Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2598: genius

"Is this huge lord demon of tens of millions of feet going to escape?"

"It is tens of millions of feet tall, and it also represents its strength. Even among the lord monsters, it is enough to rule the king and hegemony. Now it is forced to abandon its body and run away by Chu Yan. In this way, Chu Yan is also very impressive. ."

"Yes, I think it's hard for Chu Yan to stop such a lord demon trying to escape!"

Seeing this scene, the monks of the imperial kingdom pointed the country and inspired words.

Although Chu Yan created miracles time and time again, this time, they felt it was impossible for them to change.

You know, these lord demons are sleeping in the Great Annihilation Heaven, and this can be described as their back garden.

They were determined to leave, but Chu Yan wanted to stay, too difficult and too difficult.

Unless Chu Yan is the Ninth Stage of Nirvana, it is basically impossible.

The emperor goddess looked calm, faintly, with a hint of expectation flashing under her eyes.

This tens of millions of feet tall lord demon is going to leave, and it has long been seen through by Chu Yan.

He suddenly expanded the Quartet area.

Rumble! The realm opened up, and a complete world of gods and demons suddenly appeared.

The lord demon who was about to get rid of Jin Chan's shell was suddenly besieged by the gods and demon from the Quartet Realm.

A **** and demon filled with terrifying aura, forcibly forced back the lord demon who wanted to escape.

Although the lord monster is tens of millions of feet tall, there are countless gods and monsters in the Quartet! A hundred gods and demons can’t do it, just one thousand, one thousand can’t do, just ten thousand, ten thousand can’t do, just one hundred thousand, one million, even tens of millions, tens of thousands! There are countless gods and demons in Chuyan's Quartet domain, and endless gods and demons! Ho Ho Ho Ho! The lord demon of tens of millions of meters suddenly panicked and yelled at the sky. It never thought that he would be forced into the sky by the mere human monks, and no way to enter the ground. Not only could it not be beaten, but it could not be escaped. Is it true today? Is going to fall here?

It is not reconciled! Chu Yan didn't care what the lord demon thought, he suddenly activated the seven sword styles, and kept strangling the lord demon.

Bang bang bang bang! At first, the body was tens of millions of feet tall, but now, under the seven-sword strangulation, it is shattered and turned into millions of feet, hundreds of thousands of feet, and even tens of thousands of feet! Chu Yan actually suppressed this huge lord demon that was already tens of millions of feet long. It was amazing.

However, without waiting for everyone to sigh, Chu Yan directly tore the dying lord demon spirit.

He directly swallowed, refined and absorbed, and hit the Ninth Stage of Nirvana in one fell swoop! In an instant, countless thunder tribulations, fire tribulations, and heaven and earth tribulations came at the same time.

The gorge that had been blasted into a dilapidated gorge immediately collapsed, and all the monks evaded and retreated millions of miles away.

"It's terrible, Chu Yan is going to directly impact the Ninth Stage of Nirvana?"

"No way?

Didn’t Chu Yan just advance to the Eightfold Nirvana Realm?

Are you about to hit the Nirvana Realm Nine Layers now? "

"But this level of momentum, these catastrophes, is definitely going to be a tribulation! Moreover, Chu Yan’s momentum is too terrifying. This kind of catastrophe, if it is touched by the high-level Nirvana realm, will be wiped out, let alone crossing the catastrophe. The robbery succeeded, and it's taken a step further."

"However, Chu Yan is not an ordinary monk. After absorbing this tens of millions of meters of huge lord demon, and gaining the accumulation of the other party for many years, it is not surprising that he has reached the point of being close to the door."

"Chu Yan was invincible when he was in the eighth level of Nirvana. If he enters the nineth level of Nirvana, I am afraid that in this ancient war, there is really no one to stop and no one can beat!"

Everyone was marveling at the power of Chu Yan and how terrifying the disaster was when he crossed the catastrophe.

In this case, it is not to say that it is a sneak attack on Chu Yan, I am afraid that the figures of the eighth or even the ninth level of Nirvana will be severely injured by the catastrophe if they approach.

The catastrophe gradually began, and the entire world was covered by catastrophe, even the monks of the imperial kingdom could not see what happened to Chu Yan.

In the endless calamity, the life soul in Chu Yan's body suddenly glowed and protected him.

However, what was different from before was that this time the Lotus Life Soul was constantly shaking under the bombardment of various calamities, and it was unexpectedly difficult to resist.

This is a scene that has never appeared before.

The portal life soul sucked in the calamity, but the speed was much slower, because this time the calamity was stronger, and it was by no means comparable.

Baihu's life and soul are shaking the earth, kill, kill, kill, kill! Killing decisively, strangling all calamities.

It's just that this time on the White Tiger's life and soul, there were also many scars, instead of the previous one who was in the middle of the world.

The Great Seal's life and soul were still like a mountain, but the light curtain on the surface was shimmered by the catastrophe, and the catastrophe became more powerful, even when it was breached, it seemed not surprising.

Boom boom boom boom! The catastrophe spread, directly tore through the tens of thousands of miles of void, the human monks who had already withdrawn millions of miles, retreat and retreat, there is no retreat.

As for the big demon of the demon race, it has long been wiped out.

Originally, under the slaughter of Chu Yan and the lord demon, they had already died seven or eighty eight, with only a few sporadic deaths.

Later, it was affected by the war again, without the blood talisman body, naturally it could only be lost in spirit.

The same goes for Terran monks.

Many monks who targeted Chu Yan were seriously injured or even perished during the war.

Now they are in extreme awe of Chu Yan, respecting him like gods! "It's terrible, how come Chu Yan's nine levels of Nirvana are so different from ordinary people!"

"Chu Yan is extraordinary. When he came, he was only in the sixth level of Nirvana. Later he continued to advance to the seventh and eighth levels! Now he is going to attack the nine levels of Nirvana, so terrifying!"

"The eight levels of Nirvana in Chu Yan are so terrible. Once you reach the nine levels of Nirvana, who can be the enemy?"

People say they are all in fear.

Lu Wanying and other Shenwuzong disciples are exceptions.

She is very aware of the nature of her junior Chu Yan.

Although Chu Yan is decisive, he is not a bloodthirsty person. He has revenge and complains! Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

If these people didn't offend Chu Yan and didn't fall into trouble, why would they be unlucky when Chu Yan became stronger?

Chu Yan crossed the catastrophe, intensified.

Until later, the monks of the imperial kingdom were a little unable to sit still.

The momentum caused by Chu Yan's tribulation was too mighty, and it was not the movement that a Nirvana monk should have.

Even if they tell them that this is the promotion of the dominance, they all believe it.

However, it happens that Chu Yan is now advancing! He was the weakest monk of the human race that was supposed to be the weakest among the ancient nations.

However, the movement of the robbery often represents the qualifications of the monk, and it also represents the benefits obtained after the successful robbery.

However, in any case, today, the name of Chu Yan's genius resounds through the sky!

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