, just to kill himself.

"Follow me?

I'm afraid you don't have enough lives! "

With a wave of Chu Yan's arm, the bone spear burst out of the air, countless laws rotated, the space was broken, the ripples spread, and the affected avatar burst instantly.

Bang bang bang bang! Although the Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect was good and his strength was comparable to the four levels of Nirvana, he was divided into many ways, and on average, it was no big deal anymore.

In Chu Yan's eyes, he may not have a hundred thousand monsters to deal with! Whoops whoops! Suddenly, Chu Yan noticed movement in the nearby space, and when he moved his figure, he appeared 100,000 miles away in the next moment.

And where he was just now, there were fists, beast claws, blood plate mouths, and tails rushing forward.

"As the saying goes, there are not many essences, you, the sect master of the blood sect of the emperor, is contrary to the truth, bells and whistles, great, great!"

Chu Yan sneered.

That's right, the sect master of the blood sect of Emperor Chenghuang was as fierce as a tiger with one pass, and there was actually nothing remarkable. Even if he didn't evade, he wouldn't be injured.

"Chu Yan, you are only relying on the weapon of the gods, otherwise you have died hundreds of times and thousands of times with your true fairyland cultivation base!"

The Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect did not get angry but laughed, and still attacked Chu Yan.

His idea is very simple, Chu Yan's ability, this long bone spear, at least half of it.

Only Chu Yan from the real fairyland can consume him alive by consumption alone! Not to mention, as the Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect, he still has secret cards.

Either it will not come out, once it comes out, it is a lore! "Hehe, you, as the sect master of the Emperor's Blood Sect, don't even have a weapon that can be used on the table, such a poor sect, such a shabby sect, if you don't be destroyed, who will be destroyed?"

Chu Yan laughed, proud.

"Chu Yan!"

The Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect was enraged, and the ten incarnations merged into one under the turning of their minds, and their power surged. They not only attacked Chu Yan, but also destroyed themselves at a critical time! Boom boom boom boom! The suzerain body of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect is transformed into thousands, even if they are combined into one, the number is still extremely large, and it is densely packed, like a bunch of ants surrounding Chu Yan, one after another exploding in place, blasting Chu Yan's body light. Yi Yi, shining, just failed to penetrate Chu Yan's defense.

Above the sky, the brilliance bloomed, each incarnation burst, and a beast shadow appeared.

They rushed to Chu Yan.

If a single blow fails, the beast shadow will bite Chu Yan and drag him until the next incarnation destroys itself.

However, Chu Yan was like a descending god, wandering among the beast shadows, no matter how full the firepower of the Emperor Chenghuang's Sect Master was, he couldn't hurt Chu Yan at all.

"How can this kid be so **** his life!"

The Sect Master of the Blood Sect of Emperor Cheng Huang felt that Chu Yan was too lucky.

"It seems that you have nothing left."

Chu Yan jumped up, and the Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect looked up. He happened to coincide with the position of the sun, like a **** from the sun.

"In that case, six sword styles!"

Chu Yan used six sword styles.

Countless sword shadows manifested in Chu Yan’s hands, long swords, short swords, heavy swords, thin swords... they gathered together and became hundreds of thousands of miles of sword light, directly smashing into the Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang’s Blood Sect. .

Upon seeing this, the Sect Master of the Blood Sect of Chenghuang was shocked, and was about to escape, but found that within the sword light, there was a burst of sword energy, and the range of hundreds of thousands of miles that Chu Yan pointed out was all covered by the sword light and the sword. Gas coverage.

Rumble! The sword light and sword energy destroyed everything with the force of destroying the dryness and decay. The remaining half of the Primordial Mang Forest, this time was directly wiped out, and turned into a flat ground! The sect of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect spurted blood from his mouth, and his breath suddenly became sluggish.

Chu Yan thoughtfully: "It seems that the guardian formation that made me feel dangerous before, the energy source is the endless inheritance of the Emperor's Blood Sect. Now the blood pool of the blood sea is completely hollowed out by me, and the source is gone. A big formation can't threaten me either."

"I hate it!"

The Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect looked up to the sky and screamed.

He shouldn't be absolutely sure, shouldn't he belittle Chu Yan in the first place, and leave a hand.

If Chu Yan breaks into the Primordial Mang Forest, he directly uses the endless inheritance as the root cause and launches the Protector's Array, even if Chu Yan is not dead, he will probably lose half his life.

In this way, Chu Yan became meat on the cutting board.

It's a pity that he underestimated Chu Yan, and now it's too late to regret it!

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