Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2469: Rebirth

The vines continue to collapse, and a lot of blood rushes out from the inside out.

The billowing blood gathered into an endless ocean of blood.

In this sea of ​​blood, a terrifying giant tens of thousands of feet tall is breaking the world! Ho Ho Ho Ho! The terrifying giant roared and roared, and between the hands and feet, the **** runes appeared on their own, destroying the space, wiping out the avenue, as if between the thoughts of the terrifying giant, the whole world would be overthrown, turned into nothing, sinking into the blood. Among.

The most terrifying thing is that Murphy Fei felt that, while fearing the giant's actions, the blood in her body could not help but be tumbling with it! In other words, even if Murphy and the others do nothing, as long as they stay near this terrifying giant and wait for the blood to evaporate in the body, it is also inevitable to die.

At this time, six hundred-foot-tall skeletons fell from the sea of ​​blood and were torn apart.

The Primordial Blood Demon glanced at him and couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, the six sages of the fairy peach, the six dominating realms, who would have thought that after eternity, you will end up like this?

Didn’t the old days have been so high-spirited and wanted to block my last path to recovery?

now what! "

Between the words, the Primordial Blood Demon stepped on six skeletons! Boom boom boom boom! Since then, the Six Sages of Xiantao have been completely wiped out, and even the dust has not fallen.

The Primordial Blood Demon who threw the six skeletons into ashes, as if thinking of something, sighed: "I was too impulsive. I shouldn't destroy your corpses. I should make the corpses of the six of you after being resurrected. My wine glass, my urinal, to vent my hatred!"

Seeing this scene, I realized that this Primordial Blood Demon was not only amazing in strength, but also extremely crazy. The great demon in Hanchuan Demon Palace immediately gave up struggling and begged hard.

"I beg your Lord Blood Demon to let me go, I am willing to saddle you up!"

"After the Lord Blood Demon is resurrected, someone must be required to help, right?

You know the strength of our Samurai Demon Palace, as long as we are given a chance to survive, we will surely repay Lord Blood Demon hundreds of times! "

"If Lord Blood Demon can keep me alive, I am willing to follow Lord Blood Demon forever and become your most loyal servant!"

"I have mastered several treasury locations in the Samurai Demon Palace, and I should be able to contribute my meager power to Lord Blood Demon to dominate the world."

The big demons in the Hanchuan Demon Palace completely lost their former majesty and majesty, and now they just want to survive.

As long as the Primordial Blood Demon is willing to keep them alive, the great demon of this group of Hanchuan Demon Palace are willing to do everything, and they are willing to do everything.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing this, the Primordial Blood Demon burst out laughing.

He has been dormant in the Hanchuan Demon Palace for a long period of time, and he knows very well what kind of strength and pride the great demons of this group of Hanchuan Demon Palace possess! In normal times, the big demons of the Samurai Demon Palace dominate the future and destiny of the weak monks or the weak little beasts.

Between their thoughts, they can control the life and death of the other party, and can determine whether their next moment is the abyss of a thousand feet, no more disaster, or after suffering endless humiliation, leaving behind a horrible life! But now, this kind of thing happened to this group of big monsters in the Hanchuan Demon Palace, which made the Primordial Blood Demon, who knew the daily style of the big monsters, found it very interesting.

At this moment, the great demon of the cloak stood up and angered the great demon of Hanchuan Demon Palace: "Trash, all are trash! What if he is the Primordial Blood Demon?

It is absolutely unkind to use our Samurai Demon Palace to humiliate our Samurai Demon Palace! However, you waited humbly, kneeling down and begging for mercy! "


The Primordial Blood Demon looked over and stared at the cloaked demon.

He knew that the cloak demon was the number one man in the Samurai Demon Palace, otherwise he would not let the cloak demon be solely responsible for this trip.

However, the Primordial Blood Demon didn't feel much about the cloak demon.

Because the Great Demon Cloak was too conceited, before arriving at Xiantao Valley, he completely used the spirit of the Primordial Blood Demon as a tool to achieve his goal.

It was enough to endure the humiliation and hibernation before, and now the Primordial Blood Demon is about to fully recover, and even dared to jump like this, it is almost unknowing! "Don't be humble, kneel and beg for mercy, then what do you want?"

The Primordial Blood Demon asked with a smile, "Even the Six Sages of Xiantao couldn't completely wipe me out. The most is to seal me up. What can you do?"

The cloak demon was furious.

He is different from the other big demons in the Samurai Demon Palace. He knows very well that the possibility of survival is actually extremely low.

It's not that the Primordial Blood Demon really doesn't need the subordinates before and after the horse, but that the Primordial Blood Demon will fully recover later, and must eat a lot of fresh flesh and blood to make up for the losses that have been imprisoned here over the years.

Of course, this meal can't even quench thirst by drinking poison, just so that the Primordial Blood Demon can recover a little bit, and then it will be convenient to hunt more monks and big demon.

When his state is completely stabilized, and he is not so eager to eat fresh flesh and blood, he will really consider gathering his subordinates and helpers.

Before that, anything the Primordial Blood Demon saw could only become his food, nothing more! Therefore, the cloak demon has no idea of ​​surrendering, he wants to give it a try and gain a chance! Buzzing! In the next moment, the cloak demon turned into thousands, and countless black shadows flashed in the palace. It was impossible to tell what was true, what was false, what was false, and what was true! However, the Primordial Blood Demon didn't even look at it, and slammed it in one direction.

Boom! With a bang, countless flesh and blood splashed, and the shadows in the backcourt disappeared.

He actually bombarded the body of the cloak demon with a single blow! This made Chu Yan frowned.

Because Chu Yan also recognized that the cloak demon was probably the guy who attacked them in the void! Such a powerful existence could not withstand the attack of the Primordial Blood Demon. It is no wonder that the Six Sages of Xiantao also paid a huge price before reluctantly re-seal the Primordial Blood Demon instead of killing it! Upon seeing this, the great monsters in the Hanchuan Demon Palace were shocked to the point that they had lost their three souls and lost their seven souls. They were as powerful as the cloaked monsters and were all killed in seconds. Then how many lives would they have to survive before they could survive! The intent of the Primordial Blood Demon was exposed, and he also stopped pretending, his thoughts turned, and the endless sea of ​​blood was about to swallow everyone in.

Gululu! The big demon of the Hanchuan Demon Palace and Murphy Fei sank in the sea of ​​blood. The strength of the terrifying giant became stronger and stronger, and the body became clearer and more obvious.

Until the entire Xiantao Valley was flooded with blood, filled with blood.

Boom boom boom boom! Finally, the palace couldn't bear it, and it collapsed. Before, the sea of ​​blood turned into a huge blood-colored flower.

The Primordial Blood Demon is about to be reborn here!

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