Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 809: Another pitted

Tang Mu's eyes were like electricity, staring at the black corpse deadly.


It sounded like the sound of a bubble burst.

The body was stabbed by a long cone and immediately turned into a puddle of mud.

"Not Chu Yan!" Tang Mu's heart moved, unable to tell whether it was joy or loss.

But this emotion did not last long.

He saw Huang Cong's face with a confident look, and the rock beneath the original body, like ice and snow melting--


The rock that had become muddy suddenly broke open.

A stream of mud, like spring water, burst out.

At the same time, a figure emerged from the ground.

"Chu Yan!" Tang Mu stared.

"You can't run away!" Huang Cong laughed.

He was ready, and his arm was waving again and again.

Suddenly, a stream of huangse, green smoke, like a snake, flickered in the air and penetrated into Chu Yan's nostrils.

Immediately, Tang Mu saw that Chu Yan was still jumping in the air at this moment, and his face showed a painful look.

His arms and neck also made black blood vessels that swelled like worms.

"It's so poisonous!" Tang Mu breathless.

Seeing this situation, and then reminiscing about the sudden obstruction of his aura before, he wanted to finish the lesson, and he suddenly weakened the lesson of Huang Cong.

With a click, Chu Yan, who had jumped in the air before, fell to the ground like a fish lacking water.

Although he didn't snor, his straight body showed the pain he was suffering at the moment.

"My poison, the same level, no one can solve it." Huang Cong grinned, "This is the pride of the strongest young generation of Heart Eaters."

Grasp Chu Yan's neck with one hand and lift Chu Yan's body up.

It seems that this poison can not only cause pain, but also make people lose all their strength.

Although Chu Yan was struggling at the moment, there was no way to affect Huang Cong.

"Chu Yan, do you know? Actually, I heard about you a long time ago." Huang Cong won the ticket, so at this moment, he didn't mind spraying another salt on the other's wound.

Physically and mentally, torturing his opponents at the same time, and watching his opponents show a desperate look, this is what he is best at and what he likes to do.

"That was when I first heard the name Chu Xing."

While talking, Huang Cong watched Chu Yan's expression.

"You know, at the time I heard that Heart Eater had accepted a secret task, that is to deploy a hidden poison, which could slowly reduce the strength of the user, and then corrode his internal organs and blood.

This poison cannot be perceived by the other party, nor can it cause pain to the other party.

It must be silent and bring irreversible damage to the other person's body, and finally make people think that the poisoner died violently.

This poison is used to clear the obstacles for Chu Xing.

As for the person taking the poison, it is you, Chu Yan! "

Huang Cong deliberately focused on Chu Yan's name, then looked at each other with anticipation.

He wanted to see Chu Yan's pain and anger.

At this time, standing in the distant Tang curtain, suddenly felt a slight faint error.

It seems that there is a deviation.

But he couldn't tell which part was wrong.

"There must be a problem, there must be a problem." Tang Mu's inner feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

His gut tells him that this seems to be going smoothly, there must be something wrong.

He went towards Huang Cong subconsciously, and at the same time, he remembered all the details that happened during this time.

Just three steps away, Tang Mu's mind suddenly echoed a sentence Huang Cong said before.

"At the time, you were blown off, as if you had designed it in advance."

This is Huang Cong's statement when Chu Yan was beaten.

At this moment this sentence sounded again in the mind of the Tang dynasty.

I don't know why, Tang Mu suddenly felt deafening.

His heart jumped suddenly, and he looked up in horror, looking at Huang Cong and his helpless Chu Yan who was full of ambition.

This scene is too familiar!

If you change Huang Cong's words a few words, that's--

At that time, you were caught with poison, as if you had designed your sight!

But now, as in the previous Tang curtain, Huang Cong is immersed in the excitement of hurting each other, and it seems that he has not found this.

Tang Mu felt something wrong at this moment, but because of the slightest dissatisfaction in his heart, he felt a moment of hesitation and did not immediately tell Huang Cong.

It is also the hesitation of this moment, the mutation is abrupt.


The ground under Huang Cong's feet shattered.

One arm, strong and powerful, broke through the ground and grabbed Huang Cong's ankle.

Huang Cong hadn't responded yet. The next moment, I felt like my body was rising into the sky, and the sky turned round and round.

When he realized what was happening, Huang Cong found that he had been lifted up in the air by Chu Yan.

His neck was stuck firmly by the other side.

From Chu Yan he just caught, he is now more like a fish about to be strangled.

"This, how is this possible ... you are not poisonous ..."

Huang Cong's eyes were full of surprise and Cangjie.

Before he finished speaking, he saw two clear words.

To be precise, he saw Chu Yan who was lying on the ground with black blood vessels on his face, which was his own poison.

A big pit appeared where he had just stood.

Another chuyan, cracking out of the ground, overcast himself in the same way.

"How can ... how can ..." Huang Cong muttered.

He had just confirmed that Chu Yan caught by himself had breathing, heartbeat, and a clear sense of living.

As a martial art disciple who is good at purifying and making poison, it is no simple matter to distinguish between dead, uncle and living.

It was indeed a living person that he caught at the time.

The one who was writhing in pain at the moment is also alive!

But why, why ... Can Chu Yan have other brothers who are exactly the same?

When Huang Cong was thinking of all kinds of possibilities, a scene that almost made him collapse.

The poisonous word of the earth poison slowly turned into a ray of light and disappeared!


This Chuyan, which has flesh and blood, heartbeat and breathing, turned out to be false.

With a buzz in Huang Cong's mind, it became blank.

The tang curtain in the distance was also stunned at this time.

What clever means is this?

Alas, can it be so realistic?

No wonder I've been pawned before, and I'm really not wronged.

But the question is, where does this guy learn from this method, and has this kind of falsehood, then is it true?

At this time, Chu Yan gave the answer to the Tang curtain.

"It's good to find the accomplice again." Chu Yan uttered a short sentence.

From this sentence, Huang Cong felt an unprecedented killing intention.

"No--" he feared and shouted.



Before the words fell, his body was cut into three by Chu Yan's volley.

Flesh fluttered, internal organs fluttered.

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