Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2493: not simple

It was the woman of the two who was talking. She overlooked Chu Yan and was ordering Chu Yan, as if Chu Yan was able to serve her. It was a great honor to shine. Suffer a little bit and weed it out directly."

"Chu Yan, I know that you have killed Elder Wanheng, but Elder Wanheng's trash is respectful to our true disciples, like an old dog. Don't think that you have killed an old dog or chopped up one. Dog head, really has the ability to sit on an equal footing with us."

The other man also agreed, "You are lucky enough to be able to walk here with the first level of Nirvana cultivation. You should not think too much about good things. You are eliminated here, and it is enough to brag about it when you return. NS."

They had seen Chu Yan make a move on the white-bone ship, and this son did have some strength, and it was not surprising that he could slay elder Wan Heng this kind of rubbish.

However, compared with the five levels of their two Nirvana Realms, there is no doubt that they are still far from each other.

Even if Chu Yan was to be their attendant, he had to think about it.

After all, they have no shortage of followers. Within the Shenwu Sect, even followers of the true disciple level are there! Because they are strong! Chu Yan had no expression on his face, identified it, and determined that the couple entered the ghost burial tomb before him, and did not see him kill Li Ziping and Fang Shuo, who are both true disciples.

However, even if they saw it, Chu Yan didn't care, and he dared to threaten him like this, no matter who it was, it was destined to come and go! "It seems that I am not going to hand over Exquisite Heart of Thousand Tribulations and other ghost hearts!"

"Then let you suffer a bit, torture, and let you go!"

This pair of men and women who seem to be lovers of gods and goddesses, in fact acted fiercely.

But if the Shen Wuzong disciples who fell into their hands did not obey obediently, even if there was a slight resistance, they would torture them severely before eliminating the opponent.

You must know that the formations of Shen Wuzong's great ability can only be activated and sent out when the Shen Wuzong disciples receive a fatal blow.

If it is a blunt knife cutting meat, a little bit, a little bit of torturing the other party, then this monk can only suffer alive, until he is about to die, before he will be sent out.

This is sinister and vicious that is extremely inconsistent with the appearance! Even though the tomb of ghosts is everywhere dangerous and crisis places everywhere, they are determined to act cautiously and do less torture, just because it takes too much time.

However, Chu Yan's indifferent attitude aroused their anger. They decided that even if it takes some time, they must give this Nirvana one-level kid a lesson so that he can see himself in Shenwuzong later. Both of them must kneel to meet each other, engraving words such as terror and fear in Chu Yan's heart, they will never be remembered forever! "Dari Tathagata Sword!"

"Thousand Buddhas Slash!"

The gods and the goddess couple men and women shot together.

The woman lifted the sword and struck away, and a big Buddha appeared in the void, the precious appearance was solemn, the Buddha's light was infinite, faint, countless Buddha names, and the sound of chanting came from all directions, making the big Buddha more condensed, and then the big Buddha shot and slap evolved. Wuzhishan, together with the woman's sword, severely suppressed Chu Yan! The man’s supernatural powers are thousands of Buddhas, and thousands of Buddhas manifest in the heavens. Some are kind-looking, some are glaring, and some are all equal as usual. This is blocking Chu Yan’s retreat.

If Chu Yan wanted to force a breakthrough, he was doomed to be seriously injured, and then he was arrested obediently.

If Chu Yan did not escape, relying on the strength of the first layer of Nirvana Realm, he would definitely not be able to fight against the Great Sun Tathagata Sword, and could only be suppressed under the Five Fingers Mountain! Chu Yan did not change his face, the lotus soul suddenly appeared! When the lotus life soul appeared, the heaven and the earth were silent, and all the Buddha's light, the Buddha, and the five-finger mountain disappeared.

The complexion of the immortal couple's face changed drastically. They had never seen such a situation before! "What fate is this?

Can actually suppress our supernatural powers? "

"Catch the thief first, capture the king, and kill Chu Yan directly!"

Because Chu Yan's performance was too weird, the men and women are also afraid to go on playing cats and mice. If the gutter is overturned, it will be no fun.

However, they hadn't had time to move, and the sword light from where they didn't know had hit the back of their heads.

Rumble! There was a roar, and the couple had been eliminated and sent back to Shenwuzong.

However, the disciples who are eliminated cannot take away the ghost hearts obtained in the Great Ghost Burial Tomb, so all these ghost hearts are obtained by Chu Yan and become Chu Yan’s possessions, making his total number of ghost hearts even more. .

Buzzing! With the buzzing ups and downs, the pair of men and women have returned to Shenwuzong.

They looked very embarrassed. After all, they were sheltered by a large array at the moment of their death, teleported back, and escaped from the dead.

But Chu Yan's sword light was dazzling, and before they delivered a fatal blow, they had been cut by the sword energy and stabbed by the sword light's sharp edge, and they looked particularly embarrassed under the gaze of the eyes.

"This, this is..." Many Shen Wuzong disciples recognized that this pair of immortal couples are true disciples of the five levels of Nirvana, and they always act together, wanting to defeat two Nirvana in one breath. The five-fold true biography disciples are simply too difficult to reach the sky, even Guo Zhenlin, Zhao Tianju, and Wang Fangzhi, who are favored by Feng Tianhou, can't easily do it.

However, now they have appeared in Shenwuzong! Some viewers subconsciously looked at the golden list above the sky.

Sure enough, when this pair of immortal couples appeared, their names had disappeared from the list, but Chu Yan's ranking was rising rapidly! "Is it because Chu Yan defeated them and got the ghost heart they harvested at the Ghost Burial Tomb?"

"Isn't it?

Chu Yan is only the first level of Nirvana. I admit he is very powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, can he defeat two true disciples of the fifth level of Nirvana in one breath? "

"Isn't that right?

The exercises, supernatural powers and even the magic weapons they wore were all complementary to each other, completely reaching the point where one plus one is greater than two. I think it is impossible for Guo Zhenlin to defeat two at once. The limit is to leave one. There is a serious injury, something that Guo Zhenlin probably can't do, how can it be done in mere words! "

"That said, they are indeed eliminated now. Chu Yan's ranking is indeed improving. At the same time, only Chu Yan's ranking has changed. Doesn't this still explain the problem? Have you defeated them?"

The immortal family members were eliminated at the same time, and one stone caused a thousand waves of waves, and the disciples of the Shenwu Sect had different opinions.

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