Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 726: Memorable day

Before Xiao Taijin approached, Yun Nixian had regained her body.

After all, it is a warrior, and the physique of a mortal is still much stronger.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Nishang has been sober.

She looked up at Xiao Taijin, and said quickly: "This brother, please also rescue Brother Chu quickly, just now what Wang Shen seems to have done to him."

"Chu Yan is already a ghost. What is more important now is what is the princess." Xiao Taijin stared at Yun Nishang.

With a smooth and slender neck and a delicate glow on the delicate skin, Xiao Taijin felt that his body was getting hotter and his throat was getting drier.

"What? Ghost?" Yun Nixian exclaimed.

At this time she hadn't noticed Xiao Taijin's eyes.

"Ghost, how could it ... how could it become a ghost ..."

Although not yet officially on the Immortal Road, some common sense, Yun Nishang is still clear.

Ghosts are intolerable, no matter whether they are monks or monsters, they kill them when they see them.

If Chu Yan had become a ghost, then he had an extremely promising future and he would be completely destroyed!

"How can ... how can ..." Yun Nixian murmured, her heart twisting.

At this time, her eyes saw the pattern of the bone portal in Chu Yan's chest.

This pattern is so vivid that it makes people look at it with fear.

When the mind came to the scene where Chu Yan was hit by the bones before, Yun Nixian's eyes were dark, and his body was stunned again.

She could not accept this fact.

At this time, Xiao Taijin's voice came.

"When I arrived, only Wang Shen, Chu Yan, and Her Royal Highness were present in this cave. Now Chu Yan has become a ghost. To be on the safe side, Princess You ..."

Xiao Tai didn't finish talking, and saw Yun Nishang looking up at him.

"I didn't." Yun Nishang frowned.

The other person's eyes and tone made Yun Nishang uncomfortable at this moment.

Xiao Taijin took a step forward, blinking his eyes, staring at Yun Nixian's chest.

"His princess, ghosts are intolerable in the world, and this is my responsibility. If Wang Shen really did something to you, I may be there to save the princess in water and fire.

Yun Nishang stepped back and frowned.

"Wang Shen hasn't done anything to me, you think too much."

At this time, the word "brother" is gone.

Although it is not clear how Wang Shen turned Chu Yan into a ghost, Yun Nishang can be sure that he has been in a coma for a short time, and Wang Shen has no time to deal with himself.

And listening to Wang Shen's tone before, it's not Wang Shen who wants to catch himself, but the forces behind Wang Shen.

Wang Shen's task this time is just to seize himself, there is no need to turn himself into a ghost.

"I want to check, please be responsible for yourself."

"I do not have."

"I want to check."

"what are you going to do?"

"Check me."

"You step back!"

Xiao Taijin approached step by step, Yun Nishang backed up again and again.

After a while, her back was affixed to the stone wall.

At this time, even an idiot could see that Xiao Taijin's purpose was impure.

His gaze kept distracting from Yun Nixian's chest and legs, making him sick.

"You can't hide now, I am-for your goodness!"

Xiao Taijin shouted loudly.

Yun Nixian only felt that her head was buzzing, as if it was Hong Zhong Daluo, who roared in her ears, shaking her head, her eyes darkened, her legs softened.

Fortunately, there was a stone wall behind her, helping her in time.

Otherwise she has fallen to the ground at this moment.

Looking at Yun Nixian's weakness and weakness, Xiao Taijin felt that the fire in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

No more venting, he was afraid he would be burned to death.

"Princess, you just didn't listen to me, so now I want to punish you." After licking her dry lips, Xiao Taijin's thumb pushed the streamer through the sword.


Yun Nishang's long skirt was split from the hem to the belt, and was split into two.

A pair of slender legs were suddenly fully exposed.


Yun Nixian was frightened, frightened and angry, and hurriedly reached out to cover her eyes, looking angrily at Xiao Taijin.

"You know what you are doing now? My teacher is a real person. If you offend me now, my teacher will never let you go!"

Although I don't know what the state of Xiao Taijin is, Yun Nishang knows that she really has no ability to resist in front of the other party.

And her only reliance now is only the identity of a real disciple.

"Real person?" Xiao Taijin stopped moving.

When Yun Nixian thought he was shocked, so he was slightly relieved, Xiao Taijin suddenly pushed his sword again.


This time, the long sleeves on the left half of Yun Nixian were torn apart.

The white arms, shoulders, and half of the body suddenly appeared.

Yun Nishang was about to cry, trying to cover her body with limited cloth.

But the more so, the more exciting Xiao Taijin is—the interest.

He didn't mind continuing to humiliate Yun Nishang.

Because he found that the more he humiliated the other person, the more annoyed and scared the other person was, the more embarrassing he was, and the more arousing the burning flame in his heart.

"Princess, how could it be me who offends you? It's the evil repair king Shen."

"You bullshit! It's you!"

"Princess, you're wrong." Xiao Taijin straightened his chest at this moment, turning into the solemn and serious image before.

"After the evil repair king Shen turned the disciple of Starbreaker Chu Yan into a ghost, he couldn't help the princess's beauty, thus defile the princess.

Although Chu Yan turned into a ghost, there was still a trace of clarity. In order to protect the princess, he started a fight with Wang Shen.

Wang Shen was seriously injured and eventually died with Chu Yan.

Your Royal Highness, you are also affected in their battles, thus extinguishing the jade.

When I arrived, I had lost all my skills and could only regret it. Why didn't I arrive early to stop this tragedy. "

The tone of righteousness and righteousness, coupled with Xiao Taijin's righteous look at the moment, seemed to have a holy light on his head.

But what he said was so rampant and vicious.

Speaking of which, Xiao Taijin's mouth was raised, and with a smile, Yun Nei's clothes turned paler and paler.

"Her Royal Highness, I just answered, are you satisfied?"

Yun Nixian was shaking at the moment because of her anger, and her limbs were not cold at the same time.

The other party has woven a big lie, pushing all the blame on Wang Shen and Chu Yan.

And when everyone is dead, he will be killed by him, which means that there is no evidence of death!

By then, Xiao Taijin would be relaxed and receive credit, and no one would blame him!

It's a good abacus.

What a wicked heart.

Seeing Yun Nixian's fragrant sweat dripping, fear and fear, Xiao Taijin did not forget to pour a spoonful of oil into the flame.

Pointing at the heavenly treasures in the ditch not far away, Xiao Taijin scored with pride.

"Those treasures will also be mine. Princess, are you saying that today is a day worth remembering for me?"

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