Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2577: To be set

After saying that, the descendants of Inu God suddenly broke out, open their mouths and roared, countless Boeing waves shook the sky, and even the void appeared bursts of cracks, very terrifying! "The ancient country should be ruled by our demons, and your human race should crawl under the feet of our demons!"

"Chu Yan, I think you are good at being able to live a good life. If you can cramp your senior sister, I may not be able to keep you, and she will have her life!"

"This is my whim. After passing this village, without this shop, you have to think carefully about it!"

The descendants of Inu God kept on attacking Chu Yan, one move was stronger than the other, like a bottomless black hole, there was no way to see its limit.

Or maybe, there is no limit! Lu Wanying watched two battles, she was a little afraid that Chu Yan would really cramp herself, but when such a thought passed, she still gritted her teeth and said: "Junior Chu Yan, if things can't be done, you don't have to Just take care of me! If it weren't for you, I would have died a long time ago, and I won't lose my life if it was given to you!"

"Sister Lu, don't be afraid."

Chu Yan smiled, calmly, "What kind of dog **** descendant, little dog! Watch me kill him!"

After speaking, Chu Yan sacrificed the Phoenix and Dragon Sword Formation he had just obtained! As soon as the phoenix dragon sword formation appeared, the thunder dragon, fire and phoenix appeared at the same time.

Bang bang bang bang! In an instant, the situation reversed, and the descendants of Inu God retreated steadily. Although they did not slumped, they were defeated on the spot, and they were not as courageous as they were just now.

Seeing this scene, the monks of the imperial kingdom widened their eyes involuntarily and were amazed.

"This is the Phoenix Dragon Sword Formation?

Haven't you been lost for many years?

Has it been obtained by Chu Yan? "

"The Phoenix and Dragon Sword Formation, a well-known treasure in the past, did not expect to be born again."

"Chu Yan was able to surrender this treasure, maybe he can reverse this battle!"

There was a lot of discussion, but some of the monks of the imperial kingdom insisted on their opinions.

"Everyone is a bit exaggerated. The Phoenix Dragon Sword Formation is great, but it doesn't mean that it can make Chu Yan ignore the difference in cultivation level. There is only Nirvana Stage Seven, which is always Chu Yan's greatest weakness."

"That's right, none of the cards of the descendants of the Inu God has been dispatched. As soon as the blood of the Inu God is revealed, Chu Yan is afraid that he will be defeated."

"I think the winner will be determined soon, and the descendant of Inugami should be the one who laughs last!"

The emperor fairy kept watching Chu Yan, with a faint expectation in her eyes.

Chu Yan fought more and more fiercely, the descendants of Inu God were indeed strong, but the more powerful Chu Yan faced, the higher his combat power would be. Gradually, he reached the point where the descendants of Inu God were somewhat unable to resist! "Damn it, Chu Yan, do you really think I can't kill you?"

The descendants of Inujin became ashamed and angry because they were gradually suppressed by Chu Yan.

He is a descendant of the dog god, with noble blood, how could he be defeated by a mere human monk! Immediately afterwards, the descendants of the Inu God aroused the power of the blood, an imaginary Inu God, faintly overlapped with the descendants of the Inu God, its momentum greatly increased! The world, which was originally flooded by the Phoenix Dragon Sword Formation, was directly counterattacked by the descendants of the Dog God.

"The Descendants of Inu God are really moving, and Chu Yan is about to lose!"

The monks of the imperial kingdom unanimously believed that Chu Yan had the strength, but it was not as terrifying as he had imagined.

Now that the descendants of Inujin are serious, Chu Yan definitely has no way to survive.

The next step should be the cruel picture of fried skin and bones! The descendants of the Inu God sacrificed their **** veins, and the momentum was soaring. Lu Wanying only felt that under this pressure, she was almost unable to hold on, and passed out. I really don't know how Chu Yan was still not afraid and still fighting.

The sword light of the Phoenix Dragon sword rushed into the sky, constantly bombarding the descendants of the Canine God, but the blessing of the power of blood was too terrible, the Phoenix Dragon sword array that could counterattack the descendants of the Canine God before, was gradually lost, and it had no effect! However, the fighting intent in Chu Yan's eyes did not decrease but increased instead, carrying the Phoenix Dragon Sword Array to fight fiercely with it.

I have to say that Chu Yan's tenacity made the descendants of Inu God feel a little scared.

Most of the human races he had encountered were cartilaginous. They would kneel down and beg for mercy if they couldn't resist him.

Descendants of Inu God despise the human race from the bottom of their hearts, and often play with fun, then live cramps and peel them to kill.

But why is Chu Yan so tough! Don't do things, you must do it, why not surrender, why not beg for mercy! Chu Yan didn't know what the descendants of Inu God was thinking, he also didn't want to know, he only had one thought...Zhan! War, war, war! Even if there is no way ahead, we must fight a **** way, a way to survive, and a way to survive! Chu Yan was full of fighting spirit, and together with the Phoenix and Dragon sword formations, he evolved countless sword lights. The heavens were cut apart, the avenues were cut off, and the universe of Yin and Yang was reversed by a single sword! "This..." The pupils of the descendants of Inugami shrank. What was this and what was going on?

He has already inspired the power of Inu God's bloodline, why can Chu Yan be reversed with the blessing of the bloodline, and he can gradually suppress himself? This is impossible! Ho Ho Ho Ho! Chu Yan burst into action and took advantage of the momentum, and the blood in his body was also stimulated, the white tiger shook the sky, and the unicorn stepped on the sun and the moon! As soon as the two came out, the descendants of Inu God continued to retreat.

After all, both the white tiger and the unicorn are superior to the dog god, and now the two come out at the same time, the defeat of the dog god's blood is a certainty.

The bloodline of the Inu God does not work, and the combat power of the descendants of the Inu God is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Seeing this scene, the emperor monks who were talking and laughing just now just couldn't sit still.

"What kind of blood is this?

Baihu, Qilin... did they appear in Chu Yan at the same time? "

"No, how could it be possible that Chu Yan has such an amazing bloodline!"

"Contact the instructor of the Immortal Academy immediately, such a genius must be kept!"

"You want to be beautiful. You didn't like Chu Yan just now, but now you want to grab someone?

Chu Yan is ours, we are going to make a decision! "

"Haha, are you going to make a decision?

His face is a bit bigger! In my opinion, Chu Yan should belong to us! "

For everyone's shock and controversy, the emperor fairy smiled silently.

However, some people still expressed doubts.

"Is this something wrong?

Chu Yan is only the seventh stage of Nirvana. Even with such blood, can he be fully inspired by his strength? "

"Is it?

I think Chu Yan may have used some kind of pill to stimulate his full potential, and he has the power he has now. "

"If this is the case, then Chu Yan's immortal road is worrying, the potential has bottomed out, isn't it the end of the immortal road?"

"If it really depends on the power of medicine, I don't think he will be able to win the descendants of the Inugami. If he has the upper hand, and whether he can defeat the descendants of the Inugami, these are two different things, don't you think?"

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