Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2540: Trial

"What's more, they are my defeated men. They have been killed by me once. Now I am stronger. Even if they become evil spirits, they will be killed by me again. That's all."

Chu Yan chuckled and said, "You said such a bunch of trash, what right do you have to retaliate against me?

Have any guts to retaliate against me! Even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would retreat to me, hide from me, and hide away from me. If there is a place for me, they immediately fled to thousands of miles away, instead of giving birth to some vain thoughts of revenge! "

"Therefore, your so-called trial cannot affect me. If this level of magical powers can affect me, then how can I preach!"

Chu Yan spoke loudly, which resonated with the avenue, and was shocked.

Hearing that, the king of **** was so angry that he felt that he was insulted! This is intolerable, and the majesty of the king of **** absolutely does not allow challenges.

The provocateur is dead! Then, between the thought of the King of Hell, the scene in front of Chu Yan disappeared.

Yang Feng, Elder Wan Heng, Primordial Blood Demon, etc., all disappeared! Instead, there are scenes of hell.

In front of a huge oil pan, there were countless figures waiting in line.

Their auras are extremely powerful, none of them are weaker than Feng Tianhou, and even stronger than the Primordial Blood Demon.

How does the Primordial Blood Demon exist?

The six masters of the Six Sages of Xiantao failed to obliterate the Primordial Blood Demon, which shows how powerful and terrifying the Primordial Blood Demon is.

Among the silhouettes who are queuing to the oil pan, there are such existences! "No, no, don't..." A monk with a breath of eight levels in the Nirvana realm, shackled, hesitated on the edge of the pan and refused to enter.


The kid next to him took a breath and kicked the monk over.

Zi Zi Zi Zi! "Ah, ah, ah..." The monk fell into the huge oil pan, screaming.

Existence as strong as the eightfold layer of Nirvana, but also screamed a few times, then disappeared, and turned into a corpse with the outer focus and the inner tenderness.

Seeing this, the little devil guarding the frying pan also fished up the crunchy monks, and divided them into pieces.

You have one arm and my thigh, like eating fried chicken, feasting on it.

After one monk finished eating, he ordered another one.

This time, she was still a delicate, fleshy female cultivator, and her aura was comparable to that of the Primordial Blood Demon. She was still unable to resist, so she was kicked into the pan by the little ghosts, and was deep-fried.

After eating one after another, the little ghost guarding the oil pan seemed to belong to the Hungry Ghost Dao. No matter how much he ate, he would not be full.

Soon, it was Chu Yan's turn. Instead of waiting for the little ghosts to kick and kick, he jumped into the frying pan by himself.

However, he did not scream, but was immersed in another scene.

This time, one monk, one big demon, and even one evil spirit were put on the execution ground and divided into five horses.

No matter how powerful the monk, the big demon, or the evil spirit, they have no power to fight back, they can only watch themselves as a torn chicken.

"No, don't...ah!"

"Pain, pain, pain...sigh!"

"Forgive me, please beg the Lord of Hell to forgive me... Um!"

One by one, the monks, the big demon, and the evil spirits died tragically. It was Chu Yan's turn. He didn't change his face, even when he saw that he was fragmented.

Then, Chu Yan appeared on the guillotine.

Unlike before, he was reduced to a mortal at this moment.

Without the slightest strength, just like an ordinary prisoner, he can only serve as a mermaid.

The biting cold wind added a touch of realism that was not there before.

This made the corners of Chu Yan's lips a little joke.

When the guillotine fell, Chu Yan's eyes flashed, and he was already in the raging fire.

There is only Chu Yan here, and he is still powerless like a mortal.

Although he is not bound by shackles, he can't turn things around, break the five elements, and obliterate yin and yang, but he can only be swallowed by the fire like a mortal.

When Chu Yan's figure was completely engulfed by flames, his eyes shook, and he actually came to the ice and snow again.

This time the feeling of icy cold is more real than the previous burning, just like the more Chu Yan through the torture once, the next time the experience will be more real.

However, Chu Yan's expression remained the same, he did not entangle him any longer, before he was covered by snow and ice, he used the Quartet Domain.

Boom boom boom boom! The Quartet domain spread, and all the scenes became a world of gods and monsters that belonged exclusively to Chu Yan.

This is Chu Yan's Quartet Realm! The trial of the king of hell, under the spread of the four areas, was all shattered and killed by Chu Yan! Chu Yan raised his eyes to the astonished King of Hell.

The latter was equally shocked.

Chu Yan said that he was firm in Taoism, but the king of **** actually didn't believe it.

No matter how firm the Dao Heart is, there are limits.

Just as there is no person in the world who doesn't love money, if the other person really doesn't love it, maybe they don't give enough! As long as you give enough, then even gods and Buddhas will be moved, dominated and driven! But why is Chu Yan an exception?

After the Eye of Judgment is extremely vigorous, it is no longer a question of true or false. It can directly hit the weakest part of the opponent's heart.

As long as it is a human being, it is impossible to be without shortcomings, and it is impossible to be like a rock.

Chu Yan, on the other hand, has a firm heart, and as stable as Mount Tai. This is completely beyond the expectation of the King of Hell! Before the King of Hell was surprised, Chu Yan had already taken action.

This time, Chu Yan performed six reincarnation discs! The six reincarnation discs continue to rotate, blooming with brilliant golden light.

This kind of light looks very mild, even sacred, but it fell on the King of Hell, which is different from the previous magical powers that attacked the mud cow into the sea, but directly injured the King of Hell.

Bang bang bang bang! The king of **** was hit by the golden light, as if being cut by a divine sword, a stream of red, blood flowed out.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it."

If Chu Yan realized something, "Ordinary magical powers can't hurt you the king of hell, but the six reincarnation discs are okay. This is a magic weapon that can defeat you."

"Also, I didn't expect that your blood is also red. I thought that the so-called King of Hell, the blood would be different from others, which made me a little disappointed."

After a pause, Chu Yan said with a smile.

"Chu Yan, you are a sinner, a criminal, and now I am going to punish you, destroy your body, arrest your soul, so that you can never live beyond life!"

The king of **** was furious.

Do not provoke the majesty of the king of hell! However, Chu Yan was not suppressed by the Eye of Judgment, he was not judged, and he dared to fight back and hurt the great King of Hell.

His crime is a heinous crime that has never been experienced in eternity. Such sinners must be suppressed for thousands of years, so that Chu Yan regretted not the first time!

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