Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2467: Sealing Demon Pot

Unlike the enemies Chu Yan had encountered, more than a dozen humanoid monsters seemed to possess some kind of wisdom, which was very strange.

As if planning something, Chu Yan and others should be swept away.

"Six Swords!"

Chu Yan was the first to attack, with bright eyebrows, and while illuminating the world, phantoms of swords gradually emerged.

Long swords, broken swords, heavy swords, thin swords... they evolve their own formations on their own, with a radius of hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, and one hundred thousand li all included in the six sword styles.

Wherever the light went, it was Chu Yan's attack range.

Whoops whoops! The Sword Six Forms broke out suddenly, and the entire space shook abruptly. More than a dozen humanoid monsters acted for a while, but after that, there were still two handed humanoid monsters who evaded urgently and were not killed by the Sword Six Forms all at once. He died, and the rest were chopped and chopped on the spot to make the big demon sashimi.

Buzzing! Chu Yan's white bone spear was shining brightly, and as the runes lit up, the terrifying aura, together with his divine sense, locked down a humanoid demon who was only traumatized by the six swords.

Bang bang bang bang! Immediately afterwards, these wounded humanoid monsters exploded one after another.

Clang Clang! Chu Yan doubled his fingers into a sword, facing the ground a little, the scope of the six sword styles quickly shrank, strangling a few large humanoid monsters who intended to regroup! Just as Chu Yan killed all the humanoid monsters, the ancient mirror carried by the cloaked monster suddenly roared.

Compared to the roar before, it was a bit more angry.


The cloak demon's face changed. Could it be that the humanoid demon that just evolved from the ancient mirror has been resolved by the opponent?

This is impossible! There are more than a dozen humanoid great monsters, unless they are serious about the cloak great demon's existence, it is impossible to easily obliterate them.

This time, although the face in the ancient mirror became more blurred and more distorted, it was only the moment it became clearly visible, but it clearly spit out a word: "Quick..." "Yes!"

The big demon in the cloak quickly agreed, and then flew to the palace together with the other big demon in the Samurai Demon Palace.

At the same time, Chu Yan also found that the situation was not right.

The more than a dozen humanoid great monsters who had just been killed by him were strangled by him and their bodies were destroyed, but they were not ashes as they had imagined! Swish Swish! They turned into black rays of light, flying towards a certain part of the vine.

"Junior Brother Chu."

"Brother Chu."

Murphy and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu came over to join Chu Yan.

"Let's take a look?"

Chu Yan asked.


Murphy and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu nodded in agreement.

They knew very well that it was impossible for them to survive in this mysterious and strange palace alone.

The only hope is Chu Yan! Only with the protection of Chu Yan, can you survive, and then it is possible to retreat! It can be said that their current situation is very extreme.

Either follow Chu Yan and fight in and out in Xiantao Valley, not only survived, but even got a good fortune, and will take it to the next level in the future.

Either it is leaving alone, but it is very likely to fall here, both the flesh and the soul will disappear one after another, and the soul will be scattered! After experiencing many things, they simply chose the former without thinking about it.

Following Chu Yan, it's just that they might fall. With their strength, they are definitely bound to die in Xiantao Valley.

Therefore, how to choose in the end is simply obvious.

Chu Yan took Murphy and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu to track the black light.

They went all the way down, and finally came to the roots of the vines.

Chu Yan motioned Murphy Fei and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu to stay safe.

This gave him a strange feeling, if he acted rashly, he might be in danger.

Murphy Fei and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu did not dare to mess around, and carefully cast their consciousness towards the roots of the vines.

It's okay if you don't look at it, they are shocked when they throw in Shenxuan! I saw a house-sized pot at the root of the vine! It has a weird shape, as if it is imprisoning something.

Surrounded by demonic energy, countless demonic souls condensed here, turning into a huge octopus full of tentacles! Each tentacle was covered with bloodshot eyeballs.

When the consciousness of Chu Yan and others approached for an instant, these bloodshot eyes turned to the hiding place of Chu Yan and others at the same time! "Oops!"

Murphy Fei secretly said that it was not good, but Chu Yan's action was a step faster. Before these octopus tentacles were killed, he took Murphy Fei and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu to retreat together.

Boom boom boom boom! The next moment, Chu Yan just now where they are, has been smashed to pieces by the tentacles.

Even the space was cracked, which made Murphy and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu stunned! With such a huge power, if they resisted it, wouldn't it be impossible for them to die?

"For the time being, don't go head-to-head with it."

Chu Yan worried that Murphy and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu could not stop the octopus's attack.

This octopus is too weird, even Chu Yan is afraid to kill it easily.

Therefore, Chu Yan could only protect Murphy and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, and retreated.

Although evading the first wave of attacks, the octopus has discovered Chu Yan and others, and gradually Chu Yan and the others realized that the octopus has too many tentacles, and can even transform other vines into brand new tentacles.

It's just that compared to the octopus's own tentacles, these newly transformed tentacles are still not powerful enough. It is not small to chase Chu Yan and others.

"It seems that this octopus can only be fixed below and cannot move?"

Murphy Fei secretly rejoiced that Chu Yan was cautious and didn't break into the octopus's range of activity too much, otherwise it would be very difficult to want to retreat.

At this time, another group of people arrived.

They are the great demons of the Samurai Demon Palace.

"It's you! I didn't expect it to be you doing our good deeds!"

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in. Today, I will tell you to come back and never return!"

"If you got involved in the things of our Samurai Demon Palace, you are destined to die forever!"

Many big demons in Hanchuan Demon Palace recognized that this was the human monk they wanted to hunt down, and immediately yelled at Chu Yan and others.

They were very angry. They originally believed that this thing was in the bag of the Samurai Demon Palace, but they didn't know that Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and Chu Yan was the first to take advantage of it.

"You have to compensate us with your lives!"

The big demons in the Hanchuan Demon Palace are eager to try, they must kill Chu Yan and them to vent their hatred.

However, before the big demon of the Hanchuan Demon Palace attacked Chu Yan, the octopus's tentacles had already been killed.

It actually treated the big demons of the Samurai Demon Palace as enemies.

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