Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2554: promote

Now all of them have been swallowed by Chu Yan, the number has decreased, and it has become thinner.

As Chu Yan continued to absorb it, the honeycomb planet gradually became thin and transparent.

Time flies, it is two years! In the past two years, Chu Yan has been practicing on Hive Planet.

After being absorbed by Chu Yan for two full years, the entire Hive Planet has become extremely thin, like a cloud.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yan took a breath and directly absorbed the remaining spiritual energy, and then countless beacon fires slammed into the sky, and countless lore arrays appeared one after another.

Chu Yan finally reached the tipping point of the five levels of Nirvana, and he was about to hit the sixth level of Nirvana.

Boom boom boom boom! Chu Yan just tried to take this step. At the same time countless catastrophes came, countless planets shattered, galaxies destroyed, and the entire universe was shaking.

Many catastrophes that Chu Yan had seen or hadn't seen before appeared one after another.

Among the nine-colored Thunder Tribulation, there was a figure of a woman, looming.

Within the fire, a terrifying figure gradually became clear.

Inside the demon wind, there were chuckles of laughter like silver bells, as if some demon immortal came here in person.

The tribulations rise and fall, turning into scenes, Chu Yan’s appearance when he was young, the perseverance of Chu Yan’s practice, and Chu Yan encountered the hardships of the enemy...The scenes are like revolving lanterns, between the tribulations and the rise and fall of Chu Yan. Appeared in all directions.

In addition, there are many unexplainable catastrophes.

The Five Elements are deciphering the mystery of Chu Yan, trying to find out the flaws in Chu Yan.

Yin and Yang are constantly turning upside down, circulating around Chu Yan, with the intention of disrupting Chu Yan's journey.

The avenues of the heavens are constantly evolving into all kinds of mysteries, turning into various means of attack, just to hinder Chu Yan from continuing to grow stronger, as if the heavens and the earth are intolerable! However, Chu said nothing.

He allowed the catastrophe to fall, and his life and soul evolved on his own.

The life soul of the lotus is filled with extremely sacred aura, a green lotus is pressing across the sky, and a lotus is everlasting! The gate of life and soul is very mysterious, with all kinds of unspeakable wonders protecting Chu Yan, all evils are close to each other, and there are no ways to invade! Baihu's life and soul ruled the killing, and killed all the dangers that dared to approach Chu Yan.

The Great Seal's life and soul are virtuous, quietly guarding everything in Chu Yan, and eliminating danger for him.

The four souls of life each showed their own mystery, and for a while, the catastrophe could not approach Chu Yan.

At this time, there were a series of powerful gods in the Shenwuzong observing.

They didn't get too close, so as not to be discovered by those who crossed the robbery, or snooped on something that shouldn't be known.

Just because when crossing the robbery, monks will often reveal their secrets and sacrifice their own assassins.

Some of the monks’ secrets are as precious as life. Once leaked, it is not surprising even if there are life concerns.

Therefore, they tacitly did not pry into the mystery of the person who crossed the catastrophe.

It's just that they are very curious about who is going through the robbery, making such a movement and such a momentum.


Isn't this Chu Yan?

He is crossing the robbery! Could it break through again? "

"It took only two years to absorb this place, this child's talent is not bad."

"The momentum when crossing the catastrophe often reflects the strength of the monks. The stronger the monks, the more they will be stopped by the power of the world. There are many difficulties. Chu Yan is only the Nirvana state, and it belongs to the Nirvana state five. Strike the Sixth Layer, with this level of strength, no wonder Feng Tianhou will fail!"

"Chu Yan can look forward to the future!"

In addition to the exchange of these spiritual knowledge, they are also protecting Chu Yan from a distance, so as not to make any mistakes in this son.

But they waited for a long time, and they didn't have a chance to make a move.

Because Chu Yan crossed the catastrophe, it seemed that there were a lot of difficulties, but in fact, all catastrophes were smooth, and any catastrophe was resolved by Chu Yan's means.

This changed the number of calamities that the seventh and eighth layers of Nirvana had to wait in a strict array. Chu Yan made them disappear and disappeared without a trace. This made the powerful spiritual consciousness that came here a little speechless.

They knew that Chu Yan was very strong, otherwise they would not be able to leapfrog Feng Tianhou.

However, Chu Yan was so powerful that it was so terrifying, but they never expected it.

"This kid named Chu Yan is too strong?

He is not yet the sixth level of Nirvana, even if it is the sixth level, he is still a true disciple, but he has such an ability! "

"Shen Wuzong has a genius again, or a genius who has surpassed Feng Tianhou. This is a great thing!"

"In my opinion, Chu Yan is the best substitute for Feng Tianhou."

"If Chu Yan is in the eighth or even the ninth level of Nirvana, this time our **** Wuzong will be sure of ten. Fortunately, he is not bad now, not weaker than the genius Fengtianhou of the ninth level of Nirvana."

These gods were all shocked by the power of Chu Yan.

As the most powerful in the Shenwu Sect, they not only witnessed the rise of countless geniuses, but also witnessed the fall of countless geniuses.

Even though they themselves are rare super geniuses, although they are not unprecedented, but even if they are better than Feng Tianhou, they have a certain chance to grow to their level.

Can we get to this point? Not necessarily! Chu Yan, he is different! In the Xuantian Ranking Tournament, I made a breakthrough, stepped into the threefold Nirvana, and swept through the seven-fold nirvana monks who were waiting for the nirvana. After being brutally suppressed to **** by the Fengtianhou, the king returned with Nirvana. The cultivation base of the fifth layer of the realm, defeated Feng Tianhou by leapfrogging, and succeeded in revenge! Of course, this has nothing to do with Feng Tianhou's careless underestimation of the enemy.

However, the confrontation between the strong is only divided into life and death, and there is nothing to be cautious about.

If it weren't for Shen Wuzong to save Feng Tianhou's life for the sake of his past love, even if he was really killed by Chu Yan, Zongmen would not say much.

Because the dead Feng Tianhou and the living Chu Yan are lighter and heavier, you can imagine.

Just as Feng Tianhou forcibly suppressed Chu Yan into **** on the same day, ten deaths and no life, Zongmen couldn't do anything to Feng Tianhou for a mortal Chu Yan.

It can only be said that Feng Tianhou provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, and he didn't have enough strength to protect everything about him. Who could be to blame?

Only to say that Feng Tianhou was overpowered.

They are a little looking forward to the surprises that Chu Yan will bring to Shen Wuzong in the future! Chu Yan's mighty crossing of the Tribulation, coming and going fast, just because it hasn't had too much influence on him, until later, he was even actively eliminated by the four life souls.

With a hint of unwillingness, all kinds of calamities collapsed between heaven and earth.

At the same time, there are countless divine lights spilling on the sky, all of them gathered on Chu Yan, the treasures are solemn, and a few are sacred.

Chu Yan, officially entered the sixth stage of Nirvana!

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