Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2483: Prey's posture

However, the same people with outstanding vision can see the clues of Chu Yan's arrangement.

"Chu Yan's outline is not graffiti or ghost symbols, but a kind of strange pattern!"

"Could it be that Chu Yan is setting up a big formation?

Just above the void? "


How do I feel that the big formation that Chu Yan arranged, and the underground formation of the ancient ghost realm, seem to fit very closely, as if they are in the same vein, exactly the same! "

The layman watched the excitement and the expert watched the doorway. After seeing the depth of the pattern outlined by Chu Yan, some people were frightened! Because, is this kind of thing really achievable?

Before the Xuantian ranking test, Chu Yan probably hadn't understood the underground formation of the ancient ghost realm, right?

In other words, did Chu Yan have this harvest in just a few days?

This is impossible! "Feng Tianhou, I didn't expect that Chu Yan just wanted to set up a large defensive formation until now, and he was in a corner. It was simply whimsical! Now even if he lives in the tortoise shell, it is too late.

The tortoise shell will eventually be broken down by breakdown, it will only be useless work! Not to mention that he is so young and his accomplishments in this area are all a big question! "

Someone catered to Feng Tianhou, as he said.

How can such a Tianjiao evildoer like Feng Tianhou be comparable to Chu Yan? If Chu Yan is now the Ninth Stage of Nirvana, it is enough, both are the Nine Stages of Nirvana, and they are more or less qualified to be compared together.

However, in the Chu language area, Nirvana is very different. Some people even say that he is similar to Feng Tianhou when he was young. Isn't this because of the lard, or something?

Feng Tianhou was very satisfied with this, but he didn't answer the conversation, just smiled without saying a word.

However, what was unexpected to everyone was that after Chu Yan arranged the formation, he directly confined the surrounding ghosts in the eyes of the formation, using the ghosts as the material for the formation! "What is Chu Yan doing?"

"But the formation that Chu Yan arranged is a bit horrible. I think that with the strength of my true fairyland, I probably won't be able to get past it."

"Chu Yan's formation is really reluctant to pass through the real fairyland, but it is still far from enough to stop the footsteps of Nirvana!"

Some self-proclaimed people with nasty eyes suddenly pointed out the defects of Chu Yan's big array.

You know, all the disciples of Shenwuzong who can participate in the Xuantian ranking test have achieved Nirvana in their cultivation.

In this way, isn't Chu Yan's arrangement like taking off his pants and farting?

At this moment, a monk flew in from a distance, and this person also sensed the formation of Chu Yan from a distance.

Because Chu Yan's formation blocked the way, but did not hide it, he was almost telling people that if you want to pass, you should break through my big formation! If you don't want to break through, or think you can't make it through, make a detour on your own, don't send it far! Upon seeing this, the visitor was very dismissive.

Just because the formation arranged by Chu Yan didn't seem to be so powerful, if he asked him to say it, it is estimated that he would be able to break through without using a magic weapon! call out! However, when this person jumped and prepared to break through the big formation arranged by Chu Yan, a magical scene happened.

He actually hit a small insect on the spider web with his head. He was stuck by a certain force, and his movements were difficult, and the movements in his body also became obscure.

This person secretly said that it was not good, and quickly used his full strength to break through the big formation of Chu Yan.

As everyone knows, the more he resists, the stronger the power of the big formation will be. In the end, it not only trapped him, but also imprisoned him here. here.

"What's happening here?"

This person was shocked, helpless now, his body was weak, and when he was finally completely trapped, his posture was not good. It was an upside-down gesture, which was very unsightly. Many viewers who saw this scene raised their hands and blindfolded their eyes. , I feel embarrassed for this fellow student.

Just when everyone thought that Chu Yan was going to take care of the disciple trapped in the formation, he was indifferent, letting the opponent hang upside down on the formation and continue to do his own affairs.

This one made everyone a bit confused by the second monk. What is Chu Yan doing?

I have grabbed the opponent, and I didn't rush to kill it, but instead let the opponent stay in the big formation and couldn't move. What on earth did Chu Yan do?


Suddenly, two disciples of Shen Wuzong appeared in the distance.

They noticed that someone was hanging upside down in the distant sky, as if being imprisoned by some power, so they were hanging upside down here and couldn't help but sneer at each other.

"This person is too embarrassing, right?"

"I think the volatility of this formation is not strong, you and I will break it together, and then the person who arranged the formation and this hapless person will be cleaned up together."


They just said to do it, and then they rushed towards the big formation.

"Ah, what is this?"

"I, I can't move! The power in my body is imprisoned!"

As the faces of the two changed drastically, there were two more silhouettes hanging in the air.

After this and this, more and more figures hung on the big formation, from the first one or two to the tens of hundreds in the back! From a distance, it really looks like a pile of insects with spider webs, poor, weak, and helpless! Chu Yan turned a blind eye to them, no one was eliminated, but he was carrying a jade cup, and every two hours, a pillar of light soaring to the sky appeared, prompting someone to bring one of the twenty treasures here.

Seeing this, someone finally reacted: "I understand, Chu Yan's approach is to make people who covet the treasures on his body. Above the array, like a worm, this is very bad!"

"This Chu Yan is bold, but I have to say that his approach has a miraculous effect! You see, these monks in the east came from the beam of light directed at the treasure. They are now completely suppressed by this scene and are greatly shocked. Can't move!"

"Yes, before the change, they would definitely attack Chu Yan without thinking about it, just to compete for a qualification. Now if they want to do it, they have to think carefully about who is the hunter and who is the prey! Don't get the treasure. It was also hung on the big formation by Chu Yan."

"However, Chu Yan's method of arranging a large formation is very mysterious. It does not use his own treasures or waste his own resources. Instead, he uses ghosts as the eyes and materials for the formation. It can achieve such an effect, and then kill the chickens and the monkeys. This is more than a stone. what!"

People who gradually understood Chu Yan's operation were full of praise, and some people praised Chu Yan very exaggeratedly, saying that it was Chu Yan's idea of ​​confronting the enemy, and it was enough for many real fairyland juniors and sisters to learn for a lifetime.

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