Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2491: Ghost Saint of Thousand Tribulations

"Chu Yan?

The problem is not big, anyway, for those of you who are participating in the Xuantian List, the highest cultivation level is only the sixth level of Nirvana. As long as you don't have your cousin, sweeping them is only a matter of time. "

The Ghost King didn't care, "As for killing this kid named Chu Yan, do you overestimate me, or underestimate the mighty generation of your Shenwu Sect?

Let’s not say that I can’t do this, and I can really overcome the limitations of the formation and kill this disciple named Chu Yan, so that his soul will be scattered and his body and spirit will be destroyed. The tomb has been cleaned up here. "

Feng kept laughing without saying a word.

In fact, Feng Bianbu said casually that he did not expect that the ghost king would really be able to cross the formation of Shen Wuzong's great ability to completely kill Chu Yan, so that this Nirvana ant with the highest level of Nirvana would never be able to survive forever.

Because this kind of thing is almost impossible.

Let’s not talk about the great formation of Shenwuzong, it was arranged by more than one powerful generation, and as the ghost king said, if they, the creatures of the ghost burial tomb can do this kind of thing, this It means that they are beyond the control of Shenwuzong, and the elders of Shenwuzong will meet them at that time.

Therefore, this kind of thing can't be done even if it is really done, it is impossible to expose this ability in order to kill a mere Shenwuzong disciple.

Therefore, Feng Bujue just said it and didn't take it seriously.

Afterwards, Feng continued to inform the ghost king of Chu Yan's appearance and characteristics, and left leisurely.

Watching Feng keep going away, the ghost king shook his head and chuckled. He took a deep breath and roared up to the sky.

Roar! The roar was shaking, and under the surrounding ground, inside the coffin, an evil spirit appeared.

The evil spirits are endless, continuous, and overwhelming. Looking at it, there is no end in sight. It seems that there are endless evil spirits following the call of the ghost king, rushing to come and see.

The ghost king is accustomed to this: "Go find this monk named Chu Yan and kill him!"

After the speech, as the ghost king's thoughts turned, Chu Yan's appearance appeared in the minds of many evil spirits.

"Follow the order of the ghost king and hunt Chu Yan!"

At the same time, Chu Yan was already in a huge cemetery.

This place is very special. The space has been distorted, layered on top of each other, and densely packed tombs. I don't know how many evil spirits are parasitizing here.

When Chu Yan arrived, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and many evil spirits rushed in.

Just because it is rare to meet a living person, the delicious flesh and blood is the most delicious food for evil spirits.

Once a monk falls into their hands, not to mention the bone marrow, even the soul will be swallowed up, how can you let Chu Yan go.

However, they misunderstood the identity of the hunter and the prey.

Clang Clang! Chu Yan's eyebrows glowed, and he used six sword styles.

Long swords, short swords, epees, thin swords... the sword light evolves into various swords, cutting time and space, smashing across the sky, and there is like a sword rain here.

In the midst of the downpour, the evil spirits were slain.


"This son is fierce, kill him together!"

"No, be careful!"

The evil spirits in the tomb were smashed by Chu Yan.

They vary in size, and the smaller ghosts are all about a thousand years old, and at best they are at the level of a real fairyland.

Ten thousand years of evil spirits have a majestic aura, equivalent to Nirvana, and they emerge in endlessly. When ordinary monks encounter them, they are afraid that they will be consumed alive to death! However, there is no difference between these evil spirits in Chu Yan, they are all a matter of one sword.

Whoops whoops! Every time the sword light shone brightly, hundreds of evil spirits were killed by the town.

As the evil spirits punished them, the shining ghost hearts remained, and they were put away by Chu Yan.

The ranking of this level is directly linked to the number of ghost hearts collected, but it can't be wasted.

Chu Yan slayed evil spirits, collected ghost hearts, and also discovered the funerary treasures in the graves.

These are treasures of the evil spirits during their lifetime, and they have been with them for many years, and they have long been inseparable.

Not only that, these magic weapons have been nourished by evil spirits for thousands of years. They are extremely spiritual and have some obvious differences from ordinary magic weapons.

Chu Yan didn't put away these magic weapons, he rolled his eyes and punched out.

Bang bang bang bang! Under Chu Yan's punch, all the magic weapons in the tomb were shattered and turned into countless essences, which he sucked into his body.

As the essence of the magic weapon continued to merge with Chu Yan, nourishing his limbs and corpses, his whole person looked more and more extraordinary, and his aura became more condensed.

On the other hand, the lower part of the tomb cracked open without warning, and a tomb comparable to a city appeared slowly.

Rumble rumbling! Amid the huge roar, a figure stood at the highest point of the tomb, climbing high and looking into the distance.

This is a ghost in a yellow robe.

Although it was a ghost, it didn't have much horrible taste. On the contrary, it was with sword eyebrows and star eyes. It was not angry and majestic, except that the face was very different from the living person, and it was basically similar to the monk who came here.

"I have gone through thousands of times and thousands of tribulations, only the last step is missing."

"However, the ghost burial tomb has been closed for many years. It is difficult to collect the best blood, and it is as difficult as the sky!"

"Now that I can't find a place to break through the iron shoes, it takes no effort to get it. This one can make up for the last link of my vitality, and then become a great success!"

As the Ghost Saint of Thousand Tribulations said to himself, he raised his arms and shouted: "Come on, my people, take this son for me, and dedicate it to your supreme king!"

Ho Ho Ho Ho! As soon as this statement came out, countless evil spirits swarmed out from tombs and coffins, turned into an army of undead, and went straight to Chu Yan.

Seeing this, Chu Yan was not afraid of it, flipped his palm, and a long bone spear the size of a thousand feet appeared in the air.

The bone spear shines brightly, the runes are shining, and the light from the ancient times blooms. Following the will of Chu Yan, it roars and suppresses the undead army! Boom boom boom! The huge bone spears directly suppressed, simple and rude, and the undead army suddenly turned into countless ghost hearts and fell on the ground.

Not only didn't hurt Chu Yan, but also sent Chu Yan a lot of ghosts and magic weapons.

Chu Yan turned his gaze and stared at the Ghost Saint of Thousand Tribulations: "Capture the thief first, capture the king!"

The Tomb of Ghost Burial is a world of the dead. Existences such as Ghost Sage of Thousand Tribulations, as long as they want, can always summon ghosts and evil spirits from all directions to serve them. They can't kill them at all.

Although Chu Yan wanted a ghost, it was not his style to be led by the nose.

Not to mention, by killing different thousand-year evil ghosts and ten thousand-year evil ghosts, Chu Yan also discovered that ghosts with different strengths have obvious differences in their ghost hearts.

This ghost saint of Thousand Tribulations wearing a yellow robe, I don't know what its ghost heart looks like.

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