Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2571: Stonehenge

Chu Yan flew away and just approached, he saw seven or eight huge stone giants besieging a female nun.

This woman looked the same age as Chu Yan, as if she was caught off guard and fell into a siege. At present, there is no room for counterattack, she can only parry.

However, if there is no one to help, it is estimated that over time, it will only be defeated and then killed.

Chu Yan recognized immediately, this female nun was named Lu Wanying, she was a cultivator of Shenwu Sect, and his senior sister.

On the way before, when Chu Yan didn't understand the situation several times, Lu Wanying took the initiative to solve her doubts and took great care of Chu Yan's junior.

"Junior Brother Chu Yan, it's you...hurry up, help me!"

After noticing that someone was coming, and it was Chu Yan who belonged to Shen Wuzong, Lu Wanying showed joy and shouted for help.

She and Chu Yan couldn't be said to be too familiar, but they knew something about Chu Yan's deeds.

Chu said that this person has clear grievances and grievances, and if there is gratitude, it will be repaid, and he is not a person who will kill for no reason.

It's just that Chu Yan defeated Feng Tianhou and became famous in the first battle, and some deeds about him also spread.

Ever since, Lu Wanying had a good impression of Chu Yan, and when she saw Chu Yan puzzled on the road, she would help explain one or two things for him.

Now that Lu Wanying is in crisis, it is Chu Yan who came to help. It is really great! Chu Yan couldn't help but stepped forward to help her senior sister Lu Wanying's request.

However, without waiting for Lu Wanying and Chu Yan to jointly attack, the latter's eyebrows were already lit up with a bright sword light.

Whoops whoops! Endless sword light bloomed on Chu Yan's eyebrows, pouring out like a rainstorm.

It was densely packed, eloquent, and endlessly, pointing directly at the nearby stone giant.

Rumble! After the continuous roar and ups and downs, there were already seven or eight stone giants, but there are already only four.

Chu Yan's blow just swept half of the stone giant in an instant.

"This..." Lu Wanying was stunned.

Can she say that she didn't even understand how Chu Yan made the move?

Chu Yan killed nearly half of his enemies in a blink of an eye. How did he do it?

This kind of thing can't even be done by her in the Eightfold Nirvana Realm! Between doubts, Lu Wanying reacted again, exclaiming: "Huh?

Junior Brother Chu Yan, you, should you be the Seventh Level of Nirvana?

Why did you get promoted again? "

It didn't take long for the Grand Contest of the Ancient Kingdom to begin. Chu Yan has already been promoted from the sixth level of Nirvana to the seventh level of Nirvana.

No matter where he is like himself, he is in a dangerous situation, and he needs the help of his junior brother Chu Yan to save him.

In the future, if anyone said that Chu Yan's defeat of Feng Tianhou was not relying on strength, she would definitely slap the opponent to make him sober.

With Chu Yan's participation, Lu Wanying joined forces with him and eliminated the remaining stone giants very easily.


Seeing this, Lu Wanying also breathed a sigh of relief. If there was no Chu Yan just now, or if it was not Chu Yan, it might be a bad thing.

You know, this time the ancient kingdoms contest, a total of 78 ancient nations participated, among them there was a monster race that was opposed to the human race.

If someone from the monster race finds that Lu Wanying is in trouble, he might even have to stab Lu Wanying secretly and send her to hell.

As for the other ancient monks, if they were hostile, they might help the stone giant to get rid of himself.

All in all, it was really dangerous and dangerous just now, and a carelessness will fall here.

After the battle, Lu Wanying, who let go of her heart, took the initiative to confess to Chu Yan: "Junior Brother Chu Yan, I found out that there was a glow here before. I thought it was very likely that there was a treasure, so I took a look and ended up falling into the formation."

When Chu Yan suddenly realized it, he also understood even more. The people of the monster race said that in the Great Annihilation, it is not surprising to encounter any chances. What does it mean, that's it! It seems that there are chances everywhere and good luck everywhere. The difference is that it may not be stable.

Just like his senior sister Lu Wanying, if she didn't arrive in time, it would be difficult to get out of her life without sacrificing her life-saving trump card.

However, how long has it been since the Grand Tournament of the Ancient Kingdom?

What should I do after consuming the life-saving hole cards so quickly?

Therefore, even if it is the good fortune that is placed in front of you, it may be exchanged for life, and it may not be able to be safely accepted.

Before Chu Yan could speak, the world shook without warning.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of stone giants appeared taller than they had just been.

Not only that, compared to the previous ones, these stone giants are not only taller, but this time they are also wearing armors with more weapons in their hands, so they are obviously here! Chu Yan didn't say a word, since he is here, he will fight, there is nothing to say.

Although Lu Wanying's heart was shocked, she felt that she might be extremely dangerous now, but when she recalled the strength that Chu Yan had revealed just now, she felt relieved instantly.

In addition, she didn't consume her life-saving cards just now. Once the situation is not good, the big deal will be to take Chu Yan and run along.

The life-saving hole card is gone, it is better than the life is gone! Boom boom boom boom! Chu Yan and Lu Wanying fought fiercely against the stone giant, using magic powers and magic weapons one by one.

However, this time the stone giants were not only completely different in appearance from the previous ones, they did not stand and be beaten this time, but cooperated with each other, like monks teamed up to fight the enemy, fighting fiercely.

Chu Yan blasted his sword light. After one stone giant swung his sword to dissolve it, another stone giant took the opportunity to attack.

Fortunately, Lu Wanying's bracelet emits a faint yellow light, and the stone giant's feet suddenly turned into a swamp. After a pause, she failed to make a sneak attack.

However, these stone giants were very vivid, completely different from the ones that were killed before, and the number was extremely large, hundreds of thousands, which suddenly made Lu Wanying feel a lot of pressure.

After another few rounds of fighting, although Chu Yan and Lu Wanying did not suffer, they also did not take advantage. This battle was not as easy as the previous one.

Suddenly, Lu Wanying exclaimed: "This...I recognize it, this is the Giant Stone Formation in ancient times!"

"The Stonehenge in ancient times?"

It was the first time Chu Yan heard of the so-called Giant Stonehenge.

"Well, there was a famous stone formation in ancient times. The stone giants inside were creatures, not simple puppets."

Lu Wanying nodded, and said excitedly: "Junior Brother Chu Yan, in my opinion, the stone giants must be guarding a certain treasure."

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