Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 846: Explosive power

Surprisingly, the sergeant who was wrapped in armor, exactly said the puppet, just took a step back and then remained motionless.

Chu Yan has now been promoted to triple.

Although this punch did not do his best, if he banged in the body of a monk of the same level, with his strength, he could definitely break the opponent apart.

But now, it's just a step backwards for this puppet.

As for the chest, there wasn't even a mark left.

"This rampant defense ... is so strong." Lin Miaoran took a breath.

She is still very clear about the power of Chu Yan.

Her teachers even commented that in the monks, Chu Yan's powerful blood and strength are rare, and I am afraid that he and the practitioners of the ranks can't be more than him.

"No." After hearing Lin Miaoran's evaluation, Chu Yan shook his head. "It's not that it's strong in defense, but that I'm weak."

"Your strength is still weak?" Lin Miaoran widened his eyes well.

Chu Yan did not respond at this time.

He was scrutinizing the punch he had just hit.

Knowing that the kingdom of Yun Ao and the kingdom of treasure, and the state of heaven, and the state of purple house, Chu Yan has understood that his vision needs to look to a higher place.

In Yun Aojiang, disciples of Zongmen encountered a strong three-pointer of the same rank.

So for the monks of Bao Xiangguo, are the monks who met Yun Aojiang also a strong three-pointer at the same level.

If this principle holds, then now, he can only be regarded as the strength of the monks in Xinjiang, far less than the strength of monks in the country.

"This blood festival dafa is to make up for my lack of strength."

Chu Yan groaned.

Seeing that Chu Yan was silent at the moment, Lin Miaoran didn't ask other questions again, fearing to disturb Chu Yan's thoughts.

At this time, she saw Chu Yan step back slowly, then straightened her waist.

The next moment, Lin Miaoran saw Chu Yan's body and even bleed.

"What's going on!" Lin Miaoran exclaimed.

She thought Chu Yan was hurt.

"It's okay, don't come here, this is gongfa." Chu Yan said immediately.

Lin Miaoran hurriedly stopped the step just taken.

At this time, she also felt that the air around Chu Yan, and even the force field, had changed at this moment.

As if the steel plate was twisted and pryed, it made a loud roar.

At the same time, Chu Yan's hair broke away from her shackles and spread out.

His clothes were also torn by the tumbling air, revealing his sturdy half-body.

It's just that at this moment and in peacetime, every pore in Chu Yan's half body is exuding blood.

What's more terrifying is that a breath of killing, evil, and death that had been done before continues to flow from Chu Yanshen.

At this moment, Lin Miaoran covered her mouth as if she saw a scene.

Under the **** sun, Chu Yan stood in the ruins of a silent battlefield.

Under his feet, the dead body is like a mountain, and the bones are like the sea.

He seems to be a death **** crawling out of hell!

"Blood offering dafa!"

Suddenly, Chu Yan punched again.

At this instant, the whole surface of his forearm was sloshing with blood, exploding into a thick mist of blood.

The blood mist shrouded his arm, as if turned into a roaring ghost, opened his mouth of blood basin, and with a punch, he roared and roared to destroy everything.



The puppet standing in front of Chu Yan flew up and turned into a residual image, slammed into the wall, and the whole body was embedded in it.

And there was a bowl-shaped mouth-shaped depression in the chest.

This scene saw Lin Miaoran's eyes stare, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

The same two punches, Chu Yan did not exert his full strength.

However, after using the blood sacrifice dafa, Chu Yan's power has been raised more than ten times in a flash!

If this punch is punched to the monk of the same level, I am afraid that instead of punching through the opponent or breaking it apart, he will directly blast the opponent into a flesh and blood, destroying the soul and soul!

Although it was only a punch, Lin Miaoran still felt that his soul was shaking.

This is a force of terror that is enough to bomb people without a chance to stand up.


After a punch, Chu Yan exhaled and slowly withdrew his strength.

The long hair, which was originally waving slowly without wind, dangles again.

The blood that spread through him disappeared at this moment.

Unfortunately, there is no way to recover the ripped shirt.

Taking a look at Chu Yan's well-balanced body, Lin Miaoran flushed his cheeks and asked, "Where did you feel any discomfort?"

"No." Chu Yan shook his head.

This is also one of the places where Chu Yan feels this gongfa god.

At the beginning, he thought that this gongfa, like some gongfa or elixir that squeezed the monk's potential, would improve the monk's strength in a short time.

But once the effect fades, there will be huge side effects.

A little bit lighter, the monk became extremely weak, as if dried out.

The heavier, the foundation is damaged, and even the power is exhausted, it is possible to die on the spot.

But blood sacrifice dafa does not have this problem.

Obviously, although Chu Yan's mother was not by his side, the gongfa chosen for him must be a great thought.

Such as the blood sacrifice dafa, both Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran believed that looking at the entire Yunao territory, they would definitely not be able to shoulder it.

"More than that."

"Huh?" Lin Miaoran looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled slightly and suddenly raised his hand.

Suddenly, a gust of wind passed.

In Lin Miaoran's stunned expression, Chu Yan's arm suddenly soared three or four times!

Not only the length, but also the thickness. It seemed to be turned into a giant gigantic tree in a split second, and a siege hammer that roared out of the round, directly bombarded the body closest to Chu Yan.

This trance was originally close to one foot away from Chu Yan.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for ordinary people to stretch their arms.


A loud noise, like a huge bronze bell, shocked Lin Miaoran's head.

This cricket stepped back three or four steps before reluctantly standing still.

If you cooperate with the terror power that erupted at the moment of blood festival dafa ...

Lin Miaoran dare not think about it.

Originally, she thought that it would be possible to kill the three major monks in the realm of Chu Yan's current condensed state, and to use other means to kill the major monks.

As for the killing of the three successful monks, there are still some difficulties.

But now, after seeing Chu Yan's newly acquired means and improved strength, she feels that she was too conservative before.

Not to mention a triumphant monk who swept the Ningmai Realm in front, it was a one-on-two, and I am afraid that he would rub the opponent on the ground.

"Chu Yan, who are you, your mother-in-law ..."

After finally returning to God, Lin Miaoran asked hard.

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